Written by Nathan Foster on February 7th, 2014.
Hi all, just a quick one. I have revised the 7mm Practical article in the KB to bring it more in line with the rest of the Knowledge Base, though there are still differences.
Hopefully the new article is more succinct and user friendly. If you think I have missed anything of importance, please let me know.
Written by Nathan Foster on January 22nd, 2014.
Well it had to happen eventually.
I am turning 40 this week, both myself and the site have had a birthday. Although the old website was very slick in its day, times have moved on and the graphic / photo enhancing black background has had to go so that we can all settle down and read the volumes of content that now appears on the site without eye strain.
We also had to change navigation because the Knowledge base was getting so large that it was becoming difficult to navigate. You will now be presented with a menu consisting of the following fields / tabs: All, Rifle research, Cartridge Research, Wounding Research and Other. This has helped immensely to categorize the site into a more manageable data base.
The site is now also responsive so that it changes size depending on the size of the screen you are using. There are now so many people reading the site on hand held devices that we had to move with the times and make the site readable on these platforms.
The forums are a work in progress. We have been working towards a newest post first coding. It all takes time.
I have also included a few revisions. The 7mm STW article is back up, the Ruger 10/22 bedding article has been updated. I uploaded my 8mm-06 research a couple of weeks back. I have also included a new tab / article in the KB which shows cartridges yet to be uploaded and what the deal is with these uploads etc.
Guys, if you see any bugs, photos in the wrong places etc, please let me know. The site is such a monster now that it consumes hours days and weeks making such upgrades so we are bound to miss something.
I really want to thank Zeald for helping us through this. The Zeald team came up with our new logo and delivery concepts. I think they did such a great job and I hope you are equally pleased with their workmanship.
Written by Nathan Foster on December 25th, 2013.
Merry Christmas everyone. It is now Christmas afternoon in NZ, being a day ahead of the U.S, Canada and the UK etc.
Just wanted to wish you all the best before I collapse into trifle coma (Stephs old man and his sherry).
Riley asked nana to "knit her a Ninger (Ninja) suit" for Christmas. An obliging nana made sure Riley had something under the tree so we have been watching our groins and shins all morning. Santa did his bit too after a letter of plea, a glass of milk and two cookies were placed on the kitchen table last night. Steph got me an Lenser head torch, best gift ever. I managed to find some books she had an eye on and girly things.
OK, better hit the couch before I pass out in front of the laptop (too much food). Riley wants to watch Star Wars (she loves the series and action figures). I think she has been reading footrot flats too much though, I caught her saying "get in behind ya mongrel" to her R2D2.
All the best everyone. I will be having a break from the laptop over the next few days but will cast an eye over the site from time to time.
Written by Nathan Foster on December 5th, 2013.
Its aliiiive!
Everything you wanted to know, some things you probably didn't want to know and there things I still don't know. Go on then, get your fix, click here....
Written by Nathan Foster on December 4th, 2013.
Just a quick apology, I have been attempting to edit my 8x57 research for uploading but the volume of emails and calls from around the world over the last two days has been difficult to deal with. Currently taking 9 hours to get through email per day. Hoping for a quiet patch ahead so we can get this article live. Thanks to everyone for their patience. We just hit 110,000 new readers for 30 days so if I am off my game a bit with email responses, you'll know why.
Note to South African oaks. I have reset the shopping page so that the currency will appear in U.S dollars, not Rand. Seems that paypal cannot make the Rand conversion.
Written by Nathan Foster on August 1st, 2013.
Hi everyone, hope you are all well.
Steph and I have been very busy, I have been writing my next book while Steph has been working on website upkeep. Riley often helps too by playing secretary; she has been wielding a clip board lately, our seven year old supervisor.
The website currently has over 300,000 readers at the moment with 45,500 new readers coming on board each month. Unfortunately however, we are in a situation where we are finding that the donations to run the website are few and far between, normally around 5 people per month. The trouble is, we are struggling to keep the website going. Normally we can carry the burden. But the truth is; we need help over the next couple of weeks if possible. The financial burden is currently very stressful. I wouldn't send this email out otherwise. The last thing I want to do is harass the very people I care so much about.
There are a few ways to go about helping out. A donation can be made by going here:
Those small number of you who have already donated, thank you so very much, you have really helped us and we are immensely grateful. Please do not donate again at this time, it is unfair.
OK, enough said. Keep out of mischief and don't forget to keep your camera's handy when you are out hunting. I will also be looking for long range brag photos for the next book, so if you want to have your mug shot made famous, send us your photos and details of the shot (and don't forget to smile!).
Written by Nathan Foster on July 19th, 2013.
Hi guys, just a note to say that I have uploaded another bedding video with tips and tricks. The video can be found in the rifle bedding tutorial (Knowledge base) or on my youtube channel (Nathan Foster).
Written by Stephanie Foster on July 6th, 2013.
Hi Guys, I have updated the wound data base and re-cataloged some of the data. Will continue to update with fresh data over the next week. If anyone has autopsy photo's they want to share, please send them along.
Nathan has also updated the bedding tutorial recently with extra tricks and tips.
Hi Guys, a few readers have emailed me to say that when they are visiting the site, they are seeing a popup for google chrome. We have looked into this and discovered the following. The hack/popup is not on our website. Instead, google has hacked Internet Explorer in an aggressive marketing move (like any of us would want to follow a damned popup).
So, if you are seeing popups, it is occurring in your browser, not on the TBR site. One way around this is to download firefox as your browser. If you wish to stay with Internet Explorer, hopefully this stupidity will pass in time. Google Chrome is an excellent platform but as I have said, its not like anyone will want to use this as a browser after seeing it as a popup.
Our IT team have informed me that the popup does not lead to a malicious site or software- if any of you happen to accidentally click the popup link.
My thanks to the IT team at Zeald for their research skills.
Written by Nathan Foster on December 6th, 2012.
Hi Guys, just a quick one to report latest articles added:
1. 7.7 Japanese article uploaded to knowledge base.
2. True-Flite barrel Rockwell hardness tests and comparisons. These can be found at the bottom of the knowledge base menu- very interesting reading. The folk at True-Flite have worked very hard to produce optimum quality rifle barrels and it is great to see this reflected in independent tests.
Achieve success with the long range hunting book series & matchgrade bedding products
We are a small family run business, based out of Taranaki, New Zealand, who specialize in cartridge research and testing ... read more
If you find the resources on this website to be valuable, we would be sincerely grateful if you would consider making a donation to help us cover the costs of the website and to assist us to continue our research and testing into the future. It doesn't matter whether your donation is big or small - it makes all the difference!