Salute to Steph on Mothers day
Hi all, I just wanted to salute our wonderful women on this mothers day- especially my wife Stephanie.
Without Steph, none of this site, the research, the book series, any of it- would have been possible. Steph has worked so hard- helping with field research, book keeping, order dispatches, answering calls and mail. But on top of all of this, she takes great pride in being a mum, raising our daughter as best she can, taking care of every need within the home.
So- thank you to Steph and thanks to all of the wonderful women in our lives.
Head shot porkers- thanks Steph, nice shooting and thanks for spending time with me this year in the field, helping make notes for book 5 of the series.

Radiator needs replacing, all in a days work for the worlds best wife and mum.

From sump oil to cooking oil in the same day. Our porker is now a Thai curry whipped up in no time- what a woman.

Competing in the mud run- a hard core run through mud flats (in fancy dress).

Then dressed to kill before we go out on a date.

Taking Riley to dance practice.

And so it goes on.
Thank you Steph for all that you do. Thanks to all of the mums who work so hard (and thank you to my own mum- you are an absolute champion).
And seeing as it is mothers day, I had better sign off and take these girls to brunch.
All the best everybody.
Without Steph, none of this site, the research, the book series, any of it- would have been possible. Steph has worked so hard- helping with field research, book keeping, order dispatches, answering calls and mail. But on top of all of this, she takes great pride in being a mum, raising our daughter as best she can, taking care of every need within the home.
So- thank you to Steph and thanks to all of the wonderful women in our lives.
Head shot porkers- thanks Steph, nice shooting and thanks for spending time with me this year in the field, helping make notes for book 5 of the series.

Radiator needs replacing, all in a days work for the worlds best wife and mum.

From sump oil to cooking oil in the same day. Our porker is now a Thai curry whipped up in no time- what a woman.

Competing in the mud run- a hard core run through mud flats (in fancy dress).

Then dressed to kill before we go out on a date.

Taking Riley to dance practice.

And so it goes on.
Thank you Steph for all that you do. Thanks to all of the mums who work so hard (and thank you to my own mum- you are an absolute champion).
And seeing as it is mothers day, I had better sign off and take these girls to brunch.
All the best everybody.