The Practical Guide To Long Range Hunting Cartridges
After many months of writing, it is now done, 415 pages of research, each bullet repeat tested in the field, my research scrutinized by veterinarian surgeons, industry peers, wives (Stephanie) and children (Riley). To say I put my all into this book is an understatement, it was truly an immense undertaking. Thanks so much to everyone for your patience and support during this period. I know many of you have been hoping the book would be ready before Christmas and we worked hard to make sure this would happen.

For several years now, I have received two types of email on a daily basis. The first question is which is the right rifle for me? The second question is which is the right cartridge? The first book dealt with the accurate rifle, both from the perspective of the long range shooter through to hunters simply needing a basic buyer beware guide when shopping for accurate factory rifles to be used out to traditional hunting ranges.
This second book deals with long range hunting cartridge selection which as suggested, is something I am asked about on a daily basis. This is a very important book because I firmly believe that there has been a huge gap in education regarding optimum long range hunting cartridge performance. In many instances, both hunters and bullet manufactures are misinformed and do not understand what is required to achieve goals. Many times, the wrong tools are used for long range hunting. This book seeks to remedy these problems.
I have structured the Practical Guide to Long Range Hunting cartridges in the same manner as the first book. I have started with the fundamentals of game killing- but from the perspective of the long range hunter (also encountering close range shots). This section is not politically correct in any way as after the study of anatomy, I explore worst case scenarios in as much depth as ideal shot placement.
The second section of the book is a study of projectile design. I wanted to get right down to the finer details of the long range hunting bullet in this section, exploring manufacturers, manufacturing techniques and ways in which the end user can perform preliminary testing as well as bullet modifications.
The third section is the area that many readers will want to get straight into- how to select a long range hunting cartridge. The system I have used here is based on a selection method I developed over the years to help clients worldwide. This method takes individual circumstances into consideration rather than a one size fits all approach. It is a system that has no room for silly intellectual debate- just plain common sense based on research. I have also utilized tables to help consolidate information in order to make it as user friendly as possible. This section gives the reader the confidence to make a decision without thinking "maybe I should have done X". There is nothing worse than second guessing yourself after a purchase. Furthermore, having used these methods to help clients in the past, I think the greatest benefit has been that clients are not only confident in their decisions- but are truly happy with their final cartridge choice and the results achieved in the field.
The fourth section of the book is the cartridge section. I have written this in a somewhat organic manner rather than the matter of fact manner used on the website. However, cartridge information is relayed in a set format with fully conclusive pro con summary tables. In many instance I have included my own load notes where I have felt they were most needed- along with a strong safety warning at the beginning of the book! But by being able to write in an organic manner within the format of the text, it has allowed me to talk on a more one on one manner with you, as I would normally talk to clients (a bit like O'Connor's old classic- The Hunting Rifle). I felt this was much more preferable than a monotonous text book. I have also included notes regarding how to approach close range shots with each of our long range cartridges, what to expect, whether to dual load etc. Along with this, I have explored dual purpose rifles (bush or woods through to long range) and portability so that the book is not so exclusively geared towards long range hunting that it would appear we might melt should we come within reach of a twig or fern. This information also ties in with the first book so that we have a full body of well rounded information.
Like the first book, I have tried to keep our feet firmly on the ground, cutting through any hype or myths. You can use this book as your personal BS detector as you did with the first book.
I hope you all enjoy the book and if I do not hear from you over the coming weeks, Steph and I would like to take the opportunity now to wish you a merry Christmas. Our readers and visitors have been an incredibly warm and wonderful group of people. You have all touched Steph and I in truly meaningful ways and you need to know just how important and how wonderful you really are.

For several years now, I have received two types of email on a daily basis. The first question is which is the right rifle for me? The second question is which is the right cartridge? The first book dealt with the accurate rifle, both from the perspective of the long range shooter through to hunters simply needing a basic buyer beware guide when shopping for accurate factory rifles to be used out to traditional hunting ranges.
This second book deals with long range hunting cartridge selection which as suggested, is something I am asked about on a daily basis. This is a very important book because I firmly believe that there has been a huge gap in education regarding optimum long range hunting cartridge performance. In many instances, both hunters and bullet manufactures are misinformed and do not understand what is required to achieve goals. Many times, the wrong tools are used for long range hunting. This book seeks to remedy these problems.
I have structured the Practical Guide to Long Range Hunting cartridges in the same manner as the first book. I have started with the fundamentals of game killing- but from the perspective of the long range hunter (also encountering close range shots). This section is not politically correct in any way as after the study of anatomy, I explore worst case scenarios in as much depth as ideal shot placement.
The second section of the book is a study of projectile design. I wanted to get right down to the finer details of the long range hunting bullet in this section, exploring manufacturers, manufacturing techniques and ways in which the end user can perform preliminary testing as well as bullet modifications.
The third section is the area that many readers will want to get straight into- how to select a long range hunting cartridge. The system I have used here is based on a selection method I developed over the years to help clients worldwide. This method takes individual circumstances into consideration rather than a one size fits all approach. It is a system that has no room for silly intellectual debate- just plain common sense based on research. I have also utilized tables to help consolidate information in order to make it as user friendly as possible. This section gives the reader the confidence to make a decision without thinking "maybe I should have done X". There is nothing worse than second guessing yourself after a purchase. Furthermore, having used these methods to help clients in the past, I think the greatest benefit has been that clients are not only confident in their decisions- but are truly happy with their final cartridge choice and the results achieved in the field.
The fourth section of the book is the cartridge section. I have written this in a somewhat organic manner rather than the matter of fact manner used on the website. However, cartridge information is relayed in a set format with fully conclusive pro con summary tables. In many instance I have included my own load notes where I have felt they were most needed- along with a strong safety warning at the beginning of the book! But by being able to write in an organic manner within the format of the text, it has allowed me to talk on a more one on one manner with you, as I would normally talk to clients (a bit like O'Connor's old classic- The Hunting Rifle). I felt this was much more preferable than a monotonous text book. I have also included notes regarding how to approach close range shots with each of our long range cartridges, what to expect, whether to dual load etc. Along with this, I have explored dual purpose rifles (bush or woods through to long range) and portability so that the book is not so exclusively geared towards long range hunting that it would appear we might melt should we come within reach of a twig or fern. This information also ties in with the first book so that we have a full body of well rounded information.
Like the first book, I have tried to keep our feet firmly on the ground, cutting through any hype or myths. You can use this book as your personal BS detector as you did with the first book.
I hope you all enjoy the book and if I do not hear from you over the coming weeks, Steph and I would like to take the opportunity now to wish you a merry Christmas. Our readers and visitors have been an incredibly warm and wonderful group of people. You have all touched Steph and I in truly meaningful ways and you need to know just how important and how wonderful you really are.