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Craig HenardI just came out of a local store and they had a Remington 700 Long range 7mm Magnum .It was $750.00 ,also had a Sendero 7mm Mag $1150.00 What do you think about the Long range rifles? Are they as accurate as the Senderos? The one I looked at seemed to be all stainless(barrel included) But in looking at other pictures on the net it looks like the barrel is blued. Maybe just the way they made them for Sportsmans Ware house? Anyway I have the option of keeping my 700 ADL(which I have $350 in)adding a Boyds stock(about $100.00) Stabilizing the stock(25.00 or so)bedding it (30.00$ or so ) for about a total of $500.00 or so OR Selling the 700 ADL for what I have in it and putting it toward the Purchase of the Long Range. I can go either route financially, The long Range or the ADL and upgrade(Cant swing the Sendero now) Just wanting the best shot(pun intended)for great accuracy. It is a lot heavier for recoil reduction ,I mostly ride an ATV to within 200 yards or so to my hunting stands on the family farm so weight is not a problem IF the Long Range rifle is going to give me the accuracy of the Sendero in your oppinion. I ALMOST bought the rifle right then and there BUT decided not to until I got your thoughts and oppinions on them. Thanks Craig |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Nathan,I am afraid I did not explain correctly.I was talking about the instructions for using the Dyna Bore coat and not your instructions. Heck I knew what i was talking about !! LOL I think it is obvious why I dont write instructions for people ! Sorry Nathan I checked the bore as you advise and it looks ok. I could see what appeared (using a Magnafying glass)to be a TINY almost feather on the edge of rifleing.Best I could describe is when sharpening a knife you know the feather that is left right before stropping with a leather of fine steel?Almost looks like that. Moving to the Lugs I marked them as you said and checked and lo and behold it is just bearing on the right (or bottom lug,almost 100%).Tiny amount of contact on the left lug(or top) At the Rear of the lug where the notch or groove runs the lenght of the lug there is a tiny spot that i can barely catch my fingernail on. I hope this is not a huge issue. Just follow your lapping instructions ?Remove burr with fine Hard stone? I had hoped everything would be perfect on this rifle ! oh well Thanks Craig |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hope I made myself clear this time !LOL |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Quote: Hi Nathan,I am afraid I did not explain correctly.
I was talking about the instructions for using the Dyna Bore coat and not your instructions. Heck I knew what i was talking about !! LOL I think it is obvious why I dont write instructions for people ! Sorry Nathan I checked the bore as you advise and it looks ok. I could see what appeared (using a Magnafying glass)to be a TINY almost feather on the edge of rifleing.Best I could describe is when sharpening a knife you know the feather that is left right before stropping with a leather of fine steel?Almost looks like that. Moving to the Lugs I marked them as you said and checked and lo and behold it is just bearing on the right (or bottom lug,almost 100%).Tiny amount of contact on the left lug(or top) At the Rear of the lug where the notch or groove runs the lenght of the lug there is a tiny spot that i can barely catch my fingernail on. I hope this is not a huge issue. Just follow your lapping instructions ?Remove burr with fine Hard stone? I had hoped everything would be perfect on this rifle ! oh well Thanks Craig Here are a couple of pics,easy to see the right (or bottom lug is making full almst full contact and left side hardly any. ![]() ![]() |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Nathan ,could the cocking piece be lifting the rear of the bolt giving a false reading? |
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Nathan FosterRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?I have days like that too LOL.Decock the rifle to remove the upwards force (work the bolt with the trigger held in fire position). |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Nathan,I tried that,tried with round in chamber (outside earlier with rifle pointed in safe direction)Tried with cleaning rod in side bore to press against bolt.Still the same with maybe a tiny tiny bit more rubbed off on the left side. Time for the lapping compound huh? Nathan is this a so called sign of a "bad "rifle. Or is this just another thing that can be remedied and not affect accuracy of rifle? |
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Nathan FosterRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Nothing wrong with it at all Craig. You can take pride in knowing that you did the final finishing steps. |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Nathan,Thanks for the words of encouragement,I was just afraid i had gotten a so called "lemon"because of the lug issue. Thanks again Craig |
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Mike NeesonRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Craig, the problem I see from the dyna bore stuff is that it plays on the idea that friction is what wears out a barrel. Friction does play a part, but it is the heat applied to the steel under immense pressure that does the damage. The throat is what cops the flogging - massive heat/pressure in a split second. This is what wears out barrel, that and rust. I know all about rust ruining a good barrel. My new True flite arrived today. Applying a friction reducing coating MAY give you a little more velocity - but I am sure your target won't notice the difference of 30fps!The other problem is that it may make your barrel too slippery and effectively not letting the barrel grip the bullet to properly stabilise it. A rough barrel is not good and conversely a slippery barrel is no good either. You need a little grip - especially at the muzzel to stabilise the bullet properly. You may be playing with fire when you apply the coating to a barrel that already shoots well. At least thats my take on it anyway. AND if you do use the coating, how do you get it out if you don't like it? Approach things systematically, tick all the boxes and if you still have problems with accuracy or fouling then it might be worth considering. Personally no one has been able to produce any good evidence that this stuff increases barrel life. |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Mike,you make some very valid points.I am for sure not going to use it up and until I think I need it. Concerning lapping the lugs ,I am going to be using factory loads. Is the increase in Headspace I get from lapping the lugs going to effect the accuracy I get with factory loads ? I realize that if I was reloading that I could just neck size but What about the factory loads? I forgot to ask Nathan this and was just getting ready to post the question. Hopefully he will see it in this post and address that for me. Thanks Craig |
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Mike NeesonRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?HI Craig, I just recently lapped the lugs on my M700 and had a similar start point, except that it was the top lug (when locked into the receiver) that had all the contact and only a little on the bottom lug. Sometimes referred to as the 12 O'clock and 6 O'clock. It may be beneficial to very light knock that bump on the lug off with a stone first. Be careful not to round any corners. It may groove the receiver as you lap... You would need to remove a fair amount of the lugs for there to be a headspace problem. And to be honest, if you are not reloading, then having the brass stretch a little more than normal shouldn't be a problem - at least not with the minimal amount that gets removed when lapping.BRAINWAVE - it may be the little bur/bump that is causing other lug to be in full contact. Things may change when you carefully smooth out that bur. IF IT WAS ME, I would smooth off the burr and then recheck to see how that has affected the contact on each lug. BTW everything I have said in previous posts has been what I have got from Nathans books and maybe extrapolated on. Drinking white wine tonight so should be fully reliable. |
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Mike NeesonRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?On second thoughts, the burr won't make much of a difference to contact, but definitely smooth it off first I'm thinking. By the sounds of it you won't need to do much lapping to get good contact. Do it slowly, recheck constantly. and most importantly relax and enjoy the process. You are dealing with hardened steel and you would have to put a reasonable amount of effort to over do it. |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Thanks Mike.I appreciate it. I dont drink anymore I dont drink any less either! Regards Craig |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Nathan,Do the Burris 2 piece XTB Bases take more torque to the rifle? Reason I ask is that you talk about 18 pounds for the base screws in book # 3 for base screw torque but Burris says 28-32 inch pounds with a mean recommendation of 30 inch pounds for either Signature or XTB Bases. Thanks Craig |
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Nathan FosterRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Craig. First, sorry I have not answered your burr question properly. I could not see where the burr was in the photos so I am hesitant to offer advise. If its right at the edge, you may wish to stone it off, otherwsie stick to the book lapping instructions.You will be fitting the base screws with Loctite as a lube. This changes the physical torque settings. You can go up to about 20 inch-lb. You will find that the screws come under severe strain at 25 inch-lb when lubed. I don't have the equivalent dry torque settings on hand. |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Nathan,Yes the tiny Burr is on the edge. So For the base screws with loctite (wet)about 20 inch pounds For the ring screws (dry)about 20 inch pounds What about the little screw that holds the Signature ring to the XTB base ? Do you use Loctite on it ? What torque on it ? Thanks Craig |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Quote: Hi Nathan,
Yes the tiny Burr is on the edge. So For the base screws with loctite (wet)about 20 inch pounds For the ring screws (dry)about 20 inch pounds What about the little screw that holds the Signature ring to the XTB base ? Do you use Loctite on it ? What torque on it ? Thanks Craig Oh ,when I called Remington to ask them when this rifle was made i asked him what the torque settings were on it and he said 30 inch pounds ! I explained to him this was the Bell and Carson stock not the plastic stock and he said it didn,t matter.Not to go over 30 inch pounds so i wouldn,t crush the stock !! I think I must have just got someone they hired to answer the phone ! Best i can tell from the book is this is a Glass stock with Aluminum Chassis ? If so settings should be 55-60 right ? |
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Nathan FosterRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Yes, the wider ring screws can be set to 20lb dry. On very high recoilers you need to go higher as written (I feel like I am re-writing here).All of the numbers quoted are based on experience over the years- not just fitting but also removal and refitting. After a time, you get to see how thnigs can go wrong, what you can push and what you can't push. The careful use of adhesives in certain areas etc takes away the need to be brutal. The cross bolt torque settings are in the book. Should be 35-40 inch-lb with Loctite. Push the ring to the front of the base slot, hold the ring in place and nip up, then set about applying full torque. |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Nathan,Yes I saw the crossbolt settings just didn,t know if the setting was specifically for the Burris Screw or not(45 inch pounds in book)I have read the book twice now and did not see where you recomended locktite on the crossbolt. TILL NOW ,I sure thought my reading comprehension was better than this !! OH well you too will be old one day !! LOL Anyway Thanks again Craig |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Nathan,I have been looking at the Bolt very closely and have noticed a couple of things. First there is a flat spot on the bolt as can be seen in the pic at the end of the bolt,then there is a raised shiny spot on the front of the bolt body where it is higher than the rest of the bolt. Almost looks like someone hit it with a Big Hammer ! Could you explain this to me Nathan ? Anything to worry about? IF so what do I need to do to remedy the situation. Just as sorta a cross reference I checked the bolt on the other rifle (the 700 ADL synthetic)and the bolt on it looks fine. Thanks Craig ![]() ![]() |
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Nathan FosterRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Thats fine Craig and quite normal. If you want to give it a bit of a clean up, you can do this too.Boy you are going to know this rifle inside and out once you are done. I hope you are enjoying the process Craig. |