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Craig HenardFinally shot rifle today,results horrible!After using 3 rounds to get roughly sighted in at 100 yards I shot a 3 shot group . First shot hit the edge of bullseye,second shot 3 inches above first shot,third shot same elevation as second and half inch out to the right. I was upset to say the least! I noticed that on every shot the forend was coming up out of my left hand. I let barrel become cool to the touch and decided to use the Quake sling I have on the rifle. I shot it 3 more times with light to medium sling pressure and got a triangular group of 1 3/8 .Called it a day. Inspected bore again with Magnafying glass and bore light and there are some very light circumferential marks at Muzzle end of barrel and Very light Marks running the length of the bore on the Lands. Edges of lands look somewhat rough the length of the bore. There appears to be a tiny bit of copper fouling at the very muzzle end on one land(approximately 1/16 inch in length)I figure the factory has fired a total of 10 rounds or so and 9 rounds by me so say 19 rounds total. Range /100 yards Rest/2 bath towels folded on top of 10 inch high Metal wheel ramp with flat top ,shot from picnic table turned at angle so I could rest my shooting elbow . 10x42 Swfa scope Burris Signature Z rings tops torqued at approx 22 inch pounds with fat wrench. Burris Bases torqued to rifle at 20 inch pounds with Blue loctite Burris rings torqued to bases at 30 inch pounds with blue loctite. 1.75 pound trigger Front and rear stock bolts /50 inch pounds Front and Back Ammo/Hornady Superformance 154 grain SST Next step? Hand lapping bore with JB paste as per book?I guess I can only hand lap and not fire lap as I dont reload for the cartridge and want to use Factory ammo only? Increase or decrease torque on stock bolts ?Grease chassis and torque to more than 45 inch pounds per book? Less than 3 weeks till deer season here and I have to work on tent camper and 4 wheeler as well !! I eventually would like to achieve 1/2 inch groups with this rifle but for now would be happy with 3/4 or so. Thanks Craig |
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Bob MavinRe: Nathan and others ,Finally got a chance to shoot new Remington 700 stainless long range rifle,extreemly dissapointed !!I wouldn't do any lapping yet. Stick to the basics, eliminate variables first. It shot .5 so leave the lug lapping till last I don't think the lugs are the problem.. You could mark the lugs with permanent marker, let it dry then work the bolt to see if they are both touching. I put any empty case in the chamber, cleaning rod down the barrel into the case, apply a little pressure while working the bolt.Bob |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan and others ,Finally got a chance to shoot new Remington 700 stainless long range rifle,extreemly dissapointed !!Hi Martin,Yea my bags looked like a 3 day old road kill possum the were so bloated ! Nathan has definetly taken an interest in my issues and has helped me a lot Especially with technique from the bench. Thanks Craig |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan and others ,Finally got a chance to shoot new Remington 700 stainless long range rifle,extreemly dissapointed !!Quote: I wouldn't do any lapping yet. Stick to the basics, eliminate variables first. It shot .5 so leave the lug lapping till last I don't think the lugs are the problem.. You could mark the lugs with permanent marker, let it dry then work the bolt to see if they are both touching. I put any empty case in the chamber, cleaning rod down the barrel into the case, apply a little pressure while working the bolt.
Bob Hi Bob,I have marked the lugs with Marker and the right lug has good contact while the Left lug shows almost no contact. Will have to try sticking a cleaning rod down barrel and applying pressure. Thanks Craig |
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Bob MavinRe: Nathan and others ,Finally got a chance to shoot new Remington 700 stainless long range rifle,extreemly dissapointed !!Hi CraigSounds like it needs lapping, but I would still leave that till the last thing after getting all the bugs sorted. If it shot .5 it will do it again. Bob |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan and others ,Finally got a chance to shoot new Remington 700 stainless long range rifle,extreemly dissapointed !!Well shot the rifle with the Hornady "buckshot"ammo again today.I shot two 3 shot groups . 2 1/4 inch first group,2 close together(within 1inch) 3rd two inches higher then 2 close together (within 3/4 inch)3rd about 1 3/4 inch higher, 1 3/4 left Setup the same as yesterday when I shot .5 inch group with Federal Blue Box 150 grain Will try federal blue box again within next few days. and if it shoots as good as it did I will know which ammo it likes ! Forgot to say yesterday that the left lug is showing contact , (approx 50% but light and not worn real shiny,barely contacting,when I first got the rifle it wasn,t showing any contact except for a place maybe half the size of a bb and very light contact.Oh and right lug is only real shiny at the outside edge of lug. I guess its possible for lugs to seat themselves better after some shooting ?? Thanks Craig |
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Mike NeesonRe: Nathan and others ,Finally got a chance to shoot new Remington 700 stainless long range rifle,extreemly dissapointed !!HI Craig, just a quick note - you probably already know - buts it's worth mentioning. When you check your lugs whilst working the bolt handle, make sure the trigger has been pulled. The upward pressure applied by the sear on the bolt will skew your results.You asked a question as to why two different makes of ammo can make such a difference, well this is how I understand it. Imagine the barrel as a garden hose, or even a fireman's hose. Imagine turning on the water full bore and watch the hose snake around as the water rushes down the hose. The reason the hose does this is that a mass (the water) is being accelerated down the hose under pressure. This acceleration causes thrust in the opposite direction - pushing pressure waves backwards as well as the already advancing pressure waves from the water moving. This water is also under pressure, so it stretches the hose giving a effect of a "bulge" moving down the hose too. Now imagine the barrel of your rifle as a hose. A bullet gets accelerated down the barrel - really fast - under a huge amount of pressure. The forces are pretty much the same as the hose, causing the barrel to bulge/stretch and swish side to side and up and down as the bullet progresses down the barrel. This movement of the barrel can be described as a result of all the different vibrations coming together. You can imagine that if you want to be able to throw the bullet accurately, you want the bullet to leave the muzzle when the barrel is moving the least. Take a look at this sine wave imagine this represents the movement of the muzzle up and down, as the bullet charges down the barrel. Time is the horizontal axis, and movement is vertical axis. You will note that as the wave crosses the time axis, it is moving quite a bit when compared to the time taken, whereas at the peaks and troughs of the wave, the muzzle moves very little over quite a long time. Whilst the muzzle is moving the least, that is when we want the bullet to exit the muzzle. What governs when the bullet leaves the muzzle? Velocity. This is why hand loading is so good. For a given bullet, we can slowly increase the powder charge and find where those points are. You will see it as a tightening of the group. Depending on how big an increment you use, you may have two or three reasonably tight groups and you can bet that the tight group in the middle of that range will likely be right in the middle of the peak or trough. We can also then try different speed powder, different primers and of course different projectiles and due to the different vibrations, they will all have their own sweet spots - some good, some not so good. The reason why one factory load is more accurate in YOUR rifle, is likely due to the bullet exiting the barrel of YOUR gun at the peak or trough of the vibration and hence, a nice big fat juicy sweet spot. The other factory load probably has the bullets exiting the muzzle when it is really whipping around, quite literally causing it to throw them all over the place. Hope this helps. Hope I didn't bore too many people or "teach any grand mothers on how to suck an egg". Let me know if I got something wrong. Cheers |
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Mike NeesonRe: Nathan and others ,Finally got a chance to shoot new Remington 700 stainless long range rifle,extreemly dissapointed !!Bugger, the sine wave pic didn't work, try this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/Simple_sine_wave.svg |
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Nathan FosterRe: Nathan and others ,Finally got a chance to shoot new Remington 700 stainless long range rifle,extreemly dissapointed !!Thats correct Mike. Another analogy, the one I use- is that of a baseball pitcher, pitching a ball. The barrel has to try to duplicate the same throw each time and depending on the timing of the bullet versus the temper of each barrel, results will vary. The hose analogy is pretty good.The Blue Box will get you to 300 yards with relative ease and you will be able to push to 400 yards but please don't try to do much work past this range. Current velocities for this load are around 2950-2970fps or so. You have a good load for now. Hand loading will be the final step unless you can find another SST factory load that shoots well. Its all coming together, step by step. |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan and others ,Finally got a chance to shoot new Remington 700 stainless long range rifle,extreemly dissapointed !!Thanks guysOur deer season starts the Nov 8th and runs through Dec 23 so I think I will just shoot the Federal Blue box limiting my shots to 400 Yards Max. Then when deer season is over I will start experimenting with different factory loads.Maybe even buy a set of dies and components. Probably going to just neck size. I have a Lee Hand press,I suppose that would be sufficient for use with the 7mm magnum? Considering the kind of accuracy I have experience with the Hornady and Federal loads which bullet and powder would be recomended for starting load experimentation? Thanks Craig |