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.303 Wildcat or conversion for an Enfield P14 Action

16 Jan 2016
@ 09:35 pm (GMT)

Ben Grady

Hi Guys

I have just purchased a P14 rifle with an unloved barrel. After a successful new build of my 25-06 on a P17 action. I am interested in a new build with the P14.
So I am after opinions of what would be a good conversion. I could just re-barrel it and ream it to a .303 Epps improved. Easy to do and easy to fire form and better ballistics that the 303.
I already have a 25-303 and the 25-06 so something a bit different from the 25cals would be nice. My gunsmith has a P14 300 winmag that is super accurate, so that is a possibility. (He also has the reamer).
What is the 7mm Practicle COAL compared to the 300win mag?
I welcome any ideas or thoughts.


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09 Mar 2016
@ 02:59 pm (GMT)

Bryan Webster

Re: .303 Wildcat or conversion for an Enfield P14 Action
I would just like to say you should not scrub off the 7mm Rem Mag from the list for elk. I have shot dozens of elk and moose with one over the years, but have not tried shots on them out past 500 yards, nor have i had to. That being said, I have shot out to 1100 yards on targets with mine, and it performed very well.
09 Mar 2016
@ 05:52 pm (GMT)

Ben Grady

Re: .303 Wildcat or conversion for an Enfield P14 Action
Yep I am now quite keen on the 7mm Rem Mag. I will read up about it in the knowledge base. Who has one or has used one?
09 Mar 2016
@ 07:33 pm (GMT)

Thomas Kitchen

Re: .303 Wildcat or conversion for an Enfield P14 Action
Hi Ben.
If you don't own Nathan's cartridge book I highly recommend you get it before doing anything more with this project.
It will save you any headaches or regrets later on.
09 Mar 2016
@ 08:21 pm (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: .303 Wildcat or conversion for an Enfield P14 Action
From a historical perspective, if you go 7mm Rem Mag, you'll will be fulfilling original P14 concept. This rifle was supposed to be a 7mm magnum of sorts in the first place but due to time, budget problems and politics, it remained as a .303.
09 Mar 2016
@ 09:55 pm (GMT)

Thomas Kitchen

Re: .303 Wildcat or conversion for an Enfield P14 Action
If your not familiar what what Nathan is talking about have a read of these.
10 Mar 2016
@ 05:09 am (GMT)

Ben Grady

Re: .303 Wildcat or conversion for an Enfield P14 Action
Thanks Thomas, I have all Nathans books, so I will have a read up on the 7mm Rem Mag.
02 Jul 2018
@ 02:27 am (GMT)

Shaun Turner

Re: .303 Wildcat or conversion for an Enfield P14 Action
I built my own 303 wild cat called the 303 Mad, that is essentially an Epps but I get a couple more extra grains H2o capacity, 66 to be exact. It's built off a No4 action so pressure is an issue so trying to keep it under 53000 psi according to quick load. The whole project has been on the back burner for over a year and a half at the moment until I can get my boyds stock from the US and a descent recoil pad. It plain hurts to shoot it, anyway when I started I used 30-06 starting loads less 2 grains cause that's how short on capacity I am from a 30-06 case. From a 22 inch barrel, initial testing finished up with no sign of pressure.
150 gr @2806 fps avg 5 shots
174 gr @2614 fps avg 5 shots
There might be another hundred fps in it, but I don't want a bolt in the face either.
If I was you I'd screw on a 30-06 barrel, and if I was me again I would have left my new barrel as a standard 303

Good day,

I know this reply is a few years late. I will be re-chambering my P14 .303 Sporter shortly for better MV out of a 20" barrel.

Doing research on which improved case will suffice. What is the difference between your .303 MAD and the .303 EPPS for a few grains more capacity?. Is it a straighter side-wall, sharper shoulder or shorter neck?

What are your critical case measurements?

Did you have the reamer custom made or an existing EPPS reamer modified?

For my purposes what ever I ream to, that chamber will have to also safely fire a standard .303 Br cartridge. Cartridge LOA must remain the same.

22 Dec 2018
@ 12:21 pm (GMT)

Mike R

Re: .303 Wildcat or conversion for an Enfield P14 Action
Sorry for the late reply. I’m not on forums much anymore bit time poor. Cartridge dimensions I can’t remember but they are on ammoguide, from memory shoulder width is wider and shoulders forward a bit. I found some Hornady SST 150gr projectiles and they averaged 2,962fps and around a 1/2 inch group. While it does have it’s rewards doing your own cartridge there’s absolutely NO way I will ever recommend doing what I have done. You overcome 1 problem to run into another problem over and over again. I should have called it INSANE.
Go the EPPS if you must

Anyway I have managed to find a 308 mag for my No4 2weeks ago. That seems like it will work with my cartridge once I remove the blanking plate at the front of the magazine. It should hold 4 or 5 full length rounds and maybe 7-8 of my 125gr loads. Have a trip planned next month and will be taking it on it’s first real trip YAY
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