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Ryan NafeFellas,Firstly let me say thanks to everyone for the replies and information they shared in my two recent posts. Life gets a little busy sometimes and I get forgetful, so dont take it too seriously if I dont reply right away or respond to every individual. Heres the situation that prompted this particular post: The rifle, cartridge, and ammunition Im using for whitetail deer is as close to optimal as I could reasonably ask expect. 20 barrel .308 Winchester, 165 grain Superformance SSTs at just over 2,700 FPS. For the game weights of 150 to 225 pounds, this is just fine. BUT, Im somewhat bored with this combination and want to experiment with a new setup that consistently offers significantly faster killing. The main options Im considering are these: - .45-70 (full-power loads suitable for levers and Ruger #1) - .270 WSM - 7mm Rem. Mag. (Maybe WSM) - .35 Whelen I would appreciate some input on what you guys think would provide the fastest killing possible for the above mentioned game weights, out to about 125 yards. Handloading is an option, as is factory ammo. One major consideration is that I would really like to keep the overall length of the rifle to an absolute maximum of 44 inches. |
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Warwick MarflittRe: Cartridges for Fast Killing Inside 125 YardsOr you could stop f#@*&^g around! load some cheap 💪220gn round nose bullets, use what you have(three oh hate) and "Pile👊drive" Bambi's relatives. An 🔪put them in your freezer. Job done son👍👍👍🍻 |
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Ryan NafeRe: Cartridges for Fast Killing Inside 125 YardsHa, well yeah Warwick that would work fine. But thats not quite the point, its not what Im after. Im mainly just curious about how it would be to experience an entirely different class of killing performance than what the likes of .308 or .243 or .25-06 can produce.The .308 would be adequate for literally any animal on the North American continent, given appropriate bullet selection and ranges. So from a practical perspective I really dont need anything else. But curiosity, exploration, and new experiences are probably the three strongest motivations for my mind in general, for basically everything I do. So in the realm of guns and hunting, its the same thing: These three things will always pull me towards different tools and targets. Even if what I have and what Im capable of is adequate for my practical needs, I will probably never stop looking for other stuff. Its kinda just the way I am. Round and round I go. :-D |
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Warwick MarflittRe: Cartridges for Fast Killing Inside 125 YardsThat's really good personal awareness about yourself that you have Ryan. You don't have to be sick to get better?Thanks for sharing your reasoning. I'm happy when I get a tool that works. I keep it clean and ready for work. All the best with your learning. Warwick |
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Thomas KitchenRe: Cartridges for Fast Killing Inside 125 Yardshi Ryanplease have a read of this https://www.ballisticstudies.com/Resources/Discussion+Forums/x_forum/17/thread/9545.html and i agree with you about learning "the only thing no one can take from you is your ability to learn" |
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Ryan NafeRe: Cartridges for Fast Killing Inside 125 YardsThomas, well there goes that idea:D |
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Luke LahdenrantaRe: Cartridges for Fast Killing Inside 125 YardsRyan if you want to explore new ballistic vistas over the 243/308 just go to the store and buy yourself a Remington SPS in 7mm Rem Magnum. You will have a new rifle to play with and all your paralysis by analysis will be over. As Nathan says nobody is ever unhappy with a 7mm mag.Shoots as flat as a 270. Hits like 300. Recoil like a 30-06. Ammo at every corner store... Plus you get the official Terminal Ballistics Research seal of approval! (Not like I'm biased because I just bought one, or anything like that) :) |
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Warwick MarflittRe: Cartridges for Fast Killing Inside 125 Yards35 WHELEN |
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Ryan NafeRe: Cartridges for Fast Killing Inside 125 YardsWell at the moment Im just keeping an eye on the used rifles available at the town gun shop and the Cabelas thats a half hour away. The only real enticing option so far has been that Ruger Hawkeye African (no brake, earlier model) I mentioned a while back, but the price theyre asking is not quite as low as Id like, to the point where its about the same as a basic Remington or Savage Weather Warrior.But in the event that I dont find any used ones worth picking up by the end of the year, then Ill just buy a new stainless 7mm Rem Mag. The Remington AWR comes with a decent stock and a stainless 5-R barrel, which would definitely make it worth the extra cost over an SPS to me, though it does have the shorter 24 barrel which kinda sucks. If it was 26 itd be fantastic, a bit more velocity with less muzzle blast. One point is that I may not be quite as keen on the DIY bedding/stabilizing as Id initially thought I would be, so it would be imperative to either get a rifle with an aluminum bedding block stock, or leave enough room in the budget to pick up a B&C or HS Precision. Glue and Screw method would probably be the best way to go at the moment. |
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Ryan NafeRe: Cartridges for Fast Killing Inside 125 YardsA question for everyone:Would a 175 grain ELD-X at 2,900 - 2,950 produce a similar effect to a 162 grain SST at 3,100? For some reason Im becoming interested in the idea of using an appropriate 175 grain bullet and pushing it to 2,900 or more. Its very close to .300 Win Mag power levels, certainly more power than anything from a .30-06 with 180s. And that ELD-X has a crazy-high BC of .66, but Im not sure if the reduction in muzzle velocity is compensated for by the heavier bullet. Even if I cant get the 700 to shoot the ELD-X well, I could always use a Partition or perhaps a Hawk to do it. |
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Lane SalvatoRe: Cartridges for Fast Killing Inside 125 YardsRyan,They can handle larger animals such as elk and red stag. Nathan writes about the 178 grain ELD-X in his latest book. Why don't you go load some up and see if your rifle likes them. Kill a couple of animals and see how you like them. |
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Warwick MarflittRe: Cartridges for Fast Killing Inside 125 Yards35 Whelen with Hornady Superformance ammo 200gn @ 2900fps inside 125 yards? What's not to like about it? |
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Warwick MarflittRe: Cartridges for Fast Killing Inside 125 YardsDamage at 65 yards maybe too much!https://www.ballisticstudies.com/Knowledgebase/Wound+Database/.358+cal+-+Hornady+Interlock.html?__utma=1.1228204712.1537401746.1540094491.1540101129.182&__utmb=|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)&__utmv=-&__utmk=124247178 |