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Many thanks Nathan for your help

27 Sep 2016
@ 08:19 am (GMT)


Just wanted to thank you Nathan for providing solid practical advice in your latest book "Practical guide to long range shooting".

Reading through the early chapters about shooting form and position was sobering. I'm used to shooting at longer distances (out to 1000m) but knew my form wasn't conducive to consistency. Yes, I was one of those plonkers who would do the arms under the chest routine.

After recieving your latest book as a birthday pressie, it spurred me into following your advice and not only 'holding that forend' but also to get my body in a better position. The book methods really helped to smooth out the effects of breathing - I could definitely control the crosshairs on the target much better.

It's funny that in your book, you state there will be people at the range who try to poo poo these methods. I had one such insistence recently when shooting on a 600m military range. One chap, big beard, looks like he's been round the block a bit, comes over after seeming me head shot those military man size restive targets 10 for 10 using my 6.5x47 in a 20mph right to left wind, and says "your form is all wrong. We taught the army snipers to forget about the forend and double grip the rifle. That's the key." He then proceeded to demonstrate a grip that resembled those 1970's cops holding their Smith & Wesson revolvers, one hand on the grip, the other supporting underneath.

I approached it with an open mind. I let another 10 rounds down and I had some misses. I definitely felt way less stable, especially as I felt the rifle cant in my hands (bipod wasn't loose at all).

Needless to say, I went back to 'holding that forend', and even though I didn't have a sling and was off a bipod (I am meaning to get some sand bags for the front), I went back to almost boring accuracy.

Many thanks Nathan for pushing me to do better!



27 Sep 2016
@ 09:11 pm (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Many thanks Nathan for your help
Thanks Konrad, much appreciated.

Yes, it takes a wee bit of practice but when you put all of the aspects together including body position, rifle position and hand holds, then allow time to establish muscle memory and breathing, it all comes together. You'll also find that you can perform well under under pressure where others come apart, contrary to what others may believe having adopted more lazy and seemingly easier approaches.

There may be times where we break the rules and adopt all manner of methods as each situation demands, but this works best after a solid grounding in basic form. In this way, we can learn to predict errors and outcomes should we opt for X position in Y situation.

I believe the reason the modern method did not work for you, is that you did not have a tactical beard. This is something Steph and I hope to address in the near future when we launch the Terminal Ballistics Research Tac-beard. This will be available in two variations. 1. The ZZ Toperator and 2. The Bearded Ladyhawk. We may also create a junior line called The Hunger-Gnomes.

27 Sep 2016
@ 09:18 pm (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Many thanks Nathan for your help
I might actually put some of these reviews in a testimonial page if thats OK. Had quite a stark example a few days ago. A shooting school instructor tried the book methods on his students and saw major improvements in minutes. Am sure others who are a bit unsure as to what they are getting into, would enjoy reading your words and other examples such as this.

Anyway, thanks again.
28 Sep 2016
@ 06:09 am (GMT)

Warwick Marflitt

Re: Many thanks Nathan for your help
Wow cool! Any pictures of these prototype Pooting aids Nathan? How about taking pre-orders with a 95% deposit to self fund their R&D? Once again your dedication and commitment to the cause go far and way beyond that of the usual chop shop's determined marketing efforts. .........thanks bro you're awesome...

28 Sep 2016
@ 07:45 am (GMT)

Thomas Kitchen

Re: Many thanks Nathan for your help
you could start a kids of hunters line so we can get them started early Nathan
28 Sep 2016
@ 10:01 pm (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Many thanks Nathan for your help
How cute!

I should however apologies to those who prefer the caveman look. I have some good friends who cannot grow much hair on top but make up for it with a good growth on the jaw. I do hope my words can be taken in jest. Still, Konrads comments do reiterate what was talked about within the book. There is a current trend towards "looking like I know how to shoot" with much emphasis being placed in this area. The other problem comes with the statement "this is how I was taught to shoot" without ever questioning why or testing various methods. What we have to be careful of, is to not create new dogma (though this ship has sailed) which drives away core skills.

29 Sep 2016
@ 08:03 am (GMT)


Re: Many thanks Nathan for your help
Funnily enough the ' new form' did just 'feel' right. Way more stable and consistent, especially when breathing.

Afterwards however I did feel a little stiff in the neck. That's just me getting used to the new positioning. Weirdly though, my wife always tells me I'm stiff necked, so maybe it's not the shooting?!? :)

There is a lot of funny material on YouTube concerning TAC beards. However the chap who gave me his advice was sporting more of a Gimley type beard from lord of the rings. Looked a bit like him too actually.

Yes, please use what you will of my comments Nathan.

All the best,


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