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7x61 SH loading issues

25 Mar 2017
@ 02:56 pm (GMT)

Phil Van Zuylen

Hi loading for my 7x61 for the first time. Loaded new cases fl sized and chamfered all good loads fed and working fine rifle sighted in load 139 SST. Some used cases came with rifle so attempted to reload these but don`t go all the way into seating die get about halfway up neck then stiff,suspect neck trimming required or should I bin them? Had no problem reloading the 10 new cases I had used to sight in.Any info welcome


25 Mar 2017
@ 03:28 pm (GMT)

Paul Leverman

Re: 7x61 SH loading issues
Phil - we will probably need more information to be of any help. Are these used cases factory or re-sized? Is the head stamp correct? Were they fired in your rifle previously? Did you F/L size them? There should be nothing stopping them from entering the seating die other than being the wrong size. Have you taken any measurements?
25 Mar 2017
@ 04:48 pm (GMT)

Phil Van Zuylen

Re: 7x61 SH loading issues
Hi Paul yes these are factory Norma7x61 Super cases that have been fired in my rifle.They have been FL resized when I deprimed them.Suspect case necks need thinning not trimming sorry.Have hornady FL dies with 7x61 SH on them but seating die is 7mm this maybe the problem as this case has a reasonably short neck,less than 7mm mag.Not to worried about using these cases as have 100 new but don't want same issue after a no of reloads, thanks Phil
25 Mar 2017
@ 04:48 pm (GMT)

Phil Van Zuylen

Re: 7x61 SH loading issues
Hi Paul yes these are factory Norma7x61 Super cases that have been fired in my rifle.They have been FL resized when I deprimed them.Suspect case necks need thinning not trimming sorry.Have hornady FL dies with 7x61 SH on them but seating die is 7mm this maybe the problem as this case has a reasonably short neck,less than 7mm mag.Not to worried about using these cases as have 100 new but don't want same issue after a no of reloads, thanks Phil
26 Mar 2017
@ 02:19 am (GMT)

Paul Leverman

Re: 7x61 SH loading issues
Hi Phil - Just looking at the numbers, the seating die should work. It may not fully support the case, but it's close. Have you tried a fired, sized case (no bullet) in the die? Or a neck sized case? If the necks do need thinning, it is not a huge operation, one tool for the inside, another for the outside.

Make sure the inside of your necks are clean. The problem may be the bullet hanging up on residue.

These are just random thoughts related to another brass problem that someone else here has. So consider the source, carefully.
26 Mar 2017
@ 08:44 am (GMT)

Phil Van Zuylen

Re: 7x61 SH loading issues
Thanks Paul ,yes case on its own goes about 2\3 in.Will put throw these cases out and just use my new ones as I have no idea on no of previous loadings.Will look into getting a neck turning tool though. Cheers Phil
26 Mar 2017
@ 09:31 am (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: 7x61 SH loading issues
Hi Phil,

This is certainly hard to diagnose from a distance. Like you say, if in doubt, ditch the old brass. Especially if you have no idea as to its history.

It may well be that you have a donut on the inner case neck if you are having trouble seating the bullet home. This would be caused by someone continually running a very light bullet that was not seated flush to the case neck shoulder junction. Successive reloads may have caused the brass to form a hump at this point (donut). This can be quite a dangerous situation (pressure) if you try to reload and seat below a donut, like having an internal but very heavy crimp that cannot be released during ignition.

26 Mar 2017
@ 10:46 am (GMT)

Phil Van Zuylen

Re: 7x61 SH loading issues
Thanks Nathan and Paul old brass disposed of. New brass loads working well.


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