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Donald Stewarthi nathan , got the two packs of MatchGrade Bedding Compound ,don't know how you are making any money . it is too cheap ! i made one hell of a mess but the end job look good . thanks for making a good kit that has got every thing you need . YOU NEED TO PUT YOUR PRICE UP . thanks donald |
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Nathan FosterRe: MatchGrade Bedding CompoundThanks Donald, that is very kind of you to say. Glad the bedding job turned out a success. |
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Lee MinhinnickRe: MatchGrade Bedding CompoundHi Donald. Ive talked to Nathan about this at length and don't want to repeat myself to him. Sorry Nathan for gas bagging. He is one of the most honsted souls you will ever meet and would not rip anyone off. Nathan will always charge a low and fair price on anything he has to offer and sell. Nathan is a man who will put people first and money second and this is backed up by the web site info all for free. I could not agree more with your comments about price but its Nathans call but Im hope more people support his busness.Lee |
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Nathan FosterRe: MatchGrade Bedding CompoundMy business model has changed of late but the philosophy has remained much the same. We have tried running the site for free, based on donations only. I believed that by putting a great deal of attention into giving, towards the larger hunting community, if many people put in a very small amount, the business would be successful. But the donations only come to about $20 per month- this was quite a trial when I needed medical treatment and as some of you know, I still need treatment to get back 100% to my former self. When I was very ill, we had some people donate larger sums and although I am very grateful, I did not see this as being fair on these people when we have many thousands of readers here each day who could have spread the burden.The bedding compounds helped provide a cushion in hardest times. But the book is helping turn things around from sleepless nights and I hope the full book series will help me reach my goal of 'many people putting in a small amount'. Now, the compounds are beginning to sell around the world thanks in part to the first book. Steph and I are immensely grateful for this support. I have taken a long view with this business model. It has not been easy- that is for sure. But I wonder, I think that in order to create something special, we often have to be prepared to make a sacrifice. Besides, the act of giving is a good practice, not just as a short term action. Furthermore, the practice of gratitude is just as important- especially during the hard times. It is probably not too wise to discuss the behind the scenes situation of our business however we have always tried to be transparent and I know readers care a great deal and are intrigued as to the nuts and bolts of what goes on. So- the prices of the compounds will not be going up unless costs go up. Thank you for your support guys, I know you want the best for us. Nathan. |