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Howa Internal Magazine Lengrh

07 Oct 2017
@ 06:30 pm (GMT)

Andrew Murray

Hi all,

I am wondering if anyone has the internal mag length for the Howa short action 1500?

I went to measure mine but couldn't get an accurate read on it with out pulling the floor plate off. I currently do not have the tools to do so, I borrowed a set when I did the work to my rifle.

I came up with 72mm but I wanted to be sure and was unable to fund anything on the net.

Cheers guys.


10 Oct 2017
@ 11:20 am (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Howa Internal Magazine Lengrh
That is correct Andrew. Therefore, seat to 71mm. Sometimes we can sneak to 71.5 but that depends on how the individual rifle feeds. But in your case, an OAL of 71mm will work best for now.


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