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Pillar bedding a Vanguard 7mm Rem Mag

03 Aug 2018
@ 07:03 pm (GMT)

Christopher Butler

Howdy All
I'm about to attempt to pillar bed a Vanguard 7mm RM in a Boyd's Pro Varmint stock. I purchased adjustable pillars from Score High Gunsmithing.
Drilling out the rear action hole for the pillar will essentially remove all or most of the wood.
Should I be concerned about this?
Should I look for smaller pillar tubing?
Should I not pillar bed it at all and just glass bed the action?

For a bedding compound I'm using Devcon 10110


04 Aug 2018
@ 08:22 am (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Pillar bedding a Vanguard 7mm Rem Mag
Hi Christopher, this is a bit touchy for me as Charlie is a friend of mine. But personally yes, I do not like to have the pillar so wide that it compromises the tang integrity. This is hard to achieve with an adjustable pillar which is in essence a pillar within a pillar.

With regards to this rifle, you can use a smaller pillar. 3/8 ali is ideal but the tube walls need to be true, not drawn thick on one side. Instructions plus pros and cons are given in the Accurizing book but also in the Tikka video series.

The pillars need only be flush at the bottom of the stock, pre-glued. They can be countersunk at the top. But (the big but), your focus will need to be on achieving a stress free bedding cure. To achieve this, use a long plasticine dam in the barrel channel to prevent the barrel from tipping fowards and pushing the action up. With a long dam, about 2" or so, the action should just sit in place and because of this, you will only need the one bungee at the trigger well. Just nip this bungee up so that it keeps the action in place as your bedding job cures.

On a 7mm Rem Mag, it can be good to use pillars. It helps prevent the tang from splitting / delaminating under high torque.

Note that if using my instructions, I tape under the recoil lug, therefore it is pointless having the pillar contact the lug if following my methods. There is a direct example of why I like clearance in the Ruger M77 bedding vid, showing crumbs scraped off during test fit after bedding (it is also a good example of routine maintenance issues). If there is no clearance, micro scrapings can ruin our tolerances.

Is this an accurate method? Well just yesterday I went to the range to check the zero on my .358 Norma (Howa). Its been in and out of the field, used with a few different loads, bounced on quad bikes and basically abused for the last year or so. At the range, it shot .450", no need to make any adjustments. If it was a poor bedding system, the 225gr Gameking at an MV of 2870fps should have shown issues.

Still, there is room for argument. The Howa lug is quite large (presents a good surface area) and the edges are gently radiused. So a guy could bed the underside of the lug if he wanted to. Also, any rifle which does have a very large lug, perhaps larger than the actual bottom surface area of the action - should be bedded simply because it is a major surface.

The Howa Hogue / Howa Boyds / Howa plastic (therefore WBY and Nosler M48 actions) can flex quite easily so we do have to take care. I normally countersink my pillars, set my ref point for the tang at the front of the tang and my ref point for the front of the action via the barrel channel. I eliminate stress via care within the set up. I have learned to watch out for the little things, not to be heavy handed, not to assume.

A very good number of my readers (also forum members) have utilized the Howa / WBY for their first attempt at bedding. Its a good action to work with.

All the best.

Boyds laminate Howa / WBY after bedding.

Two groups shot with the above stock:

04 Aug 2018
@ 10:20 am (GMT)

Christopher Butler

Re: Pillar bedding a Vanguard 7mm Rem Mag
Nathan thank you for your reply.
Thank you for your instructions.
The only thing I could find locally to make pillars out of was Milton brass hose mender fittings?

Will these do?
04 Aug 2018
@ 10:31 am (GMT)

Christopher Butler

Re: Pillar bedding a Vanguard 7mm Rem Mag
I know the center flange needs to be filed down
05 Aug 2018
@ 08:56 am (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Pillar bedding a Vanguard 7mm Rem Mag
Hi Christopher, the internal diameter on that fitting is too narrow.

If you go to a steel supply / ali supply store, you will find it. Its the sort of thing that may not show up easily on google but can be found if you go for a drive to the industrial sector of your nearest city. If you get stuck, ask for help form an engineers supply store.

05 Aug 2018
@ 09:17 am (GMT)

Caleb Mayfield

Re: Pillar bedding a Vanguard 7mm Rem Mag
Christopher, if you are in the United States check out McMaster Carr. They have a distribution center in Chicago and Los Angeles. I've been able to find a lot of odds and ends from them. I'd start in the Spacers and Standoffs section.

Post some photos of the progress if you can!
05 Aug 2018
@ 09:19 am (GMT)

Christopher Butler

Re: Pillar bedding a Vanguard 7mm Rem Mag
Howdy Nathan, Thanks for the reply
I found 1/8” threaded pipe thanks to a neighbor.

Really appreciate your time and all your input!

05 Aug 2018
@ 06:13 pm (GMT)

Christopher Butler

Re: Pillar bedding a Vanguard 7mm Rem Mag
Attempt #1 - FAILURE!
06 Aug 2018
@ 02:10 am (GMT)

Christopher Butler

Re: Pillar bedding a Vanguard 7mm Rem Mag
Making lemonade
Pillars are in countersunk
11 Aug 2018
@ 07:16 pm (GMT)

Christopher Butler

Re: Pillar bedding a Vanguard 7mm Rem Mag
Thank you for your input.
I followed your instructions pretty much to the letter and it turned fairly well I think.
At least for a for a first attempt
16 Aug 2018
@ 12:52 pm (GMT)

Christopher Butler

Re: Pillar bedding a Vanguard 7mm Rem Mag
I just want to say thanks again for your input.
I shot this group with 162 Eld-X

After that group I adjusted my zero, let the rifle cool down and shot this to confirm

Thanks again!
I'm really enjoying your books!
19 Aug 2018
@ 07:36 am (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Pillar bedding a Vanguard 7mm Rem Mag
Well done Chris! Its great to see a job like this come together. I take it the bottom photo is a single shot, not a group.

Its good to be inside an inch. No big fliers or dirty behavior. Later you can fine tune loads if it takes your fancy. But for now, its nice to see this basic level of accuracy, tells us that the bore is fine for general hunting and may have further potential. Worlds apart from the 2 to 2.5 MOA that can occur out of the box. Great to see the rewards of effort, thanks for sharing.
19 Aug 2018
@ 08:46 am (GMT)

Christopher Butler

Re: Pillar bedding a Vanguard 7mm Rem Mag
Thank You Nathan. Your advice was immeasurably helpful.
Yes the bottom is a single shot to confirm the new zero for the Eld-X.

I bought this rifle almost 15yrs ago. I never liked it. I was never comfortable with the B&C Medalist stock, hated the factory trigger and I could never get it to group anything well.

I swapped the factory trigger for a Timney. I adjusted that 2#


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