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108gr ELD-M in 243Win

12 Sep 2018
@ 01:17 pm (GMT)

Paul Leverman

Was at the range this afternoon playing with the -'06 and the 243. The 30 did what it was expected to, but the big surprise came from the 243. The loads were developed for determining max pressure with PMC brass, but the first loads shot a .323" group, and the second ones went .225" (100m). Less than a calibre! The ES for the loads were 11fps (3188, 3194, 3199) and 4fps (3229, 3232, 3233) respectively. Thank you Nathan Foster!

In case you were curious, max pressure/velocity topped out at 3425fps (stiff bolt).


12 Sep 2018
@ 08:52 pm (GMT)

Warwick Marflitt

Re: 108gr ELD-M in 243Win
Stop showing off Well done.
13 Sep 2018
@ 02:30 am (GMT)

Paul Leverman

Re: 108gr ELD-M in 243Win
As much as I would like to take credit for this result, I am after all, just the trigger man. These groups show what can happen in the real world if and when a person is ready to sit down, pay attention, and learn something. Book learning, open conversation, and physical results like the above groups are well worth the time and effort , and are their own reward. There was no instant gratification. Three years here, two previous to that when the construction on the rifle started, many many mistakes and hard lessons learned. But when it is all said and done, it boils down to this. The grades of the student reflect the ability of the teacher. Again, thank you Nathan, and all that participate here.
13 Sep 2018
@ 06:56 pm (GMT)

Phil Van Zuylen

Re: 108gr ELD-M in 243Win
Hi Paul very impressive what twist did you end up with? Thanks
13 Sep 2018
@ 08:39 pm (GMT)

Andrew Murray

Re: 108gr ELD-M in 243Win
Mate! You can't be upset with that. Well done!!!
14 Sep 2018
@ 03:07 am (GMT)

Paul Leverman

Re: 108gr ELD-M in 243Win
Thanks, guys. The barrel is a 1-8, 5 groove Benchmark.


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