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Dan HessI've read the article written about the 7mm RUM cartridge...I would like to know what you guys think about this build I'm making....I've got a Schneider 5p rifled barrel blank that I'm waiting to save up for to get it installed. My heart is set on the 7mm RUM cartridge the barrel will be approximately 30 inches long with what Gary Schneider calls his M40 contour. I'm wondering what i have to gain from using IMR 7828 SSC or some other slow burning powder when it's pushing the new 175 grain Nosler Accubond LR bullet with a BC of .672? my goal is to reach 3350 fps at a minimum but I don't know if this is even possible much less safe.I'm seeking any and all expert advice on this matter. The idea for this build came from almost 10 years of learning about ballistics powder burn rates and other means to finally arrive at this build. It all started when i was about 12 when i first read about the 7mm RUM in an American Hunter magazine article. I'm uninterested in chambering my barrel blank for 7mm STW |
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Nathan FosterRe: 7mm RUM buildI am not the best person to ask dan because I have my own bias. That said, my bias is based on experience.Once the mind of a young enthusiastic man is made up, he will invariably ignore all advice that disagrees with his plans and ideas and accept only those ideas and opinions that align themselves with his intentions. This is apparently embedded into our genes and chemistry. In other words, regardless of what I say, you will do what you do and that is fine. If you look at my 7mm Practical cartridge in the Knowledge Base, I am down in velocity just a touch compared to the RUM. This gives the RUM an advantage of about 25 yards. If you think 25 yards is worth half the barrel life, go for it. As for the Nosler LR AB. Just because a bullet is labelled as a long range bullet, this does not make it a long range bullet. There was a time when I was the beginner, reliant on what I considered the expertise of bullet makers. Now I am the expert and sadly, I find the very foundation of some of these companies to be utterly wanting. Business is often comprised of young men resting on the laurels of their forefathers or what such and such said or state legislature that pays no attention to game welfare. The bullet you are wanting to adopt will have an effective range of 2200fps, performance steadily waning thereafter. You would therefore have half the barrel life of the Practical and half the effective range. Please go to the game killing section of the website. Read the entire section, pay close attention to the fast killing section. Read it slowly and carefully. You have given an ideal muzzle velocity but based on what? Muzzle velocity is the answer to a question, not the primary goal. You have to define how far you want to shoot first, then set about determining how much velocity and BC is required to achieve this goal. All of this is covered in the next book, due out in a couple of months. Its up to you, you can learn via my experience or hind sight. All the best. |
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faulknerRe: 7mm RUM buildDan, Nathan is spot on with his post! For long range shooting hunting I mostly use a 300 win mag, its not the fastest 30 but wow is it humane with a heavy for caliber frangible bullet (208 Amax). I have also had a 7mm Practical built this year and am VERY impressed. So try and put conventional practices aside and do some reading on Nathan's site, what you'll find is the hard facts and they save you a lot in the long run.Happy shooting, Aj |
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Dan KeeneRe: 7mm RUM buildIt is with a heavy heart that I must point out a massive flaw in the 7mm Practical. The name is very boring and has no trendy bits like Hyper, Ultra, Mega etc. It really needs a new name Nathan so that it can compete with other sexier calibers. Guys please post your suggestions. |
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jason brownRe: 7mm RUM buildhaha , I havnt got a problem with the name, but since I was a kid, if something was super duper, you know its the shit! :) |
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Richard ButlerRe: 7mm RUM build7mm Moonshot, 7mm Sherman tank, 7mm Slam Dunk. Man the options are endless, Nathan what on earth were you thinking of? |
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Steph FosterRe: 7mm RUM buildIt should be the 7mm PMS. Why? Because you don't want to be on the wrong side of it! |
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Helmut PleiterRe: 7mm RUM buildAnything with 'Tactical' in the name tends to be flying of the shelf these days - because it's 'Oh so cool'! |
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Helmut PleiterRe: 7mm RUM buildHow's about Eviscerator! or Daisy Cutter! or and in all seriousness, The 7mm Foster. Period. |
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Dan HessRe: 7mm RUM buildi appreciate your input but I'm not the sort of person that wants to deal with factors that can only be found online. I'm looking to stick to standard manufactured cartridges and don't really want to have to make my own out of 300 win mag brassMy goal velocity was based on the fact that since the barrel is being lengthened the bullet gets more time in the bore with the slow burning powder. Logically you'd think the velocity would increase and since i can't find any reload data on 7mm RUMs with 30 inch barrels I'll have to basically work up everything from scratch the rifle i'm having rebarreled was originally a 7mm RUM that is why I have decided to stick with 7mm RUM Again thank you for your input but i'll reach my own conclusions...if the 7mm isn't performing the way i want it and the barrel wears out too fast then i may consider rebarreling to 300 RUM since that cartridge seems to get all the better reviews Also the velocity goal was based on keeping the downrange velocity as far away from the minimum performance velocity as possible which if Nosler isn't lying the minimum performance for the Accubond LR is 1300fps I punched the BC, weight, and my goal velocity into a ballistic calculator and with the 175 grain Accubond LR it shows it will still be going 2012fps at 1000 yards with my goal muzzle velocity....what i need to know is this goal velocity even possible? or am i just wasting my time given all these factors. either way thans for your time I'll let you know how my build goes |
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Nathan FosterRe: 7mm RUM buildBeyond 26", velocity gains are still apparent but are not generally as high as the 35fps per inch figure that occurs from 20 to 26". Gains are often in the region of 15 to 25fps. When making estimates, it pays to take a conservative view in case the barrel is slow. Therefore, budget on 3235fps. Best case scenario is 3275fps.Nosler are not lying. I was trying to teach you about low velocity wounding and how bullet expansion at long ranges in the absence of high velocity is not enough to cause wide wounding. If you had have studied the game killing and fast killing section of this site, you would have learned this. As I said in the beginning, your mind is already made up so you will only see what you want to see. " I appreciate your input but". I suggest you just go ahead and do what you are going to do. You will have a lot of fun and if bullet jump does not cause too many accuracy problems, you will be able to shoot out long and achieve great success. But I will say this- you need to read and understand the fast killing section of this site. This is about doing the right thing by your quarry. I used to think older guys at work sounded like grumpy old pricks. Now I am sounding the same. Great. |
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faulknerRe: 7mm RUM buildDan, I hope your build goes great for you, the 7 RUM is a ripper for sure and I see your affection for it! Just for kicks run the 190 Matrix BC .807 at say 3100 or 3200 though your calculator and see how the windage and velocity hold up to the Nosler.Nathan, the little 7mm 08 that I should be picking up soon might be a perfect rig to test this new Nosler LR Accubond and just see what the out come is if I can find some and get a quick and dirty load together. PS, "7mm Red Mist" is my pick or 7mm GOP;) |
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Nathan FosterRe: 7mm RUM buildI agree, Steph was saying the same. It is what you have wanted to do for a long time Dan so go for it, experience it and enjoy it.Yep, some testing with the 7mm08 wouldd be good thanks AJ. |