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44 Mag Improvement

05 Jan 2020
@ 07:48 am (GMT)

William Corbett

I hunt with a TC Encore single shot rifle.
Custom barrel from MGM 21” long, 44 Mag, 20” twist.
Bullet Sierra JHC 240 gr, Powder VV - N110, 20 gr, Primer CCI #300, NO CRIMP, Vol 1711fps average for 20, group at 50 yards test was 0.75” for 15 shots.
I use it for deer and hogs, longest shots approx. 70 yard on both. Most about 50 yards
I like 44 Mag because it is safer, being shorter range cartridge.
It kills well, I very seldom need a second shot.
All my hunting guns, rifles and handguns are single shot.
Do you have any suggestions to improve my 44 Mag load?


05 Jan 2020
@ 08:06 am (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: 44 Mag Improvement
Hi William, you stated that your load is working well so there may not be much point trying to improve upon it. But if you want to experiment with cause and effect, you might like to try the 200gr XTP. The combination of increased velocity versus decreased momentum will result in change. You will need to run this for some time to see whether the increase in wounding is worth the trade off in penetration relative to your local game (especially pig) body weights versus your hunting methods, shot angles etc.
05 Jan 2020
@ 03:00 pm (GMT)

Michael Henderson

Re: 44 Mag Improvement
Hi guys
I think I’d give the 325 gr hard cast flat point with a gas check a try. You can probably get 1350+ fps without much trouble. I run something close to that in my Ruger Blackhawk.45 colt and it more than accurate enough for 75 yds.
19 Feb 2020
@ 09:18 pm (GMT)

Michael Seager

Re: 44 Mag Improvement
I've got some 200gr XTP loaded up for my .44mag 20" lever action 1:20" twist. That's over H110. The other bullet I'm going to try is the Sierra JHC 210gr bullets. I've certainly found that with factory fodder my rifle prefers the 240gr to 180gr so wonder if the accuracy with the slightly heavier bullet might be better.



As an aside, for hunting roe and fallow here in England the law says I need 1700 ftlbs of energy. Can't find any reliable data I believe that drives a 240gr bullet fast enough to reach that ME, you seem to need the v-squared part of the the kinetic energy equation hence exploring lighter bullets. Interestingly you only need 1,000 ftlbs to hunt muntjac and Chinese water deer which a 240gr bullet does without issue.
21 Nov 2020
@ 01:17 am (GMT)

Michael Seager

Re: 44 Mag Improvement
The other thing I wondered was about using Barnes XPB 200gr.

Barnes have a fair bit of data for these bullets out of a 7" barrelled 44 mag handgun and also give data for the 200 and 225 gr XPB in the .444 Marlin (MV ~2,500 fps) so presumably they are happy with the impact velocities.


We are a small, family run business, based out of Taranaki, New Zealand, who specialize in cartridge research and testing, and rifle accurizing.
