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Insulation Tape On Rife

03 Nov 2013
@ 01:00 am (GMT)

Michael Barthow

Ive just started out deer stalking and have been puting insulation tape of the end of barrel to stop rubbish getting up, mainly hunt in the urewera national park. I know of a few hunters that do this but was wondering if it caused damage to the barrel if left on when firining.
Any advice would be appriciated.


03 Nov 2013
@ 09:31 pm (GMT)

Jim Moseley

Re: Insulation Tape On Rife
Should have not effect the barrel or POI.
05 Nov 2013
@ 08:03 pm (GMT)

Martin Taylor

Re: Insulation Tape On Rife
Hi Michael,
I have checked my 3006 & 308 and at 100 yards the tape makes no differance to POI, l would not stalk with out it! Too easy for something to plug the end, even some water as you brush past foliage. On extended range shots l remove the tape as you have plenty of time to set up.


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