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MattHi everyone,As NZ is currently in a lockdown, and there is only so much working from home one can do, the mind wonders to other things. Reloading! I have a mate who has a 25-06 and I'm going to reload a few rounds for him with the 110gr ELD-X and AR2213SC. Does anyone have any experience with this combo? Also, does anyone have max loads for this powder and 110gr projectiles? The online ADI info only has 100 and 117gr recommendations, but not 110gr. Thanks in advance for your help! |
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Paul LevermanRe: 25-06, 110gr ELD-X and AR2213SC powder recipes/ adviceYou can always use Lee Precision's suggestion:"If you cannot find a charge for the exact weight bullet you have selected, use the data for the next heavier bullet. The velocity will be about the same and the pressure will be less. Powder manufacturers recommend you start with the STARTING LOADS and work up the NEVER EXCEED LOADS." |
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Paul LevermanRe: 25-06, 110gr ELD-X and AR2213SC powder recipes/ adviceEdit to the above. Last sentence should read:".....work up to the NEVER EXCEED LOADS." |
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Hamish GibbsRe: 25-06, 110gr ELD-X and AR2213SC powder recipes/ advicehttps://load-data.nosler.com/load-data/25-06-remington/Do your own powder equivalent homework just to double check but H4831sc should be it. |
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Hamish GibbsRe: 25-06, 110gr ELD-X and AR2213SC powder recipes/ adviceHi Matt I recall Nathan saying that the eld-x construction was similar to a high bc sst, there's a little in the books on the 117gr sst with 2213sc/H4831sc so this could be a basic guideline for you.You may have more luck looking for load data under H4831sc. What are we, 3rd day in?........Feel very lucky to be a farmer, at least at the current time but we shall see what adventuates. |
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Nathan FosterRe: 25-06, 110gr ELD-X and AR2213SC powder recipes/ adviceHi Matt, book max interpolated is 53gr 2213sc. But the ELD-X can produce fairly high pressures so you will want to start in lower and use a chrony. Simply use 117gr data as a safe practice.As Hamish stated, the bullet is in essence a high BC version of the SST. The one advantage of this bullet is that it is easier to seat than the flat based 117 SST, helping a great deal with concentricity. This is one of the downers of the generic Hornady die sets. The neck is reduced by quite a margin and can lead to 'wonky' ammo when loading the 117gr SST, grouping around 1.5 MOA. The .25-06 rifles do vary a bit with regards to pressure development. Some run true to book max and published speeds, others might need a bit more powder to get to published velocities (although I cannot condone this as a safe practice). None seem to need 'a lot more' powder. In this regard, it is best to play it by the book. Further to this, you must take note that different folk use different bullet jumps. If you seat on the lands (the ELD-X can be very accurate when set up in this manner), pressures may be higher than normal. So again, if seating close, you will want to start in low (using 117gr data). As for real world velocities, most .25-06 run true to the speeds I have quoted in the KB. Look for a sweet spot between 3050 and 3150fps but do keep in mind that most rifles have 22" barrels these days so 3000 to 3100fps may be more realistic. If you have any Superformance powder, you could try this. Start at 50gr and work up until the ES comes down (in accordance with the better case fill). Sweet spots are potentially higher than those listed above. You will need to have a good handle on pressure development for this (see my Reloading book). As an aside for other readers, Superformance is not well suited to the .257 Weatherby Mag, the case fill is not particularly ideal, resulting in a high ES. Best to use 2217 (H1000) to get into the 3400-3500fps range with 110 to 117gr bullets along with a Low ES. It is well worth chasing velocity in the .25 bore. If you have a look over a ballistics output, you will see that unfortunately, the little bullets shed velocity and energy very quickly. The faster the bullets start out, the better the .25 performs. But we have to play it safe. Many modern 22" barreled .25's simply aren't all that fast. Know when to quit. Should be a fun project. Hope that helps a bit. |
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Matthew RiddleRe: 25-06, 110gr ELD-X and AR2213SC powder recipes/ adviceHi, guys,Thanks so much for your input on this. Really helpful. I think I'll definitely err on the side of caution, since its loading for a mate. I'm thinking a 'ladder test' of sorts, with 3 rounds each of 50, 51, 52, 53 and 54gr AR2213SC, with seating 2 thou off the lands. Start from 50 and work up, looking at primers and bolt stiffness as I go. His barrel is a 24 inch, so should get slightly better velocities than the 22''. Hopefully the ELD-X isn't too tricky to get shooting well. Cheers |
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Paul LevermanRe: 25-06, 110gr ELD-X and AR2213SC powder recipes/ adviceMatt, you may want to consider increasing your powder weights by only .5 grain, instead of jumping up a whole grain (eg. 50, 50.5, 51, 51.5). A difference of one grain might be a little too steep. |
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MattRe: 25-06, 110gr ELD-X and AR2213SC powder recipes/ adviceHi Paul,Yes you are indeed right. In hindsight I was trying to cover too many options with a minimal round count. Nosler suggest a min H4831SC (AR2213SC) charge of 47gr and a max, 51gr for a 110gr projectile, whereas ADI suggest a min AR2213SC charge of 48gr and a max of 52gr with a 117gr projectile. So I think I stick with the ADI 117gr recommendation. Maybe I load 3 rounds of 51, 51.5, 52, 52.5, 53, 53.5 and 54 grains of AR2213SC. See how I get on. Then to wait for this lockdown to lift to get out and get some lead down range. THanks again for your input, Cheers |
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MattRe: 25-06, 110gr ELD-X and AR2213SC powder recipes/ adviceI have just a quick follow up question relating to the actual down range shooting of these loads. Since there will be 21 rounds to shoot, what is the best strategy for shooting that many at once? Obviously I'll be letting the barrel cool between each three shots, but what about cleaning the rifle after a certain number of shots? What do people normally do on these occasions? Shoot 3, 3 shot groups, then clean, fire a fouler, then onto the next 3, 3 shot groups?I don't know if the rifle is a heavy fouler or not at this stage. Cheers in advance |
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Nathan FosterRe: 25-06, 110gr ELD-X and AR2213SC powder recipes/ adviceHi Matt, follow Pauls half grain advice.Take it slow. No cleaning for this particular rifle until its all done. If it has a muffler, take the muffler off it. You can retest (check) the accuracy and POI with the muffler fitted later after this testing is complete. Consider taking a thermos with you, to help slow you down. |
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VinceRe: 25-06, 110gr ELD-X and AR2213SC powder recipes/ adviceHi Matt,Don't know if this will help but I take a light rifle along to the range when doing OCW tests, in my case a 17hmr. It's got no recoil and is very accurate so I can shoot a couple of 5 shot groups in between shots with the test rifle to wile away a bit of time and it also confirms how well I am shooting. Bear in mind if you do this the trigger may be different to the rifle you are testing so do a couple of dry fires when you swap back. Another piece of advice I was given for OCW's is to mark your bullets with a pen and shoot out of sequence, some people start to suffer a cumulative effect from shooting 20-30 rounds and start to flinch, if you start with your bottom loads and work up the groups may get progressively worse and the POI changes because of this. Hope this helps Cheers Vince |
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corrie den haringRe: 25-06, 110gr ELD-X and AR2213SC powder recipes/ adviceHi Matt, will be interested to see how you get on and pls post results.have just bought a 25 06 (browning X bolt!! just don't tell Nathan as he doesn't like them too much!! it does have 24in 1;10 barrel so that's a big plus) and reloading with H4831sc/N160 and various projectiles to see which work best. just need to open up a range for some practise.... safe shooting |
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Nathan FosterRe: 25-06, 110gr ELD-X and AR2213SC powder recipes/ adviceSubject bumped to top for Mike. |
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Matthew RiddleRe: 25-06, 110gr ELD-X and AR2213SC powder recipes/ adviceHi all,Sorry for the slow reply. My mate and I made it to the range 4 weeks ago. Was perfect weather... howling Canterbury N.W. Bugger. I put some shots through my 7mm mag in the lulls of the wind. My mate with his 25-06 waited. When I finished the wind calmed down quite a bit so he had a crack with the 25-06. Loads were 0.5gr increments from 51gr to 54 AR2213sc. 110gr ELD-X. Hornady brass, fire formed and neck sized. Seated 0.02 off lands. OAL 82.9 mm (sorry about the mix of imp. and metric!) Fed 210 primers. Browning X Bolt, all standard apart from a suppressor. Shot off bipods and rear rest. Best group was 0.58. Will see if I can upload the targets. |