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Nathan FosterHi All, just a quick post to say that we will be running another youtube live stream in NZ this Sunday at 8am (Saturday afternoon or evening for Northern hemisphere viewers).Please click on the following link to view the correct screening time and countdown clock for your region: https://youtu.be/tsNFAaSof3I Note also that you will need to retain the link in order to log into the chat. Youtube will generally hide links to streams until they have been up for some 24 hours (Youtube security protocols). So again, please keep the above link if you wish to view the stream or join the chat. This weeks chat will be organic as usual. I will most likely start the stream with the first email or live chat question that peaks my interest or that which may be of use to others. Until then, all the best. Nathan. |
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Jonathan KittermanRe: Liver Stream with Nathan - 3I am looking forward to this "Liver Stream with Nathan Foster - 3". I thought that was just a typo on the email announcement but I see it in the forum too. I guess he will cover shooting too far back and hitting the liver because of not reading the books and following the basics.P.S. My favorite picture from your PDF books is Riley holding a heart and lungs while dressed in pink and purple. Perfect Camouflage. Page 31 of The Practical Guide To Long Range Hunting Cartridges Second Edition PDF ebook. |
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Ben LawRe: Liver Stream with Nathan - 3i will most likely watch the replay rather than live as i have done with past episodes.by the way, loved the the episode of the australian hunting podcast #226 terminal ballistics with nathan foster.[b] |
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Nathan FosterRe: Liver Stream with Nathan - 3Thanks Ben and Jonathon.For the last stream, we focused on mystery math questions, in which I gave you all the wrong dates for the stream. In this weeks jive stream, Steph will be teaching me how to avoid keyboard typos and how to utilize the English language correctly including how spell the word pique. My special thanks to the many people who sent emails this week to remind me that I am moron. In response, I should mention that after being in a relationship for 30 years and married for 24 years, I have been aware that I am a 'fkg moron' for many years now. However I greatly appreciate the time my readers have taken to remind me of this as it has allowed my wife time to focus on other activities without having to constantly affirm the obvious following my typical questions such as "where are the keys hon? I just put them down on the bench not 5 minutes ago". Jokes aside, I hope its a good one. Its nice to have everyone chatting. |
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Scott StruifRe: Liver Stream with Nathan - 3As Mark Twain said, Spelling is a discipline of the small mind. The time warp in the Northern hemisphere Ill leave to YouTube to figure out. |
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Nathan FosterRe: Live Stream with Nathan - 3Hi guys, just a note to say that we will be going live in a half hour.https://youtu.be/tsNFAaSof3I |