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Barrel profile

02 Jun 2021
@ 10:58 am (GMT)

Scott Struif

I’m easily duped by marketing ploys. For example, manufacturers of “lightweight” rifles tout aesthetic features to suck you in. Take Tikka, for example. Their new “Superlite” boasts these features: MODULAR STOCK, IMPROVED GRIP, NEW RECOIL PAD, STOCK NOISE REDUCTION, REDESIGNED EJECTION PORT, IMPROVED RAIL ATTACHMENT, METALLIC BOLT SHROUD, STEEL RECOIL LUG. These are the large-font, bullet points on their website. In small text, in the middle of a sentence, they mention “blued fluted barrel,” without telling you they’ve taken a notoriously thin barrel and cut flutes in it. Another example is the Winchester Model 70 Featherweight. They tout the beauty of the Schnabel stock, it’s checkering, the jeweled bolt, claw extractor, etc., and in passing mention the Featherweight profile barrel. The barrel “knox” is non-existent. I know that from seeing a photo of one disassembled on another website. The manufacturers never show you photos of how they’ve cut corners.


04 Jun 2021
@ 06:06 am (GMT)

Scott Struif

Re: Barrel profile
I fell for the nonsense a few years ago and purchased an “Alpine” rifle. At the time, I was wooed by the shaved receiver, hole drilled in the bolt, & 20-inch barrel. What I didn’t realize is that I was paying for a few extra milling operations that reduced the receiver weight by a couple ounces, and a pencil barrel with questionable harmonics that heats up at the range after the first shot. It’s a joy to carry, sure (which is no-doubt mostly psychological). But I hunt at about 3000 feet, not exactly what you’d call “tundra.” I suppose there’s something to be said for a fast-handling gun that’s easy to point offhand in the woods, but I would never buy another “lightweight” gun. The cost per ounce saved is more than the per-ounce cost of bluefin tuna at the Toyosu Market.
04 Jun 2021
@ 01:22 pm (GMT)

Jake Carey

Re: Barrel profile
I've always wished there was some way to quantify how many animals have been maimed or missed because a hunter bought a hyper-light rifle in something like 300WSM. "I have a once in a lifetime mountain hunt! I should buy a light rifle that can also flatten creatures from any angle! This one weighs less than my shoes, it must be just the ticket. Wait, it hurts really bad and doesn't shoot groups. Oh well it's sighted in. At least I'll save a pound, I'm told that would hamper me more than lack of practice. How did I MISS? This bolt has FLUTES!!!"

I watched a video once called "smashing the heavy barrel lie" or something like that. A very endearing old fellow who does honestly know a lot sits down and slowly shoots groups with his Winchester feather light. The groups are at 100y. They are okay. It's a mildly loaded 257 roberts. "Case closed! Don't waste money on thick barrels!"


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