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Ryan NafeFellas,Recently I took a look through my local dealers shop with the intention of buying a rifle thats suited for whitetail deer from about 100 yards and under, be fast-handling enough to hit full-sprint animals at close ranges, and be at or under ~42 in overall length so as not to be too difficult to handle in brushy areas. What I came across was a used but quite good condition Winchester/Miroku 1895 in .270 Winchester, presumably late 1990s vintage. After initial inspection, I decided to give it a try and took it home with me. The trigger wasnt the best and I wasnt sure of the accuracy potential, but it pointed and swung like a sporting clays shotgun and I thought it was interesting to have a classic lever action in a full-power centerfire cartridge. Plus Id never used a .270 before, which might actually be a crime in some jurisdictions. After a brief exchange with Nathan I headed to my shooting area and discovered, to my disappointment, why it had likely been sold: even with the rear sight bottomed-out, it was still hitting about 8 high at 50 yards. This was remedied by the addition of a Marble Arms tang sight. I gambled, not knowing if it would actually provide the necessary elevation adjustment, but it worked out. I zeroed the rifle at 55 yards (a somewhat arbitrary number, I simply set up a target, estimated the range, then checked it with my rangefinder) using some Norma Whitetail 130 grain ammo, and after doing that, I proceeded to take a shot at the following target. Offhand standing, no support at all, at the same range of 55 yards, and not taking much time to do it. Simulating a snap shot at woods ranges, this was the result: ![]() I think thats quite an acceptable result, especially considering that the deer on the target is somewhat smaller than an actual deer, especially a buck of that size. After this, I fired two strings of three shots as fast as I could, cycling and firing the rifle as soon as I got on target, which was about 3 seconds for each string. The overall group size expanded to about 7 but all 6 rounds would have been lethal hits. Overall Im quite satisfied with the rifle, it seems to fit the niche I was looking to fill just about perfectly, and all that remains is to test it on actual animals this fall. All that being said, after being very careful and observant while deliberately testing how the rifle performs, here are the actual academic things to keep in mind with this rifle: - Its extremely sensitive to the rest setup, meaning that both accuracy and the point of impact will change noticeably depending on how the rifle is held and what rests (if any) are used. - When the barrel gets hot to the touch, it will string shots accordingly and the aforementioned sensitivities will increase. - Its a difficult rifle to shoot accurately because the trigger is rather heavy and creepy, in combination with the above two factors. - When fired slowly and carefully, on a cold barrel, using proper technique and paying extreme attention to trigger control, the rifle is actually capable of (at least with the Norma ammunition I used yesterday for the testing) ~1 to 1.5 MOA in my hands. - Its extremely fast to get the rifle on target and also extremely fast to get a follow-up shot downrange. - Bullet points get dented in the magazine under recoil. This will make the BC of the last shot in your magazine somewhat lower and could cause problems with abnormally long shots. - No provisions for a sling, so youll have to carry it the old-fashioned way. Considering my very specific use case, I think the overall nature of the rifle is adequate for my purposes, though not perfect. Im happy enough with its performance, and barring any unforeseen issues. I think its design and history is fascinating, I like power and flat trajectory it offers, and I really look forward to giving it a try this fall. Let me know what you guys think of all this, if you have any questions feel free to ask. As a side note, has anyone used the .277 130 grain Norma soft points? Theyre probably a little light and fragile for bush work but theres a rather heavy cannelure on them and they should be explosive enough to at least allow for a follow-up if necessary. I havent chronographed this ammo yet, lighting conditions yesterday were simply too poor and today its pouring rain. Thanks, fellas. |
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Ryan NafeRe: Winchester/Miroku 1895 in .270 WinchesterAn assortment of pictures of the rifle and ammo, just to add a bit of visual depth to the post:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Mike DavisRe: Winchester/Miroku 1895 in .270 Winchesterbeautiful rifle...wonderful calibre....now as to your questions...norma soft points are great...dont know what it is about norma projectiles but hey LOOK smaller than other brands of same weight...very handy for short throated rifles...they kill well.once upon a time they were one of the hottest loads around. last shot in magazine...use a ballistic tip. if your worried about soft points getting mashed in magazine,,,get a set of snips and take off the lead.....did it for years with PMC soft points because the model 70 was shocking for mashing then....for BUSH RANGES it wont matter a hoot. recently I got given some factory winchester 150grn soft point ...two deer from two shots...yip it works well. |
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Ryan NafeRe: Winchester/Miroku 1895 in .270 WinchesterThanks Mike, Id be lying if I denied that its aesthetics played a role in the purchase of it.Earlier I had chronographed the original ammunition I purchased, which is Hornadys Superformance GMX 130 grain. That gave an average of 3,218 FPS, which is quite potent. I think thats probably the best bet for close-range woods hunting, it should hit hard and produce exit wounds at any realistic angle. But there was something interesting about the Norma ammo, it was relatively inexpensive and the semi-pointed design looked interesting. Plus it would be a better option for coyotes than the GMX. Much softer of course. |
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Ryan NafeRe: Winchester/Miroku 1895 in .270 WinchesterI chronographed the Norma Whitetail ammo and got the following results from a 3-shot string:Average- 3,030 FPS Extreme Spread- 15 FPS Standard Deviation- 6 FPS The ES and SD are virtually identical to what I got with the Hornady Superformance GMX, the velocity is simply 200 FPS lower. I think for a situation where game weighs are lighter and/or shots will be directed into the neck or rear lungs in order to get maximum meat harvest, the Norma Whitetail ammo should be a better performer than the GMX, while the GMX should be superior for forwards shoulder shots, heavier animals, and situations where odd angles are likely to be encountered. |
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John D. Hays - New MexicoRe: Winchester/Miroku 1895 in .270 WinchesterHi Ryan, That is a VERY nice rifle. I wanted one like that in .30-06 when Miroku was first making them again in the 1980s. They were sold under the Browning name. Better steel than the originals. I have a Winchester 1895 saddle-ring carbine in .30-40 Krag. I guess that is supposed to be the same model Teddy Roosevelt carried up San Juan Hill. But mine was made in 1905 and sold out here in the New Mexico Territory. It has that hard steel crescent buttplate that really focuses all the recoil back and into your armpit. I've heard that style of buttplate was designed to help fire a rifle from the back of a moving horse. I have this 1895 and a three 1894 Winchesters of similar vintage that have the same configuration. All of them wickedly enhance recoil. Tolerable, but odd for such light rounds. I keep that Winchester 95 around in case I run into a Grizzly. Like this: ![]() |
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John D. Hays - New MexicoRe: Winchester/Miroku 1895 in .270 Winchester![]() |
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JOHN HAYSRe: Winchester/Miroku 1895 in .270 WinchesterI give up. I don't think that web-host will accept links from my domain anymore.You can look here: http://hayspc.com/guns/Winchester%20Model%2095%20Poster.jpg |
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Michael SeagerRe: Winchester/Miroku 1895 in .270 WinchesterLooks great!Just getting into shooting my first lever action myself and enjoying it. Happy hunting! |