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Wyatt Magazine Extension For SA Rem 700

13 May 2022
@ 08:02 pm (GMT)

Jack Dunross

Does anyone know where in Australia I'd be able to buy a Wyatt extended magazine box for my short action Rem 700? Specifically this is the box I'm looking for:
I want to extend the COAL so I can run some heavies in my 308 😃

Also if anyone knows is it worth stepping up to 2208 powder for the 208 and 225 grain eld-m's, or will 2206 push them fine? I have a 20" barrel.



14 May 2022
@ 08:18 am (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Wyatt Magazine Extension For SA Rem 700
Hi Jack, I cannot help much with the box sorry. A small sheet metal fab shop might be able to help as they will have folding equipment. The box should be made .125" longer than your current unit. The receiver will need to be milled to the rear.

That said...

At 20", there will be a limit as to what can be achieved. A long mag box and 2208 powder could give some small advantage in a 22 to 24" barrel. From a 20" barrel, the gains using 2208 may be limited. The main advantage, is that you will be able to magazine feed the two projectiles you mentioned. Any gains in speed will be secondary to this (have been working on a similar rifle lately).

Note that the 195gr ELDM, 195gr TMK and 200gr ELDX all have shorter ogive profiles and will fit your existing magazine - though each will protrude a long way the case body. Using 2206h, you may be able to drive these at around 2425 to 2450fps. You could experiment with 2208 if you want to. The trajectory in practical terms would be similar to the .303 - if you are old enough for this to have any meaning. This might be the fix you are looking for, at least for now.

15 May 2022
@ 05:53 pm (GMT)

Jack Dunross

Re: Wyatt Magazine Extension For SA Rem 700
Thanks Nathan, i'm 35, so old enough to have used my Grandfathers 303, but he's never been a shooter really. He served as a mechanic in the Korean war, but never got into shooting or hunting afterwards. I think i'm the first "gun nut" in the family haha. I do hope to add a Lee Enfield to my battery one day though!

So i've emailed Brownells to see if they'd be able to import one of the magazine box kits, as they're listed as a supplier on the Wyatts Outdoors website. I'll have to look into potentially getting a box made if they can't come through with the goods. I live in Western Australia though and our gun laws are pretty extreme, so i don't know if i'd be allowed to have one made by a general sheet metal shop. All external box magazines have to go through a gun shop. Even if i'm buying one from an east coast gun shop, it can't come to me direct and must be sent to a WA gun store for me to pick up.

With regards to the box length. The standard Wyatt extended box I believe is 0.195" longer than the factory box, but they also do a longer one called "The Baney" which is 3.1" long. (the link is in my last post). In mm that's 78.74mm.
I've been using the Hornady OAL gauge to check my potential max OAL and after checking many times, I come to an average of 77.4mm to the lands, using a random 208 grain eld-m test projectile, from a box of 100.
I could be off with my measurement as i'm not 100% convinced that i have the touch with the OAL gauge, but i got the little stick moving very slick with some talcum powder, so i think my measurement is good.
I'll post a pic of the projectile next to the gauge for reference, but it seems that by seating a bit less than my max OAL, there would still be a nice flat bearing surface for the neck to grip, but it wouldn't take up any more powder space than the 168grain seated to 71mm.

Would there be any reason not to try and go down this path? For reference, my rifle is a Rem 700 5R, 1/11 and a quarter twist.

Now lets see if I can get Imgur to work.




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