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Omark Single shot rifles

27 Mar 2014
@ 02:07 am (GMT)

Karl Thompson

Hi Gang,
Just wondering what the experience is on the forums with Omark single shot .308's?

Pros vs cons?

They seem to be very cheap second hand, and readily available. Better still they turn up with LEFT HAND versions ! I am guessing that once their accuracy is MOA+ they are no longer competitive for F-class/Full bore competition and hence too inaccurate for long range hunting as well.

However for regular stalking and general hunting to say 300m, surely accuracy around MOA is more than sufficient?

I suspect that they are not worth rebarreling due to the arrangement with the locking lugs in the barrel, and thus the cost of getting them rebarreled is likely to be a total loss if you go to sell it.

Incidentally, a single shot action does not bother me in the slightest. Which brings me to the next question; How suited are Ruger No.1's to Long Range Work? I have been lusting after a No.1 in stainless laminated with varmint weight stainless barrel for years.


27 Mar 2014
@ 02:43 am (GMT)

jason brown

Re: Omark Single shot rifles
I looked into this.
from what I understand the bolt lugs are in the barrel, so its a special barrel you need. or, it could have a neilson adapter. then you can screw on any barrel. (you will see it, its like an inch spacer between the action and barrel)
theres a couple of guys at my local full bore range that use them for f/tr. one guy actually does very well. but as we know its a combination of things that give you a good score. theres no magic "bulls eye" rifle.
I know the guy at my range has looked at buying extra neilson adaptors for spears and has had very little luck.
for me they are fairly old now, most would have shot many rounds. they could be weak and some what of a safety issue. id rather try a Remington action.

I did think about a scout type short bush rifle, single shot. but I think id rather a magazine fed rifle.

27 Mar 2014
@ 03:13 am (GMT)

Bob Mavin

Re: Omark Single shot rifles
G'day Karl
One of my mates uses one with the barrel cut back to 20" or so inches and re crowned, As far as feeding goes it's not much difference to using a Ruger no.1

27 Mar 2014
@ 03:53 am (GMT)

Les Mulloy

Re: Omark Single shot rifles
Hi Karl
I have owned a few of these over the years - They are a very accurate rifle - with a simple but excellent action.
It is possible to buy them brand new with an updated action etc.

Made by Total Solutions Engineering
Phone 0733553115 Fax 0733556776 is Tony Argent -- this is the same company that makes --
MAB Barrels in Australia
Very nice bloke.
Regards --Les Mulloy
27 Mar 2014
@ 11:11 pm (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Omark Single shot rifles

One of the most accurate test rifles I owned was an Omark factory chambered in .300 Win Mag (had to remove bolt to extract loaded ammo as it had a .308 port.

The rifle got old, the bolt head became weak. The cross pin went first which is dangerous. I machined a new one from mild steel- not tool steel. I then case hardened it Mauser style. That gave it the best of both worlds rather than a hard brittle pin.

The entire bolt head started to go next. Didn't have internet at the time and didn't want to pursue machining a new bolt head so I scrapped the rifle for safety reasons.

I can't see any probs with an Omark.
27 Mar 2014
@ 11:49 pm (GMT)

Paul Swanson

Re: Omark Single shot rifles
Yes, I own one. In Australia they are commonly used for Fullbore Target Rifle shooting & competitions. They're good actions and excellent value.

What you do want is an Omark barrel adapter and an aftermarket trigger such as the Davies. Add proper bedding and a good barrel and you'll have an accurate and reliable gun for up to 1000 yards.

Also, the point about the bolt head pin is correct, they do have a tendency to break with age (many years) and this is dangerous. So if you're buying a second hand Omark action simply replace the pin as a precaution.

TSE is definitely the go to company. They manufacture all manner of components and accessories for the Omark.


We are a small, family run business, based out of Taranaki, New Zealand, who specialize in cartridge research and testing, and rifle accurizing.
