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Which boyds stock for stalking rifle

01 Jul 2014
@ 03:13 am (GMT)

Mal Birrell

Boyds makes a few different styles of stocks suitable for a walk around hunting rifle. Is one shape/style better as far as recoil,ect goes ??


01 Jul 2014
@ 03:31 am (GMT)

Mike Davis

Re: Which boyds stock for stalking rifle
the one that fits you makes rifle come up like a good shotgun,you throw gun to shoulder and find sights already on target.
dont know if you can get a hold of them to try but that would be my way of going about it. not as important for a sit and snipe type hunt but if you are bush hunting and expect to have little time to get away a shot after positive ID has been made a good fitting stock can mean the difference between getting an animal and going home empty handed.
01 Jul 2014
@ 06:13 pm (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Which boyds stock for stalking rifle
Hi Mal, this is a gross generalization but most Boyds stocks share similar generic lines, being straight recoiling. Whoever started this endeavor really new what they were doing.

The basic "Classic" design is perfectly adequate for your needs. I have also used the thumbhole design. I can go either way with these. Boyds now also make featherweight versions. The forends are slimmer and as such, these are sometimes best suited to lighter recoiling cartridges up to about .270 Win level recoil. Common sense really.

As I wrote in my first book, about the only bug bear in the Boyds design is the urethane finish which can be somewhat slippery under recoil. U.S customers have the option of checkering. Outside of the U.S, I advise test shooting / field testing and observing whether changes need to be made. If so, the finish can be removed and replaced with teak oil.

The Boyds stocks are easy to work with, whether bedding the stock internals or stripping and sanding the exterior. There is no great need to worry about a high finish as is the case with a nice wood stock. Simply do what needs to be done, bring the wood to a fine finish and seal with hard oil. I have even seen a Boyds stocks painted with wrinkle paint by one of our forum members. This rifle is now in its second year in the field, the VHT paint holding up to the task extremely well.


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