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Reloading dies

27 Jul 2014
@ 11:21 pm (GMT)

Wayne Woodard

I need to purchase new dies in 223 and 7mm-08 and was wondering what brands to go with. I have been using Lee Deluxe, with the neck die, in other calibres and would be quite happy to stay with them if their isn't a disadvantage in doing so.


28 Jul 2014
@ 12:13 am (GMT)

Dan Keene

Re: Reloading dies
Hi Wayne. The really big disadvantage with Lee dies is that they are too cheap. This means that a lot of people distrust them and assume they are rubbish. The collet neck die is superb! It works the brass half as much as any other neck die so the brass lasts twice as long. In my 308 the bullet runout is less than 2 thou. Buy some and out shoot the reloading snobs with their Forster and Wilson dies.
28 Jul 2014
@ 12:30 am (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Reloading dies
How true Dan.

Yes, carry on as you have been doing Wayne.
28 Jul 2014
@ 01:19 am (GMT)

Wayne Woodard

Re: Reloading dies
Thanks guys. Appreciate it.
28 Jul 2014
@ 01:44 am (GMT)

Mike Neeson

Re: Reloading dies
I'll second that on the Lee collet Die. I put little grinding compound on the bearing surfaces of the collet and forcing cone and ran a case through it about 30 times. It really smoothed and mated the surfaces nicely. A touch of grease and it cycles beautifully. Another feature of the using the Lee collet die is that you don't have to worry about case neck thickness.


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