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Craig HenardI just came out of a local store and they had a Remington 700 Long range 7mm Magnum .It was $750.00 ,also had a Sendero 7mm Mag $1150.00 What do you think about the Long range rifles? Are they as accurate as the Senderos? The one I looked at seemed to be all stainless(barrel included) But in looking at other pictures on the net it looks like the barrel is blued. Maybe just the way they made them for Sportsmans Ware house? Anyway I have the option of keeping my 700 ADL(which I have $350 in)adding a Boyds stock(about $100.00) Stabilizing the stock(25.00 or so)bedding it (30.00$ or so ) for about a total of $500.00 or so OR Selling the 700 ADL for what I have in it and putting it toward the Purchase of the Long Range. I can go either route financially, The long Range or the ADL and upgrade(Cant swing the Sendero now) Just wanting the best shot(pun intended)for great accuracy. It is a lot heavier for recoil reduction ,I mostly ride an ATV to within 200 yards or so to my hunting stands on the family farm so weight is not a problem IF the Long Range rifle is going to give me the accuracy of the Sendero in your oppinion. I ALMOST bought the rifle right then and there BUT decided not to until I got your thoughts and oppinions on them. Thanks Craig |
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Nathan FosterRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Craig, these are a very good rifle. One of our forum members has just finished DIY accurizing one (basic bedding, trigger, lapping etc as per my latest book). The rifle has come straight in at .5" with the 162gr SST. It can only get better from here on in.It would be a good rifle if you can swing it. The stainless finish does sound odd. I suggest you ask the store as to what is going on there. The stock should be a Bell & Carlson with ali chassis. Take note of the stock shape and color on the Rem website, then compare to the store model. Realistically, the only difference between this and the Sendero is the type of steel used and the lack of fluting. Stainless bores fair better in poor weather but if you care for this rifle, it will last well. And besides, the barrel is a consumable. |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Nathan,I searched the net and found references to a blued version,I also found references to a stainless barrel and action but covered with a black finish but nothing on a all stainless.I will talk to the store Manager tommorow when I go to buy The rifle !! The only think of is that I have seen different versions of Remington rifles through Both Cabellas and Sportsmans Warehouse. Or Remington just put a shiny finish on it ? Doubt that though,I mean what would they have to do to acomplish that,spray paint a blued barrel?LOL Seriously suspect it is just a variant made up for Sportsmans Warehouse exclusively.More the better. The stock appears to be a Bell and Carlson ,looks a lot like the Sendero but a little less of a beavertail forend and doesn,t have the big palmswell of the Sendero(which I like)a little heavier than the Sendero(no problem) Also the bolt is not jewelled as on the Sendero nor is the reciever polished as well as the Sendero. This is a rifle that was recalled by Remington and then sent back to the store,thats the way Remington is handling the recalls,pulled all of them out of stores then replaced the triggers and sent them back to the stores. Trigger is okay but like the trigger I have on the ADL better now that i have adjusted it. Guess I could always just swap them out ? Thanks Craig |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Nathan,well I went back to Sportsmans Warehouse and bought the rifle !I asked about the rifle being a special for Sportsmans Ware House and no one knew. I also have a message that has been sent to Remington awaiting an answer. Anyway ,the rifle is Stainless and has the M40 Bell and Carlson Stock,26 inch heavy barrel(approx .815 at muzzle)X mark pro trigger(ugh about 3.75 pounds) ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Nathan FosterRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Shes a beauty Craig, a real beauty. Quite a surprise to see a stainless variant.Now- you may have some work ahead of you to get the most out of the rig so just be patient with it, one step at a time. The third book of the series will help you work through it all in a methodical order. |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Nathan,Thanks for the compliment on my new rifle. Coming from you that means a lot to me. I am still light headed I spent that much ! I also Picked up a Box of the Hornady 154 SST Superformance. I figure it may have to be bedded because I can slide a dollar bill(about all I got left after this Purchase!!)between the barrel and stock all the way back to where the barrel screws into the reciever. it slides between the aluminum I can see, looking closely( with a flashlight)into the gap between the stock and barrel, right under what you call the Knox area. I am thinking with the heavy barrel there PROBABLY needs to be some support between the barrel and the aluminum in the knox area ? Anyway I have got to shoot it by next weekend ! Even before bedding just to see dont ya know! Thanks Nathan Regards Craig |
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Martin TaylorRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Looks like a great Rifle Graig!Now you have something that will reward you with a lot less work and in the end, probebly less money! I had a laugh at the $750 being a lot, we pay $450+ just for the stock here in OZ. Enjoy! |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Quote: Looks like a great Rifle Graig!
Now you have something that will reward you with a lot less work and in the end, probebly less money! I had a laugh at the $750 being a lot, we pay $450+ just for the stock here in OZ. Enjoy! Hi Martin, I sure hope it works out well. The second sentence reminds me of a time I was working at a Major casino as a Table games dealer. the day was my birthday and I had just turned 50. I was dealer to a much older man and he asked me how I was doing and I told him fine,told him It was my birthday and he said happy birthday to me and asked how old I was . I told him 50 and he told me he was 80 and I was just a Youngster. I replied and told him I did understand what he was trying to say But I told him that" I was older than I had ever been" !! Martin you do see the analogy here ? While YOU may be used to paying these amounts This is the most" I have ever paid !!" LOL Sorry for being so long winded. Regards Craig |
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Martin TaylorRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Yep!We are just envious about the prices this side of the globe! It took me over a year to get all the parts together for my S/H Police & with Nathans help and it worked out very well. Cheers Marty |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Martin,I am glad for you and glad Nathan helped you. He has helped me quite a bit as well. Regards Craig |
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Nathan FosterRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Craig, a full float will be fine for testing.Guys, if I miss anything here, could you help Craig along. I am a bit off my game today. |
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Peter HollowayRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Craig,I have a 700 Long Range in 30-06. Mine is the blued version and it gets rusty if I look at it wrong. With a Timney, a cheap scope and Federal 165's it has been grouping under 3/4". I have mounted a new Sightron but haven't had time to hit the range with it yet. Looking forward to ordering some bedding compound from Nathan soon and working up some loads. It will be a really good rifle. Do you know the 5-digit order number of your stainless version? I would like to see if my local store can get one in for me in 7 RM. You got what should be a great rifle for an excellent price! Peter |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Peter,85611 is the number I see as the order # on the box. Hope this helps you. I am still waiting for Remington to reply to my question! Regards Craig |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Nathan,I am so proud of my rifle that I dont want to mess it up! What do I need to do to the Rifle BEFORE I shoot it? Patch the Barrel with solvent ,dry it then shoot? Any particular barrel break in you recommend or just shoot it ? I want to keep a little oil in the barrel for corrosion protection after I shoot it and while hunting. But I dont want to hurt the barrel for top accuracy. I have Used Breakfree CLP before on both the outside and bores of rifles BUT now I have read several places that the CLP contains teflon and shouldn,t be used for top accuracy.Whats your take on using it in a barrel and what is your preference for corrosion prevention inside the bore? Whats your oppinion on using Dyna Bore coat /ultra bore coat on a rifles bore? Thanks Craig |
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sllindsayRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Craig,I wouldn't presume to answer for Nathan, but in case he is tied up for a bit, see the great article, "How to Break in a Rifle Barrel" in the Knowledgebase section of the site. That should pretty well give you what you need. sl |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Thanks sllindsay,I will go there right now. Regards Craig |
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Mike NeesonRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Get the Nathans third book. It will answer everything you just asked in fine detail. I highly recommend the including the ebook in your purchase. The pictures are in colour and I have them stored on my phone so I can read them where ever I happen to have a few minutes. |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Mike,Yes I like Nathans books,already have the first 2 and I intend on getting the 3rd ,however I just got this rifle and intend on shooting it this weekend and after that on keeping it clean and the bore protected now. I dont want to wait the week or two it will take the book to reach me in the states before I shoot the rifle and protect the bore. Rest assured I will be ordering the 3rd book as I am sure it is chock full of information just like the first 2 were. Plus Nathan has helped me so much online I would buy it from him regardless . Thanks Mike Regards Craig |
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Mike NeesonRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?I understand Craig, but if you get the ebook as well, it's avail straight away. I HIGHLY recommend you do this before shooting. WD40 or similar will be fine for a stainless barrel to guard off corrosion for a few days. Yes degrease before you shoot, but it may be advantageous to shoot over a lightly lubed barrel... explained in the book. The ebook gets downloaded in several formats. PDF(adobe) EPUB (ebook) etc They all download together. You receive an email, click on the link and bammo! you got it. I normally have read his books twice before they arrive! Well, maybe not twice but you get what I mean. BTW sweet rifle... don't rush it and you will have a long and fulfilling relationship. Peace out.BTW i should never post after a couple of red wines.... |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Mike,yea too much wine will do it every time.I went ahead and ordered the regular and E-book Regards Craig |
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Nathan FosterRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Thanks Craig- I really hope you enjoy the books. They should save you a deal of money in the long run, unless of course it costs you in toys and kit.One of our readers emailed me a little while back with the start of the email reading- Hello to the enabler. |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Nathan,Yes I have enjoyed your books greatly. I just got through reading this last book(e-version waiting on the paperback) Enabler ? Thats funny ! Heck we cant take it with us ,need to enjoy life. Nathan one thing I did notice was no mention of" Dyna Bore Coat." I see a lot of the forums here in the states talk about it Like it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. What is your experience with it ,and do you recommend it ? I am thinking about getting some to use as it is claimed to greatly reduce fouling and protect the bore from rust. Thanks Craig |
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Nathan FosterRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?The downside of bore coatings is that we end up refraining from throat polishing. Friction is not so much the concern here- flame heat / fire cracking is the big issue.As for any reduction in fouling / improvement in over all finish. This may or may not be a good thing depending on bore dimensions as discussed in the book. It is unwise to make generalizations in this regard. |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Quote: Hi Craig,
I have a 700 Long Range in 30-06. Mine is the blued version and it gets rusty if I look at it wrong. With a Timney, a cheap scope and Federal 165's it has been grouping under 3/4". I have mounted a new Sightron but haven't had time to hit the range with it yet. Looking forward to ordering some bedding compound from Nathan soon and working up some loads. It will be a really good rifle. Do you know the 5-digit order number of your stainless version? I would like to see if my local store can get one in for me in 7 RM. You got what should be a great rifle for an excellent price! Peter Hi peter,Remington never called me back so I called them back. Guy I spoke with said it was a special run for Sportsmans Warehouse only. Now whether that is true or not I dont know,I could have been talking to a hobo that Remington just hired off the street ! |
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Craig HenardRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Quote: The downside of bore coatings is that we end up refraining from throat polishing. Friction is not so much the concern here- flame heat / fire cracking is the big issue.
As for any reduction in fouling / improvement in over all finish. This may or may not be a good thing depending on bore dimensions as discussed in the book. It is unwise to make generalizations in this regard. HI Nathan,I think I see what you are talking about . Best I can tell the instructions for applying this is to give at a 100 strokes or more with JB Paste before applying. IF the barrel was already a tad oversize then this process might make it too big. Is this what you are talking about? In other words let each individual barrel tell us what to do as opposed to just thinking there is a panacea for every barrel ? Thanks Craig |
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Nathan FosterRe: Nathan,Remington Long Range rifle ?Hi Craig, 100 strokes would be over the top. I do not believe I have put this in the instructions.Just follow the book instructions carefully and yes, as you say, treat the bore on an individual basis. |