@ 09:23 am (GMT) |
Jake longCurious how everyone is cleaning their barrels between say 4-5 shots?I have a bunch of new loads built but not sure if I need to bring my whole cleaning kit to the range or just run a bore snake through it. I imagine it will depend if I have heavy copper fouling but it not. Would it be acceptable to do it this way? Thanks Jake |
@ 03:32 pm (GMT) |
Shawn BevinsRe: Cleaning barrel between new loads?Nathan has written quite a bit about cleaning in his third book. If you haven't read them, I would suggest it as a good start on gun maint.My take on this.. It all depends on the gun. I have one gun that you could mine copper and another that barely collects any. It's not just the copper you are worried about, there is carbon too. If your accuracy drops off clean it.. you may find after a fouling shot or two your accuracy improves. Again, it all depends on the gun. If I go to the range for sighting in, my cleaning kit is with me.. I need to know when my accuracy is going to fall off, where my first shot is going, does accuracy improve or get worse. A warm bore is much easier to clean that a cold one imho. |
@ 07:42 pm (GMT) |
Jake longRe: Cleaning barrel between new loads?Shawn, thanks for the reply. I just bought that book a few days ago and working my way through it. Lots of the steps I was already doing but there was some good nuggets in it.With a new rifle and multiple test loads how do you clean between 5 shot groups if at all? I don't have a basis or go to bullet to test if accuracy is improving or decreasing. How is everyone testing multiple loads at the range? full clean, quick, no clean, etc. Thanks Jake |