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Savage Accustock

15 Jan 2015
@ 03:18 pm (GMT)

Dan Mapp

Good Morning All, Has anyone bedded a Savage Accustock and if so did you gain any benefit?

Cheers Dan


15 Jan 2015
@ 04:33 pm (GMT)

Nathan Foster

Re: Savage Accustock
Hi Dan, the Accustock rifles can lack surface contact area within the stock. So while the stocks are rigid, the points of contact are limited and can make the rifles prone to harmonic problems. To this end, we have many customers who choose to bed the Accustock. This often requires a preliminary stabilizer fill to fill voids before the stock can be bedded.
15 Jan 2015
@ 08:27 pm (GMT)

Dan Mapp

Re: Savage Accustock
Thanks Nathan I'm keen to have a go to stabilizing and bedding a rifle. Might be a good winter project.

Cheers Dan


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