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Mike DavisWell I blame you lot for this!!!!!!having read what you guys are doing and watching Nathans video clips to see what is possible, and having sneak peak at "the books" that a great mate has bought.... just being "good enough" isnt anymore I bought a bullet puller and pulled my .270 loads apart to salvage the bits out of them, gave old girl a really good clean. put together a few loads to test and went and had a go. last night was too windy and 6" group at 300yards confirmed that. today I took GPS to get range right and got set up at 100 yards in riverbed and let a few off down range. first 3 were factory 130grn corelocts 4" group (and Ive shot 3 deer with bullets from that box) my usual 130 grn ballistic tip load with 54grns AR2213sc was next 2 shots 1/2" with 3rd pushing it out to1 1/4" the 170grn speer fenceposts had 2 at 1/2" with 3rd pushing it out to 1 1/4" going hotter the 130BT with 59.5 was 1 3/4" verticle string and lastly with 60grn 2 through same hole and 3rd 2 1/2" higher so I guess Ive still got a lot of work to do !!!! at least I know that to 3-400 my 170grn speer fencepost load will do the job nicely..I think I should tweek that and use it this roar... partitions will be bought when I use them up....thoughts??? suggestions??? |
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Thomas KitchenRe: Getting myself organizedha ha im in the same boat thought my hand loads werent to bad then read Nathans latest book got so much more to learn and achieve, thankfully by having the book its like having a coach standing next to you telling you what to do. im having good results with ar2209 which i would recommend if your shooting 150gr or below in 270. im using 150gr interlocks which seem very easy to work with but plan on trying some 150gr sst ( if i can find them most places are out of stock) i keep looking at getting some partitions but they are bit pricey just at the moment. |
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Nathan FosterRe: Getting myself organizedWhat breed of rifle is it Mike? |
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Mike DavisRe: Getting myself organizedWinchester mod 70 "lightweight"did the vivid on bolt lugs...some off both, years ago I dug out the hot glue and replaced with a 2 pack araldite and went forward approx 1" onto start of barrel. well free floated at least 3mm clearance. got recrowned when threaded for G.W. spartan about 2 years..40 shots ago. rifling is still ok..well its still there and looks not to bad. had a good look for copper fouling the other day and it shows up on 1 land and a little in 1 groove. my "goal" is to get to 500yards comfortably IF the target board says its ok. most of my venison is shot under 200 yards but that big antlered stag that has been evading me may just be a tad further so I would like to be prepared for it. I know throat is long as to seat a ballistic tip against rifling it needs to be 90mm which is far too long for magazine. 3x9x40mm VX1 in weaver mounts and rings. |
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Thomas KitchenRe: Getting myself organizedhi mike have you tried factory federal blue box or hornady whitetail? if so how were they grouping? its best to work out if there an issue with rifle or handloads. i find it handy to also get someone else to shoot my rifle to see if its my shooting or not |
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Mike DavisRe: Getting myself organizedI havent bought factory loads for nearly 20 years..the coreloct got purchased for some new brass!!!!!as said they went 4" back in day when I did shoot factory 1" was usual Ive had good accurate loads in the past but were not fussy as werent interested in driving tacks..just shooting animals at under 200yards. Ive had a kick in butt by being around you lot and missing a couple of great stags last year was straw that broke camels back. 20 years back I fired one round of every type of .270 I could lay my hands on at same target off benchrest at 100yards they all printed in playing card sized area, so I didnt worry what was in magazine. now I know better and have seen error of my ways. |
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Bob MavinRe: Getting myself organizedG'day MikeI bet all those dead Deer are happy you didn't have hand loads!!!! ha ha Cheers Bob |
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Mike DavisRe: Getting myself organizedIve shot a few with "roll me owns" toogives me sense of satisfaction similar to catching trout on fly I tied myself. my .223 eats my reloads and is a very accurate wee lady to shoot. beside which my Scottish blood just hates paying for factory loads when "rollies" are just soo much better/cheaper lmao |
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Bob MavinRe: Getting myself organizedNow your talking Mike!!!I'm a fly fishing, fly tier from way back, taught by a Scottish gentleman. Forgive me if you've told me before, what area are you from. I'm near Port Macquarie NSW and fish, shoot the New England Ranges. Bob |
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Mike DavisRe: Getting myself organizedCentral South Island New Zealandfishn and shooting since I could walk (well nearly) my .270 has taken me nearly every game animal here in NZ samber rusa and wapiti being the only ones left, the wapiti may happen one day..well a "fiordland" deer anyway and thats the one bits of Godsown country that I havent yet explored. Nathans writings have changed my way of thinking a lot, and my shooting will get more consistent as a result. |
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Bob MavinRe: Getting myself organizedAll the best with it Mike. Take it slowly and enjoy every bit you can while you can.Cheers Bob |
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Nathan FosterRe: Getting myself organizedHi Mike, these have been a relatively good rifle and generally speaking are conducive to good accuracy. However, the barrels are extremely thin and not ideally suited to muzzle thread turning and suppression. The barrels are also prone to loss of accuracy through corrosion which often goes unnoticed by both shooters and gunsmiths.Please test the rifle without its suppressor to begin with. If the rifle continues to produce vertical stringing, it may be a sign of a harmonic or heat stress problem within the barrel. Make sure you wait a good deal between shots during initial load work. You can test a string of fast shots later, with or without the suppressor. |
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Mike DavisRe: Getting myself organizedOk mate thanks for that tip...it was a sweltering hot day and the barrel was uncomfortably hot after each 3 shots, I was taking off can and sitting both in shade for a few minutes between strings. will get onto naked barrel testing this weekend without can..earplugs and earmuffs will be needed!!!! |
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Alvaro Piqueras Alonso-LambertiRe: Getting myself organizedHi Mike...170 speers? Or just 150? Hope you had good luck with your next trials! |
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Mike DavisRe: Getting myself organizedthats NOT a typospeer 170grn round nose exposed lead tip .270 they look like a fence post!!!!! when I put them through pointblank to look at trajectory I was pleasantly surprised. |
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Mike DavisRe: Getting myself organizedok much cooler day today..took table and chair so had makeshift benchrest set up(over trusty daybag of course)first off as sugested I fired 6 shots without suppressor with good interval between shots..barrel never got above luke warm!!!!! I tried the 60 grn load as had hoped it would show potentiallearnt two things #1 I dont like my old girl without suppressor anymore...she boots still #2 I couldnt get decent group at all..two touching 2 more 2" away not together and other 2 were 4" away so...... try again another time with the usual 54grn mild load??? go hotter still..no pressure signs yet Get myself a teaspoon of cement and harden up???? on brighter note put can back on and fired 5X 170grn fence posts which were loaded hotter than before...52grns AR2213sc and if I take out the one I called as a flyer a pretty wee 1" cluster of holes with 2 touching. leave it in and still 2" got Son to resight in our 7x62x39mm bush carbine took 12 shots 4 groups all in the 2 1/2-3" area so yip she is a bush gun and the 150 yard max is definitely the max to use her at |
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Thomas KitchenRe: Getting myself organizedhi mike what projectile were you using?there is a great article Nathan has wrote in the knowledge base called "hold the forend" its a very good article that helps a lot with accuracy ( really looking forwards Nathans shooting technique book) you'll get the the rifle shooting nicely, just a matter of trying stuff til it works |
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Mike DavisRe: Getting myself organizedI am fast coming to conclusion she is what she is.....I gave it good clean tonight when got time and yip rifling is getting pretty tired.I wonder if the 150 speers that are mentioned in the KB would/could swage into remaining rifling any better??? 350 yards might be my limit if she cant keep them all into the magic 1" |
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Thomas KitchenRe: Getting myself organizedbit early to give up mike worse comes to worse you'll learn from it even if you dont get it perfect. my suggestion is try 150gr interlock or speers and adi 2209 powder, load up 3 rounds at .5 grain intervals and expect to spend good part of a day shoot let barrel cool and shoot again |
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Mike DavisRe: Getting myself organizedWent out for a wander this long weekend,seen as though we got given a Maori day off we went for a wander up onto the tops....we saw a deer or 3 lets just saw more than usual and as we were so far from wagon they were pretty safe...well mostly... saw wee velvet stag in morning at 200ish but windy as heck so decided to stalk Bro in law in closer so his wee x39 could do the job...deer gone when we got there. son had crack at chammy with .270 without joy three shots from 150-300yards. pleased to see a chammy as they have been scarce in those parts for a while. stinking hot weather so back to camp for cuppa tea..son goes up to spot X with binos and a spiker walked across shingle slide below him, he ran back to camp but it was gone by time Uncle got there with rifle. we had huge feed of dehy(man that has improved in last few years) before heading back to spotX I no sooner sat on sniping rock than spotted spiker below us close to 200yards away....I lined it up and sent 170 grn on its way result one poleaxed hunk of venison to carry out (once we dragged it off the wasps nest and got it away to cut it up that is) well guys I call it a miss had aimed for crease of shoulder as he was angling away from me and had drifted shot 4-6" sideways and poked large hole right through neck!!!!! I guess sitting on rock shooting downhill off knees I may have pulled shot... 3 hour carry out of heavy packs this morning I havent given up on old girl yet time to take out of stock for butchers at bedding and freeup barrel channel some more as it seems to have less clearance than it did. |
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Mike DavisRe: Getting myself organizedripped old girl apart and that was a mission as it had stuck,which was a surprise as have never had that issue before...gee my araldite bedding job looked like crap after seeing Nathans......even had two huge big air bubbles in it so got out tools and took it all out.......got hot glue gun out and gave it the works after good fine coating of grease all over metal work, carefully fitted it back together and let cool,took apart again...looked ok in recoil lug area so wiped off grease and carefully fitted it all back together again. barrel now has the 3-4mm or float I remember it having so not quite sure what has gone on there. will get out and test it at first opportunity, if it has improved I will have to talk She Who Must Be Obeyed into letting me purchase some bedding compound and do job right. |
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Nathan FosterRe: Getting myself organizedThat's the way Mike. |
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Mike DavisRe: Getting myself organizedwent out today to re sight her in..took a few more rounds than expected so didnt get to do decent group thing...however its on target now and definitely no worse...lol |
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Mike DavisRe: Getting myself organizedremoved the gorse and cobwebs from my wallet and bought sample pack of 150 grn partitions...looked at where my loads were for 130s and 170s and split the difference so loaded them up with 57grns of AR2213sc (2 grns above book max) 6 for sighting/testing and other 9 will take next 9 deer...yeah right...got to be positive |
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Thomas KitchenRe: Getting myself organizedhi mike dont forget to try different amounts of powder 3 shot groupd .5 variants best of luck. try 2209 to if you can find some as 2213sc is more suited to heavy bullets to my understand. im still testing some 110gr 270win vmax loads but seem promising with 2206h |
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Mike DavisRe: Getting myself organizedat over a dollar a projectile these will be tested as is. if they look to group well or blow me away with performance on game I will go whole hog and buy a full packet....still fence sitting about the 150 grn thing at the moment, I do hope to be wrong and thus converted. |