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sebastian shandhi all cheers nathan for a great site.I'm currently trying to re barrel a cz 550 safari 375 h&h into 8mm rem magnum and have had some difficulty finding 8mm barrels as popularity for the 8mm is falling of the face of the planet. now hugh bradley of stager sports has told me he can make me a barrel I'm just wondering if anyone has dealt with stager sports and what did you think of the products and services? does anyone know of someone else that does 8mm barrels in nz? currently trying to contact TSE in australia for pricing but they haven't got back to me yet and i would like to do it in nz if possible as apparently posting firearms parts can be tricky from some countries. |
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Warwick MarflittRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyTRUE FLIGHT I would have thought that they're a go to company for your requirement.http://www.truefliteriflebarrels.co.nz/ |
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sebastian shandRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyunfortunately truflite don't do 8mm barrels along with hardys and everyone else i have contacted apart from hugh bradley |
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John HansenRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyHi Sebastian. I have been trying for an 8x57 barrel myself and do know that Collings DW & Bradley Ltd 131 Dent St Whangarei 0110 sent me a Douglas Premium barrel blank which I returned as it was not rifled or chambered and no one seemed to have these tools so I would have had to buy them myself. It was the "old man" who I talked to so he might still have it. True Flight told me that they had no 8mm barrels but could supply 7x57. I have a Czech. Bruno post war 8mm since 1968, shoots well but does need a new barrel. Hope this might be helpful. |
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Thomas KitchenRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyhi sebastian.i forget who your using as your gunsmith for this but i would talk to a few like arthur cleland as he works with douglas, shilen and mab barrel. thought about a 338/375 h&h yet ha ha |
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sebastian shandRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietythanks john i'll check it out. how do you like the 8x57? was thinking about trying to find a nice ex military one to add to the collection seeing as I'm going to have plenty of 8mm projectiles soon.where abouts are they based thomas? haha I've briefly thought bout it along with many other possible choices but I'm staying strong and sticking to the plan! altho the guy I'm buying the 375 off rekns i might like it how it is and not want to change. unfortunately I have purchased projectiles cases dies etc etc etc so its bit late to change my mind now lol. |
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sebastian shandRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyalso john, hugh at stager sports can make 8mm barrels if your trying to find somewhere just the reason i ask is because I've had a few people plus my gunsmith mention that he doesn't always stick to his prices and it can get expensive which is why i want to explore my options fully before going down that road. |
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Aril NormannRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyHi SebastianI'm in Norway, and I see thet you are asking for barrels made in nz. My answer is then a bit off-topic - in a way, as my experience is here from Europe. Lothar Walther (Germany) makes very fine 8mm barrels. I use one in my 8x68S ... It is a "buzzer" - as they say. Shoots With very little fouling/easy to clean. As Lothar Walther is quite a huge barrel-maker and very many custom gun-makers and gun smiths use their barrels, both here in Europe and US, I would Guess some might use these in nz as well? Do not know if this helped, but maybe ... Good Luck With Your re-barreling! Very many excellent 8mm cartridges that many Hunters here in Europe really love. Sad if this downhill trend continues ... 8x86S has gotten a little "revival" here in Europe during the last decade though ... Hoping this could have an effect on the 8x57 too ... Extremely nice moose and deer cartridge! Yours Aril |
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Aril NormannRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietySome editing ...Sorry, but writing fast ... I meant 8x68S - of course ... (wrote 8x86S ;-) I see that Sebastian wants the 8mm Rem Mag. Have you evaluated my choice of 8x68S up against it? I fully understand the reasoning behind 8mm RM, if packing a big punch on some distance is the goal. Personally I felt my choice packed enough punch out to at least 400/500m on deer and even moose. |
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sebastian shandRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyhi arili have looked at the 8x68 but i really do have my brain fully wrapped up in the 8mm mag. I'm trying to create a rifle i can grow into and slowly shoot further and further and i want something with a lot of punch well past 1000yards, also i like calibers that are a bit different and not every joe blogs owns one. perfomance wise it really ticks all the boxes for what I'm after. it would be great to see a rise in the mighty 8mm projectile as it has been tried and proven and performs very well from what i understand |
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Aril NormannRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyHi again Sebastian,I fully understand Your Choice since your cz550 action nicely handles such a full length mag. as the 8mm RM. Selection of high BC bullets is a bit more Limited than for many other Calibers, but they exist. GS Custom, Sierra, Nosler and Barnes have very good/excellent 8mm bullets With even decent BC for longer range work ... Please check the Lothar Walther barrels, Sebastian. Extremely good steel used (from Krupp) and Germans are fond of their 8mm's ;-) Best of Luck With Your 8mm RM Project! Aril |
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Buck SlammerRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyHello Sebastian,I have owned two 8mm Rem Mag's. One was a Remington which I had the factory barrel replaced with one made by Robert Tobler of RDT Products here in Australia. It had a 1-in-9.5" twist which accurately shot 250gn Woodleigh's as well as the lighter slugs. The other 8mm Rem Mag I had was a Sako which the previous owner had rebarrelled with a Douglas Premium with a 1-in-1o" twist. That rifle did not like the heavy 250gn bullets and seemed not to properly stabilise them. If you could get PacNor to send one out, that us the route I would go. Craig Boddington raved about the PacNor barrel he had on his 8mm Rem Mag. These days I use a 340 Weatherby and enjoy similar performance but better availability of bullets to load in it. Good luck. |
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sebastian shandRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyBUGGER!dean maisey offered to get a pac-nor barrel in for me with a shipment he was doing but at the time i didn't fully know how i was going to go about the whole thing so i turned his offer down as he needed to know within a few days. as I'm hunting here in nz i will probably stick to lighter projectiles (200grain and less) and try get the speed up, what twist rate do you think is better for the lighter projectiles? also i was going to go with a 26inch barrel. |
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sebastian shandRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyanother question for you buck, how did you go about brass for your 8mm mag?is it easy to find in Australia? i got quoted $6.50 per case for nosler brass (shoulda just got a .50bmg!) so I'm thinking necking up 7mm stw and necking down 375 h&H could be cheaper I'm just unsure if its as easy as it sounds? |
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Buck SlammerRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietySebastian, 1-in-10 is standard and will work perfectly for you. Craig Boddington settled on 220gn Sierra's for his long-range big game hunting, but there aren't too many to choose from. 26" would be great. Colonel Boddington used a 28" barrel. Kenny Jarrett of Jarrett Rifles makes a slightly improved 8mm Rem Mag cartridge he named the .323 Jarrett, and 25" was perfect in his cartridge/load development - so that is very useful info. Regarding the brass - I used readily available Remington brass that came in the 50 count bags. They're still available here in Australia. It's not too difficult to turn 375 h&h into 8mm mag. Therein lies the problem with Remington's big eight - getting components. I loved it, so did Nick Harvey, Charles Askins and Craig Boddington. Reloader 25 really gets the velocity its big case was designed to produce. |
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sebastian shandRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyawesome i'll have to see if i can import it to nz or maybe get family members to send it over for me.thanks for all the information guys as I'm new to unusual calibers any and every bit of information from any part of the world is greatly appreciated! has anyone had experience importing rifles barrels from austraila to new zealand? or any country really? |
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Nathan FosterRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyHi Sebastian, you'll find that Arthur Cleland brings in Shillen barrels in 8mm. One of our forum members did an 8mm build with Arthur not long ago.Please be careful when selecting your cartridge for long range hunting- make sure that the bullets you want to use will actually expand and lose weight at the long ranges you intend to hunt at versus the game body weights you intend to hunt. Being unique is good, I believe diversity and self expression are an important aspect of our psyche, but in this particular instance, you have to consider the fact that your goal is taking the life of an animal. Do your homework. Ego must not get in the way of such a process. I am a great fan of the 8mm bore, however there is much to think about if you intend to use an 8mm out long. Magnum power is a good starting point. If you have not yet read my long range cartridges book, please do- before you go down this path. |
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sebastian shandRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietythank you for your feed back nathan, yes i recently purchased all four of your books and have read thru them and I'm about to start re reading them as you have packed a lot of information into them!please know there is no ego involved. this is a long term project inspired by your writings on this calibre i will be working my way very slowly mostly on the range and close bush hunting and if the rifle and me are up to the task i want to slowly push out the distances projectile permitting. i am currently stock piling 8mm projectiles of every variety and will be doing extensive testing as i enjoy load development and range work almost more then i do hunting. thank you for the information on the barrel! |
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Rob Hughes-GamesRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyOk I have the solution for you right here. Contact Bob Jury ([email protected]). Here a mate of mine in Canada making barrels. I have a 7mm barrel of his on my practical. It shot .236moa group at 690 the other day. Nathan's shot that barrel to when I was doing load developmental. Bob will charge about $400 +$70 Canadian shipping. Your wait time will be about a month including shipping. He will likely write the value as slightly lower to avoid tax in nz. Your choice. Have fun. Ill be ordering a 6.5 barrel off him soon.Cheers |
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Thomas KitchenRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyhi sebastian.i know you been having some fun with that rifle in 373 h&h don't forget to take some photo's have you thought about the 358 shooter time alaskan its a blown out 8mm rem mag in 358, it might solve few issues with getting barrels and projectiles |
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sebastian shandRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietythat looks like a cartridge worth exploring thomas, ill have to do some more research. it has some impressive numbers attached to it!. at this stage i have a barrel for the 8mm on its way from the states should hopefully be here next month and I'm steadily stock pilling a big range of 8mm projectiles and cases so I'm pretty committed to finish this build now. scratch the itch then on to the next one haha.i consulted my gunsmith the other day about a 9.3x06 and he tried to convince me to go 35 weelen so i might talk to a different gunsmith lol |
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Thomas KitchenRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyHa ha I have to agree with gunsmith no point making it difficult for sake of it. 35 Whelen or 9.3x62 or 9.3x57 would save you all the hassle of custom dies. Couple stages in the necking process plus having to get a custom reamer made |
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sebastian shandRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyHaha nah he's being a fun sponge and taking the easy option lol. Yeah I think he was keen on the weelen because he's got a reamer for it and it's the same case as 06 so no bolt mods needed. |
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Thomas KitchenRe: custom barrel makers of the 8mm varietyIt seems like there is a .1mm difference between the x62 and the 06 diameter so might not have to modify the bolt head. I think Martin Taylor has a 9.3 so he might be able to give you some advice. I would stick with a 358 cal thou as we rely on the American made stuff here so you'll have more options |