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G DogHi all,Im looking at buying a sporterised vz24 in 8x57. Ive been and am a .270 man through and through so know very little about this catridge. Ive read the knowledge base here -thanks Nathan, but still want to pick peoples brains. Unfortunately here in New Zealand there is a lack of projectiles available for the 8mm. Im looking gor a 300 to 350yd max range and the only projectile thst has some respectability in the BC department is tge 180gr Ballistic Tip. Seeing as high velocity isn't really a factor in the 8mm, im thinking this may not be such a bad pill choice? Keen to hear peoples thoughts and success with the ol 8mm. cheers, Grant |
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Mike DavisRe: 8x57 loadsbeing a .270 man myself......the 8mm would be a great/greater bush/scrub gun and should hit them worked up staggypoohs a tad harder, Graham Henry rated the cartridge. heck a hunk of lead that big/heavy just HAS to be good, why try pushing it at range if you have a .270????keep them for different tasks and you have best of both LMAO. |
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Thomas KitchenRe: 8x57 loadshi grant.i would try the sst's they tend to be good in most calibers and will give you good b.c |
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G DogRe: 8x57 loadsHey Mike -good point raised. Chances of shooting that distance would be slim, but its more of a "whar if" situation. I'm looking forward to shooting it. Im a new convert to old mauser actions.Hey Thomas, the sst was the first choice but I can't find any in New Zealand unfortunately so the btip was the next best thing. Cheers guys, Grant |
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Les MulloyRe: 8x57 loadsG'day GrantSierra make a 175 gr spitzer ( flat base , soft point product code 2410-) I use them in my Turkish Mauser for military Comps ( open Sights ) --- They are amazingly accurate in the 29" 1in 10 twist barrel -- never tried them on game --- maybe easier to get hold of- Rebel Gunworks in Aust stocks them - reards Les |
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Thomas KitchenRe: 8x57 loadsthese guys have them http://www.workshopinnovation.co.nz/products.asp?cat=159 also check with reloaders supplies but they struggle a bit with supply issues but they had a fresh hornady shipment the other day i was in there |
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Tom WinstanleyRe: 8x57 loadsI agree with Thomas - SSTs are your best bet in NZ. Reloaders' Supplies has them in Auckland. If you're chasing sambar, a heavier projectile like a 200gr partition, or a Woodleigh/Norma Oryx might be better.I used to use 196gr Norma Vulcans for everything from foxes and muntjac through red deer in the UK. Knocks things over, less meat damage than .270. Any second shots required were my fault. You could stretch that to the ranges you mention, though the trajectory is pretty loopy - you'd want a rangefinder. Never seen the 165gr Vulcan Nathan mentions, though. Avoid the 139gr PPU/Highland which won't group in my worn and loose, military-necked kar98a sporter, but not in a tight, unfussy Husky 648 either. It also runs out of steam very quickly. Highland also make/made a 175gr pointed soft-point boat-tail, headstamped '8mm Mauser' rather than '8x57IS' as per their other bullet weights. This seems downloaded to SAAMI or lower specs, though I haven't chrono'd it. Projectile is good, as is brass, so might be worth reworking. |
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sebastian shandRe: 8x57 loadshave fun finding sst 8mm projectiles! i have 7 different people back ordered them for me!the point of view i look at it from is yes the range is not as extensive as some calibers but you only need to find 1 or 2 good ones ay. |
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G DogRe: 8x57 loadsCheers fir the info guys its all good :)As Sabastian has found out - the sst is non existing here, the suppliers have just had a bulk order come in and none in it, so at best they're still at least 3 months away. Ill find something else to use in the mean time. cheers, Grant |
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Thomas KitchenRe: 8x57 loadsgrant work shop innovation has them, as i added them to my cart to see if they were in stock and it didn't tell me otherwise suggest you buy some while they are in stock |
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G DogRe: 8x57 loadsSays its out of stock when I try Thomas :( tried the other day to. Thanks though. |
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John HansenRe: 8x57 loadsHi G dog. Iv'e had an 8mm since 1968 and love it. Yes projectiles are hard to get right now. I think I got the last box of Hornady 170 SST from workshop innovation about 2 months ago. In my reloading experiance 150gr are a great killer but not for long range. The 175gr Sierra Pro Hunter are ok and have had several 1 shot kills over 200m but my barrel is not the best after many years. Wrote to Hornady 2 months ago to enquire about more 170 gr SST but initial reply asked if I was sure it was "one of theirs" so had to supply them with their product code no. Sheee. Next reply was try again in a couple of months. Hopefully they will produce more soon. Used Norma 196gr plastic tips for many years and never needed a second shot but went down to 150 gr for Stewart Is and again used them for years. Will wait for more 170 gr SST when they arrive. |
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Thomas KitchenRe: 8x57 loadsbugger thats a shame grant.martin taylor swaged .375 projectiles down to 9.3mm wonder if you could do 338 to 8mm. this the thread http://www.ballisticstudies.com/Resources/Discussion+Forums/x_forum/17/thread/6080.html there also one some where, where i asked nathan about 7mm to 270 to take advantage of the amax's seems possible and one day ill try it. otherwise sierra or speers at a guess |
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G DogRe: 8x57 loadsThanks Guys - great info. Have you tried the sst on game yet John? Shocking service from Hornady in regards to your email. Crazy. I have been looking at the pro hunters - chances are i'll grab some since they'common enough. Might pick some BTips out of curiosity too. Just looking forward to using the old 8mm :)Thanks Again, Grant |