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358 Winchester wounds

02 Nov 2015
@ 05:45 am (GMT)

Bob Mavin

Hi all
I gave the 30-06 a rest took my 358 Winchester away for a change, 225gn Sierra GK at 2450fps. Aw-some caliber out to 300m absolutely smashes deer but does it with no bruising unless you hit an extra heavy bodied stag that creates solid resistance, then you see heaps of bruise.

I put a few wound photos one photo bucket.



02 Nov 2015
@ 05:59 am (GMT)

Bob Mavin

Re: 358 Winchester wounds
I know I should of cut them open but the flies where thick enough to carry them away, and me!!!

03 Nov 2015
@ 10:16 pm (GMT)

Alvaro Piqueras Alonso-Lamberti

Re: 358 Winchester wounds
Hi Bob;

Nice photos!

I have had quite interest in the 358 Win round... To me, it seem as the ideal chambering for a short bush rife, wich can be used when blood tracking with a dog.

Can you please tell us what rig are you using and what load?

That bullet you use is the one I would use if I ever have a 358 win, followed by Speer offerings.

I think that the absence of bruising could be caused because the slow projectile speed. This cuse few temporary cavity and few bullet fragments. Can you please tell us the shot distance (or, for that matter, the impact velocity).

Will be nice to see the sierra´s 200 grain RN in action in the woods. That bullet just lack a high BC for long shots, but the extra velocity and adequate weight makes it a valid candidate for short range light and medium hunting.

Aniway, quite interesting performance.
04 Nov 2015
@ 12:46 am (GMT)

Bob Mavin

Re: 358 Winchester wounds
Hi Alvaro
For hunting out to 300m I find it perfect. Those wounds were at 200m-250m. impact velocity around 2000fps.

I make my cases from Lapua 308 palmer cases with the small rifle primer, they're very strong.

I use 225 game kings or the 225 woodleigh P/P for big animals.

Using ADI 2206H 47gn give 2450fps, 49.2 give 2620fps in my rifle

I've shot everything from Rabbits to big scrub bulls with it. You don't appreciate it's power till you hill a solid heavy animal, then you'll see bruised meat.
04 Nov 2015
@ 08:56 am (GMT)

Alvaro Piqueras Alonso-Lamberti

Re: 358 Winchester wounds
Hi Bob,

Thanks for the info, appreciate it!

I think you can see bruised meat when shooting a heavy animal AND when shooting rabbits! (Maybe then you cannot see anything LOL)

I have a 3006, 18,5" barrel that shots 165's at 2700 showing some pressre signs... The 358 can shot 225 grainers at quite close speeds with a 308 based case and much more energy. That's a nice cartridge. I have never hear complaints from 358 users. But, there are not much users out there... Maybe the lack of factory ammo causes that?

04 Nov 2015
@ 08:58 am (GMT)

Alvaro Piqueras Alonso-Lamberti

Re: 358 Winchester wounds
Sorry Bob,

What barrel length are you running?

04 Nov 2015
@ 07:52 pm (GMT)

Bob Mavin

Re: 358 Winchester wounds
The barrels 22".
The rifle & scope weighs 8lb all up, easy to shoot just a big push. But I did get cracked on the eyebrow last week. I was shooting uphill, a few quick shots at running Fallow deer and copped a nasty split brow. As Nathan said Zeiss scopes have a short eye relief.
I've managed to collect a few scope scars over the years ha ha.
Shooting up steep slopes, especially quick follow up shots can rattle you. My 30-06 would have done more damage.
08 Nov 2015
@ 06:46 pm (GMT)

Eloy Vilavella

Re: 358 Winchester wounds
Thanks for posting Bob.

Definitively both the 358 win and also the 35 whelen are two very easy to load, versatile and super accurate cartridges that can harvest 99% of game walking the planet with authority and w/o the need to resorting to larger cases or magnums.

The range is more than plenty for the average hunting range and beyond.
Either one makes a great light alternative for those facing some of the dangerous game like in Alaska, Taiga, etc...
The main advantage is that the 358 gives a lot with little so above the 180gr will propel heavier bullets faster than the 308w from handy rifles with 20-22" barrels.

They give plenty of penetration and massive wound cavities and when compared with .458/50 cal thumpers they deliver a lot more at longer distances and still pretty decent trajectories vs. the 44/458/50 rounds that are great for close work but loose speed fast due to the poor external ballistics of those calibers.

So these make a great heavy brush cartridge as well as a nice white tail farm land harvest machine.

Due to the plentiful and quality brass available it make a very attractive option and it can be safely pumped for extra horse power if needed.
Boffalo bore, among others makes some mean loads for this caliber as well as the whelen.

These type of loads are very forgiving and will anchor the deer and elk right where it sands.

I like what you are doing with the palma brass. It is a very strong, consistent and great donor for the 358 as well as other calibers.
It should last a long time with some minor care and if you are not
going too hot.

For those who like lever action there is also a beautiful lever action for this caliber that is the amazing Browning BLR. Very well built, accurate and consistent hunting tool.

IMO when extra grain is needed to be sent downrange there is little reason to go above the 358 and 375 calibers. If you look at the bullet assortments and how they perform it is hard to justify a larger caliber and hard to find efficient bullets when extended ranges are needed. Of course there are amazing long range bullets in the 416 and 50 caliber for the BMG, Berret and other offspring and XXL magnums but those are dedicated to pretty specialized use.

I never understood why the 358w and whelen are not more popular in America. I am sure, like always, marketing has to do something with it.

08 Nov 2015
@ 08:07 pm (GMT)

Bob Mavin

Re: 358 Winchester wounds
Thanks for your reply mate.
I really love my 358 Winchester, it's much more gun than I need, but it doesn't knock the smaller Fallow deer around, my 30-06 does more meat damage. 358 win should be more popular, for sure.
I'm lucky, I bought a heap of 308 & 358 projectiles before all the prices went crazy.
17 Nov 2015
@ 03:01 am (GMT)

Dave Guthrie

Re: 358 Winchester wounds
Ive used a Ruger 77 358winchester to kill many West Virginia mountain bucks and have never had a deer leave its tracks after the shot. When i bought the rifle i immediately called my hero , Elmer Keith, as i knew his wife shot a 358 model 70. He gave me a load of "a case full of 4064 raked off level at the top, and seat a 250 bullet on it. You cant get enough of anything in the damn thing to hurt you" He was quite a character. I used this load for years with awesome results.
The Speer 250 gave wide wound channels and killed like lightning.


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