@ 10:07 am (GMT) |
Jit RathodRead the book now can't decide on a press to invest in. Won't be loading thousands of rounds but do shoot at +500m.Thoughts? |
@ 11:13 am (GMT) |
Bob MavinRe: Forster Co-Ax or Dillon 550?I've been using a RCBS Rock Chucker for years with good results & Redding dies. |
@ 11:53 am (GMT) |
Thomas KitchenRe: Forster Co-Ax or Dillon 550?HI jit.I started with Lee anniversary kit and am more then happy with it. I am thinking of upgrading to a classic cast press at some stage though as it bit stronger and has more clearance but still having good results with most of the gear in the kit. If you can afford it look at Co-ax if your limited budget look at Lee classic cast. If there's no local Lee sellers in Sweden?? Have look at titan reloading |
@ 01:40 pm (GMT) |
Sebastian ShandRe: Forster Co-Ax or Dillon 550?Gidday jitI've had a co-ax press for a while now and it's a beautiful bit of kit, incredibly well thought out and designed. If your wanting a good single stage press then the Forster is the way to go. I haven't used the Dillon 550 but generally the progressive presses are for high volume ie pistol shooters etc but never having used one I couldn't tell you how accurate they can be. |
@ 08:08 am (GMT) |
Mark WhitakerRe: Forster Co-Ax or Dillon 550?I started 40 years ago with a RCBS press, then moved to a Dillon 550. The Dillon IS great, I don't use it as a progressive, just do one round at a time.If I was starting over, I would go L.E. Wilson dies an an Arbor press, simple, accurate and cheaper. Mark |
@ 06:00 pm (GMT) |
Bryan WebsterRe: Forster Co-Ax or Dillon 550?Back in 1970 I was working in an area where there were a lot of benchrest shooters in our southern BC's Okanogan valley. I wanted to compete so on the recommendation of a competitor I bought the arbor press, sizzing and seating dies as well as their case trimmer. Still have the works of it and when I want to see just what my rifle can do I make use of it.For general reloads though, I have a Rockchucker press that I am soon goin gto give to one of my boys in favour of a brand new Forster Coax press. Used one a couple of months ago helping show a youngster how to load and will soon place my order. I really like their Full length benchrest brad sizing die and bought one together with the Ultra seating dies both for my .308 as well as 7mm Remington Magnum. |
@ 06:50 pm (GMT) |
Mark WhitakerRe: Forster Co-Ax or Dillon 550?Another reason for the arbor press that is overlooked by the hunting fraternity.Its Portable!!! If you ever go to a bench rest competition there will be guys reloading with an Arbor Press on the day for the prevailing conditions. Die Hard you might say? and I would agree, but for hunters on a trip of a lifetime and you run out of ammo, All you have is factory ammo as a substitution or have 500 rounds with you. You do not need a bench to attach the standard press, and everything - press dies, scales, powder, primers and projectiles all fit in a shooting bag. I wish I had one!! |