@ 10:33 pm (GMT) |
jason brownhi everyone, this is mostly about how my shooter app seems to be a bit off for a while, when It used to be bang on.i have found this with two riffles, my .223 and 7mm magnum. I know you need to verify your drops and in the past I have, and found the shooter app was very accurate. with my 7mm, how I zero is basicly get the windage right at 100, and as long as the elevation is about 1.4- 1.7 inches high (which is roughly the 200 yard zero I want) I just input how high exactly at 100 it is, into the shooter app. rather than trying to get say... a bang on 200 yard zero. for me this works for about a 200 yard head shot, or any further and I will be dialing for correction anyway. and this has worked. but lately iv found the shooter app to be out. the other day it was low at 360 and 700.at least a couple of clicks, if not 1 moa at the 700. I needed to check the zero today and it was high by .5moa at 329. it said come up 2moa, but 1.5 was right. the thing I don't get, is this is the same rifle, mostly the same inputs (except maybe how high I am above zero at 100) and the same load. my .223 is also high, at least a click or two from memory (at 330) and has been the last few times iv done the zero. (it gets a 100 yard bang on) using this app has one down side... its not written down so I cant remember what iv dialled in the past, I think maybe, 1.75 moa. for 330 yards my zero is 1.6 inch high at 110 yards (its a meters range) 162 amax 3100. if I adjust to 1.8 high its still 1.8 moa I have to come up.(still a click out) like I say, it was never like this it used to be accurate, has anyone else noticed this using the shooter app.... how do you zero, do you use an app... |
@ 11:01 pm (GMT) |
Nathan FosterRe: zeroing, dropcharts or apps / shooterYes, I have been caught out.1. My own inputs wrong. 2. Not quite as accurate as Sierra sometimes but only by .25MOA. So I can't really fault the program. Familiarity is the key. But to be honest Jason, printed drop charts are the go. We should be saving our phones for emergencies in the field. I am going to write a full book on making drop charts and field work in the near future. I'll give you a hand to make charts. Time to get on the bat phone again Jason. |
@ 02:55 am (GMT) |
jason brownRe: zeroing, dropcharts or apps / shooterso you use shooter Nathan?I knew you used a computer programme and printed charts, instead of inputting for every distance you may need like me. and I have thought I need to print something out. im just lucky my hunting trips don't last more than a day so I can use the phone often, including those wound data base pictures. but your right, I can see when the phone should be saved for emergencies. it would be sad if my head stone read, "he had no cell phone battery to ring out, but he got good photos" thanks I might just phone you soon, it just bugs me that everything was! accurate. |
@ 07:15 am (GMT) |
jason brownRe: zeroing, dropcharts or apps / shooterNoobie question, Do you guys use the G1 BCs or the G7 BCs worked out by Bryan Litz? From what I have read, not all G1 BCs are the same and they tend to be velocity dependent meaning one projectile can have a range of G1 BCs depending on the actual velocity. On the other hand, the G7 is meant to match a boat tail drag profile more accurately, only requiring the one BC input for predictable drop/drift. AND like Nathan, Bryan wasn't content to take the word of bullet manufacturers and has gone out and got his own REAL data. All the data in his book matches the expected drag profile for the boat tail and I guess I am wondering if anyone has experience using his G7 data and how well it worked. |
@ 07:40 am (GMT) |
jason brownRe: zeroing, dropcharts or apps / shooterI use the bryan litz bc,whats even more weird is that post is under my name, but I didn't do it. |
@ 08:36 am (GMT) |
Michael NeesonRe: zeroing, dropcharts or apps / shooterAh yeah, that is weird, I posted it... Not sure what happened there. Looks like a glitch of some sort. I just clicked on the link from my email and posted. |
@ 03:56 pm (GMT) |
Nathan FosterRe: zeroing, dropcharts or apps / shooterOK, contacted the IT team, should have that bug sorted asap.Yes Jason, am using Shooter. Michael, I use the G1 BC. Very important to understand that I see a lot of folk blaming incorrect drops on BC when other variables are at play. I used to make such mistakes myself. After I learned how to read environment, how to calibrate scopes, make sure the chrony is reading right, this removed errors from my math. From this, I have come to very much trust the Sierra program and G1 models used. That said, there are conditions when BC is effected. I will put all of my findings into print when I am able. |
@ 09:48 pm (GMT) |
Jim MoseleyRe: zeroing, dropcharts or apps / shooterI use Sierra and G1 also. With my 7 mag and 162 gr Amax, I zero at 300 yds and then set up a tall cardboard target at 600 yds to begin the drop chart. Using a T-square to draw a vertical line the length of the target and a level to ensure that target is straight. I place a one inch red peel and stick dot at the top of the target. With the rifle on the bench and sandbagged, I can see that my vertical crosshair is perfectly aligned with the line on the target. Fire a 3 or 4 shot group and measure from the center. I carry my laptop and input all environmental elements to determine my velocity. After that, I move to 1000 yds to verify. Usually there is only a minor change, half moa or less. I write lots of notes on conditions. When I get home I print out a drop chart in 10 yd increments out to 1200 yds. That's a 3 page sheet which goes in my backpack. When hunting you have plenty of room for notes to make adjustments in the field. I have a Chrony but it seems to vary to much depending on lighting conditions. I will also get spindrift info off the G7 program by Aaron Davidson. This works for me so I'm happy. Deer season opens in 4 days!!!!! |
@ 10:20 pm (GMT) |
Nathan FosterRe: zeroing, dropcharts or apps / shooterKeep your camera handy please Jim, tell your friends too. Am currently looking for photos for the book if anyone wants their mug shot in print. |