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Sebastian Shandso out of interest and a slow day at work i thought bugger it I'm going to start emailing projectile manufactures and hassle them about high bc long range projectiles in 323. you know how it goes, the squeaky wheel gets the oil (so they tell me)anyway i sent off a big long email to all the major bullet makers i could think of not really expecting to hear anything back, but to my surprise within 1day berger and sierra got back to me. below are the responses to my email. "At this time I do not have any 8mm additions on the menu. The problem seems to be the same as always, we do not get many requests or interest in 8mm diameter. Thanks" Duane Siercks Ballistic Technician sierra. "At this time we are not exploring options for an 8mm bullet, but I will make a note of your request for our records as we greatly appreciate your feedback. Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for shooting Berger Bullets." Kind Regards, Ryan Robertson. |
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Nathan FosterRe: long range 8mm projectiles (yes i know here i go again!)Hi Sebastian, email DRT bullets, ATTN Dustin Worrell and harass him. He should be able to make a nice 180gr frangible with a relatively high BC (it will be longer than a regular bullet).Dustin is very keen on all of this sort of thing, including the .358 caliber. Its just a matter of priorities including how much time can be devoted to R&D versus other aspects of the business that need his attention. He is a very straight up bloke, nice to deal with. |
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Sebastian ShandRe: long range 8mm projectiles (yes i know here i go again!)Fantastic thanks Nathan, I've never heard of them before to be honest. Have you experimented with there bullets?I just got a reply from Hornady and they obviously didn't read my email that well as they stated they make 8mm projectiles already missing my point about high bc hunting or target projectiles recommending the gmx 180g and also the sst which I said in the email I couldn't find them on the face of the planet and was wondering if they even made them or if it was some sort of practical joke they had going for April 1st |
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Nathan FosterRe: long range 8mm projectiles (yes i know here i go again!)I have tested the DRT. I have yet to put reports up because my tests are still ongoing. I would like to test the full range before setting about publishing all of my info.In brief, the bullets feature compressed metal powder cores with a normal copper jacket. They are fully frangible and like an A-Max, penetration is dependent on the SD of the bullet. I have tested some of the DRT designs down to At 1400fps. At 1400fps I experienced pin hole wounding and after repeat testing, I found 1600fps to be the safe cut off point. These are a long bullet with a fairly generous BC. The process of R&D is ongoing for DRT as they work towards making the bullets as accurate as possible while also trying to find that perfect factory ammo load that works in everybody's gun (a near impossible ongoing task). I have spent a good deal of time testing and sending reports directly to DRT as an aid to their R&D. They have been highly responsive to input and simply great to chat with. Now something to be clear on. DRT are the only company making what I would call a truly effective and viable "environmentally friendly" bullet for the future versus current hunting trends (extended to long range work). No other bullet maker can compare and for those living in California, you need to get behind this company and support them as best you can. This extends to supporting them through any mistakes they may make as they produce new products and make their way forwards. I am sure as sure that this environmental stuff was first pushed not by environmentalists but by certain bullet companies trying to corner the bullet market for themselves. Those of you who have followed the copper bullet market from the beginning will know what I am talking about. So rather than offering you new options, what these or this company has done has in some places (like California), actually taken away your options. This to me is unacceptable business practice. People don't like having options taken away- who wants to be disempowered? So we need to be grateful for people like Dustin Worrell as he strives to overcome such hurdles and bring the industry forwards. So, on the one hand, you have a company that you or other may have never heard of. Yet on the other, their work could be one of the most important factors that keeps us in the game long term. Very interesting once you think about it. |
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Sebastian ShandRe: long range 8mm projectiles (yes i know here i go again!)i emailed dustin at DRT and got a reply within a few days he seems to be a bit busy currently but kindly suggested some names that may be able to help me out. below is dustins reply."At this time, we do not offer projectiles in that caliber. This is actually the first query of that, so at this time I don't see us making it in the near future. I do know a couple of monolithic bullet companies that may do something for you. One is Maker bullets and the other is G2 Research Sorry I couldn't be more help. Dustin DRT ammo" do the above names mentioned by dustin ring a bell with you nathan? |
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Sebastian ShandRe: long range 8mm projectiles (yes i know here i go again!)i have emailed both names mentioned but looking at there website i don't think it will be very helpful. at best i may get long range target projectiles same as the cutting edge projectiles.i will keep on dustins case anyways until he gets sick of me. so if anyone else out there owns 8mm of some sort please email dustin so he knows there is interest in the shooting community for decent 8mm projectiles |
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Mal BirrellRe: long range 8mm projectiles (yes i know here i go again!)I've got 8mm SSTs.....seem pretty soft even out of the 8x57 at 2700fps. Core separation at close range.Let me know if you want some,could probably post some. Mal |
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David GrayRe: long range 8mm projectiles (yes i know here i go again!)DRT had a kind of rocky start. It seems they started out making cartridges for defensive handguns. The marketing got on the wrong side of a lot of firearms "experts". And just general firearms enthusiast's.If Nathan recommends them then I assume that they have their act together now. Or maybe you just have to look past the hype? |