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Cleaning rods

18 Aug 2015
@ 05:03 am (GMT)

Warrick Edmonds

I happen to be in the market for a new cleaning rod. So off I go to the local gun shops where I'm presented with two choices. A stainless rod for $80Aust or a carbon fiber rod for $150Aust. Being a good student of Nathan's books I want to choose the carbon fiber, however for that price? What irked me was that the previous weekend I'd stopped in at a hobby store and picked up three meters of 5mm thick carbon rod (for my knife making) for a total cost of $20. Where does the 150 bucks come from? I pulled the threaded gubbins off a dead cleaning set I had lying around and glued it to the 5mm rod, then a wooden handle and that's all she wrote. Must have cost less than a twenty. My advice, if you want carbon fiber try the hobby store. Careful cutting it though. It does splinter and put out very sharp needles if done badly. Google up a Youtube on how to make the cut properly.


18 Aug 2015
@ 05:48 am (GMT)


Re: Cleaning rods
What kind of Hobbystore do you mean... like models and rc cars?
What is the rods intended use when they sell it?
18 Aug 2015
@ 07:04 am (GMT)

Warrick Edmonds

Re: Cleaning rods

yep, RC cars, planes and models, that kind of hobby store. I have no idea what they use it for, the shop I go to has it stocked among the balsa wood, brass sheet and various other metal rods. I use diameters from 3mm to 5mm as pins through the handles of my knives, makes a nice contrasting change from brass. (The pins are to mitigate against lateral shocks).
18 Aug 2015
@ 11:51 pm (GMT)


Re: Cleaning rods
Thanks might give it a go and see if I can find some. If they go small enough iv got a bent .17 call rod that needs replacing.
20 Aug 2015
@ 03:02 am (GMT)

Warwick Marflitt

Re: Cleaning rods
A lot of RC planes have a carbon rod for the main wing spar. How would a thick brazing rod go? You could silver solder the threaded end off the old rod onto it and possibly the handle spigot too. Or use some Penny /Panel washers and make a handle from a drilled piece broom stick or some plastic rod?


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