@ 06:43 pm (GMT) |
Colin LuuHello,I'm lucky enough to have wild bulls roaming at a local conservation area where I live. I only spotted them by chance while out for the fellow roar & was confirmed when I chatted about them at the local bar. Anyway I'm planning on going out and stalking one with a hunting buddy. The ideal plan is to stalk within 100m & have simultaneous shots at the head/neck of the bull. The weapons we have are a Zastava M70 in 308 & a Winchester also a M70 in 243. If this isnt suitable I can try to borrow a 375 H&H magnum from one of the local deer stalkers. I'd rather use my rifle as I am more comfortable shooting it and I know its reliable. My current load is 168gn Amax doing 2750 fps and the 243 is factory ammo (winchester silver tips) I'm thinking a head/neck shot is the only feasible way to bring down a bull without needing to borrow the 375 H&H but would it be worth while to work up a load with say a barnes ttx (more stout) proj in my 380?. What are your opinions? (we have a boat to help carry out the bull as well) |
@ 11:09 pm (GMT) |
Nathan FosterRe: 30 cal projectiles for wild bullsHi Colin, it is very important to understand the difference between field conditions and yard/paddock conditions when it comes to shooting cattle. In yard conditions, a .22Lr or .223 can easily get the job done.In field conditions, even the 6.5x55 can struggle to get the job done with head or neck shots. This is because of minor movements the animal may make combined with human error. In bush/woods conditions, the shooter has to take standing shots which add error. because of this, the .243 is completely out of its depth as either a primary cartridge or back up cartridge. Use the .308 and use a Barnes bullet or something of this ilk. dave at magnum Sports has sampler packs if you only want to buy a limited quantity. Neck and head shots are the only option- as you have suggested. The .308 is pretty good on wild cattle with this shot placement. I have used fairly soft 180 grain bullets (Sierra / Interlock etc) on cattle in the bush but these do not have the same level of reliability that can be found in tough premium bullet designs. If you do want to use a .375, you can call around home and borrow mine (.375 RUM) seeing as you live within the Taranaki district. |
![]() @ 01:40 am (GMT) |
David BRe: 30 cal projectiles for wild bullsI can recommend the GS custom projectiles. They will allow you to use your 308. |