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Mike Davisok I know I asked similar question in here somewhere before but are begiggered if I can find it.....here is my delema/question for red deer at short range eg under 100 yards...mainly 30-50 what projectile is going to give me the biggest bang for my bucks??? Im not sold on idea of a 200 grn ELD yet as unsure if it will stabalize and really like big fat flat or round nose projectiles Ive had great results with factory 180 grn winchester power points but cant source projectiles as a component.....will speer spbt or round nose give me similar preformance...what about hornady 180 grn??? another thought was the 170grn flat nose built for 30/30 will it be too fast in 08 and just over expand and not penertrate. my longer range type hunting is covered with the mighty .270 winchester and Im confident if using .308 out in open I can suss a load out for that but really want a hammer of thor for bush work of stags,Ive enjoyed using the 7.62x39mm as a bush rifle and cant complain with its preformance with one shot kills being just bang flop too easy, but if I own a .308 aswell it will be redundant..subsonic I can do with 08 so thats its other use gone. partitions??? expensive to be sure ,do I need to spend the extra or will one of the other options be just as good...yes Ive read knowledge base 4 times and cartridge book sections thrice...but short range not really covered for reds...... just when I thought Id found answer it says perfect for elk etc. look forward to replies |
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Mike DavisRe: close range .308settled on 180 grn round nose hornadies with 41 grns of 2208 behind itrifle pokes them pretty much into same hole at 70 yards (only fired four checking zero) and they feel mild enough on the shoulder. finally found some info on this projectile in 300 savage text..... |
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Mike DavisRe: close range .308shot 40lb sow today with this load. my wonderful big black bitch Meg led me through crown fern to where pigs were asleep and I spotted pigs snout and eye so plastered it. projectile finished up under skin on far side at 2nd nipple after smashing head and totally obliterating neck bones (wasnt hard to decapitate thats for real) lovely mushroom and weighed in at 102.5 grns2nd pig copped an old school 150grn silvertip too far back but was anchored and when I sooled Meg onto him it was game over.boar of 55lb,expired by time Id walked 25 yars over to them. lost both flaps and about 2 cup fulls of meat from hind leg and kidney region.... if you fellas arent using Alex Gale carry belt method yet,look it up. I carried both out at same time no problem. |
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Mike DavisRe: close range .308oops first pig 10 yards...2nd one maybe 30 yards lol. |
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Bryan WebsterRe: close range .308Congrats Mike. It appears you have resolved your own question here quuite well.I found the 180 grain Sierra round nose bullets effective as well - and extrememly accurate too. Fairly quiete on these forums of late eh? |
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Nathan FosterRe: close range .308Hi Mike, sorry, for some reason I missed this thread. Its quite a good one too. Nice to read your updates! |
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Paul LevermanRe: close range .308Don't want to hijack the thread, so....Bryan....look for a post on Whitetails. |
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Mike DavisRe: close range .308red stag about 3 years old,too heavy for me to carry .30 ish yards in thick crappy scrub.rushed the shot as his eye balls were starting to bulge,whipped crosshairs onto shoulder and let rip...shot hit maybe 3" higher than ideal. stag bolted downhil but not far...trusty hound made short work of finding him piled up against tree,Meg had a wee chew on his butt to make sure he wasnt going anywhere.after brain fart said I could carry him in one peice I boned out front half and cut back wheels off at 3rd rib. 3" too high,both shoulder blades stuffed one lung 3" blood shot to heck the other lung a bloody mushed up mess,off side shoulder had fist sized hole...I lost half a front quarter....I can live with that any/everyday of the week. yip these 180grn round nose jobbies trundling along will do me just fine n dandy...and now Ive put my M84X scope on zastava which comes up like a good shotgun I think it will be getting taken more often,amazing the difference a change of scope can make,Ive had a 3x9 and a 4x12 on it and it just didnt come up right,with the old wee scope it just fits perfect. |
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Warwick MarflittRe: close range .308Mike! Stop it...... I'm having Deer carry withdrawal symptoms 😆. How about these 220gn tomb stones.https://www.google.com/search?q=220gn+.308+bullet&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=imsvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiVpfHD_IfeAhVHZt4KHXuJDgAQ_AUoAXoECAwQAQ&biw=360&bih=592 Meg's a lucky pooch having a great mate like you to chase pork and chew Venison with. Nice to read your adventures together. Some pictures I'd be cool😉 |
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Mike DavisRe: close range .308yeah nah...it works so not keen to stuff around with a load that works...maybe when Ive used all hundred of the 180s.......at one per deer it may take awhile LOL. I struggle to post pictures on here but post regularly on www.huntingnut look for Elvis.bit of a techtard in me older age LOL. |
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Warwick MarflittRe: close range .308Yeah. You're onto a grinner with the 180s and why should you change a good thing? Find some more and stick with them. I know what you mean about the pictures. Since Photo #ucket did the dirty on my pictures I've tried a few other photo hosting services but they're all a waste of time. The whole Internet has changed to the point where it's now a Tika T3 light in 50 Cal? If I could ditch my cell phone, the Internet and be 20 again I'd do the first two in a blink and the third if I could know what I know at fifty back then lol. |
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Todd FreeRe: close range .308Sort of on topic: About PicturesPost Image is still good, permanent, free and no login required. https://postimages.org/ Drag picture onto page and then use "Thumbnail for Forums" option by clicking the copy to clipboard link at far right. See screenshot below. ![]() |
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Mike DavisRe: close range .308shot another close range red the other day...only a handbag sized yearling and due to it being alert and in process of moving off I took the only shot on offer which was far from ideal...through its right rear ham....totally smashed up the femur to point it wasnt recognisable as a bone....he dropped down and dragged slowly downhill,dog not interested in holding (as she hasnt been allowed to scrag anything) but she kept right by it till it stopped less than a minute 100ish yards away,allowing a 2nd shot through base of head. job done.lost half a rear leg with bullet path being about 2" wide with blowback seen.sort of goes with other thread on non ideal results but I though to post it anyway.....it happens,what you choose to do afterwards is what counts. my daybag was full of prime eating vennison that my meat starved mates have made good use of,the dog got to do her thing and the exercise may have put heart attack back a few months. |
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Paul LevermanRe: close range .308Once you get the code, you can use the Ctrl+V, as well, to paste it. |