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Sheep hunting

12 Apr 2021
@ 12:41 pm (GMT)

CBH Australia

Hi, I know very little about hunting sheep. I read that you can hunt Arapawa sheep in NZ.
I'm not super fit so I'm not looking to Hunt the highest or hardest trophy. In fact I'm not a trophy hunter but if I travel to NZ for hunting I would like to have a different experience.
I've read a bit on hunting sheep in the US, it's expensive, hard and only available by entering a ballot to gain a tag.
I went to Africa for a cull hunt and used a hire rifle. If I travel to NZ I would probably bring my own rifle.
I'm just looking for a different experience. We don't hunt sheep in Australia.bim sure some strays are culled where required but I'm not aware of any sheep hunting destination or opportunity in Australia.
Can anyone tell me what area of NZ this is done?
Any leads on a guide or private hunt, public land.
Any idea of costs? Are cull sheep an option?

Anything' you can tell me will be appreciated,
I would be happy to shoot pigs and goats perhaps but hunting wild sheep bwoukd be a different experience. Tahr or Chamois may be an option I'm not after a trophy it's the trio, the experience and maybe the camp cuisine from the spoils of the hunt.
I'm happy to pay my way so if there are hunters who would take a visitor out I am happy to do my bit and certainly cover costs etc.

Not even sure when it might happen.but I thought I might put it out therem


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