![]() @ 06:47 pm (GMT) |
Thomas Pavelka![]() ![]() A dream hunt to remember. We took a group of clients on a hunt up in the Mountains of Vermont for Boars. When I found out there was Buffalo roaming the Mountain I knew I just had to take one. The Guide assured me he could get me a 50 yard shot and I was wired and ready to go. Now Buffalo out on the plains is one thing, but when you have them roaming the Mountains well it's somewhat of a different game. One would think that finding a Buffalo would be like finding a fish in a bathtub. Definitely not the case. It seems they adapt quite nicely to the treed terrain and become quite adept at playing the hiding game. We combed the Mountain for some better than 3 hours and finally picked up a set of tracks. One of the Guides took up the follow, the other took me up to the very top of the Mountain where it opened up pretty good. So there we set, waiting for the Buff to make it up to the top. Of a sudden the Guide flips out and yells,; "There He IS!" I strained for everything I was worth to SEE the Buffalo at 50 yards and thought I had completely lost it since I could not see a Buffalo at a lousy 50 yards. The Guide looks where I'm looking as say;"NO, Out There!" I look up and out some 300 yards is a Huge Buffalo. I scrambled for the ATV (Quad) and made a quick rest over the seat, got comfortable, and touched off a 300 grain A Square out of the 378 Weatherby. At the hit the Buffalo shuddered all over like trying to shake of some flies. Then it started to wobble. I took no chances and lit him up again. He started sinking. I let another round go. And he just collapsed in his tracks. When we skinned the Buff out there were three shots in a span of 3 inches just in back of the front leg and center mass. The lungs poured out as a rather soupy mix, the heart was ripped near off from the top arteries. All three of the bullets exited the far side ripping about 2 inch holes. I ate on that Buffalo for close to two years. Hands down some of the best meat I have ever dined on. Every man should be able to have an opportunity like this at least once in his life. Nothing quite like it. |