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Andrew MurrayHey all,Did you see this? http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-05-22/sweden-issues-leaflet-on-how-to-prepare-for-war/9785934 |
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JOHN HAYSRe: Swiss Warning PamphletI think they forgot Rule #1: Join NATOPay your dues/contribution, build up your military while you still have non-Muslim young people to fill the ranks. Sign the NATO treaty and commit to fighting with and for the other full members should they come under attack. Receive the total assurance that they, by treaty, will come and die for your independence. Stop preening about how you havent been a combatant in a war for over 200 years and your country is so very neutral. This is not necessarily a good thing when Europe was fighting to the death with the Nazi war machine within living memory. Remember what Trotsky is reputed to have said, Just because you are not interested in war does not mean that war is not interested in you. Sweden is a beautiful country full of civilized, wonderful and kind people. |
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Nathan FosterRe: Swedish Warning PamphletYes, quite a concern Andrew. |
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Paul LevermanRe: Swedish Warning PamphletI think the key word here is "civilized". |
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Andrew MurrayRe: Swedish Warning PamphletI noticed this article this morning,And though it is perhaps somewhat alarmist it may be connected. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-09-05/russia-is-rehearsing-for-a-large-scale-war-putin-vostok-2018/10202550 |
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Warwick MarflittRe: Swedish Warning PamphletThe war to win is the war your enemy don't know they're in. .. |
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Warwick MarflittRe: Swedish Warning PamphletSome light reading for you all..........enjoy 😆http://classics.mit.edu/Tzu/artwar.html |
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Warwick MarflittRe: Swedish Warning Pamphlethttp://classics.mit.edu/Tzu/artwar.1b.txtText of the book The last chapter on the use of Spies is frightening. |
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Andrew MurrayRe: Swedish Warning PamphletAnother update on a worsening situation.https://abc.net.au/news/2018-10-21/donald-trump-pulls-us-out-of-nuclear-arms-treaty-with-russia/10401578 |
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Lane SalvatoRe: Swedish Warning PamphletWell, to use an oft repeated phrase, if you want peace, prepare for war.If Russia and China are continuing to make these weapons then it does the U.S. no good to pretend everything is OK and ignore the situation the way Obama did. These are evil people. We have to be ready AND willing to protect ourselves and our allies from them. We saw with Obama what a weak involvement and no leadership from the U.S. would get us. ISIS in control of an entire country, disintegration of Egypt, a bigger fight in Iraq, and a much more aggressive Russia. The greatest president in modern history, Ronald Reagan, said this: "You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin -- just in the face of this enemy? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the pharaohs? Should Christ have refused the cross? Should the patriots at Concord Bridge have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard 'round the world? The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn't die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well it's a simple answer after all." "You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." "There is a point beyond which they must not advance." And this -- this is the meaning in the phrase of Barry Goldwater's "peace through strength." Winston Churchill said, "The destiny of man is not measured by material computations. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we're spirits -- not animals." And he said, "There's something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty." "You and I have a rendezvous with destiny." "We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness." |
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Warwick MarflittRe: Swedish Warning PamphletWell you had all Seriously better read this book.https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.html#c1 Not that we can do much about it. And actually the planet is due for a correction As the parasitic species are out of control and the flea dirts getting too much and is soiling the white linen and causing an environmental stain which if not dealt with soon will block the plumbing, burn out the thermostat and compromise the Air Conditioning? What would I know? I'm just a dumb Auto Electrician! This guy here had a few different things to say about it and everyone laughed at him and thought it was hilarious https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7W33HRc1A6c At least one other person thought enough to talk about it. I'm sure that the Earth invented cellular phones to distract the majority of the population so it would have time to put in place unchangeable changes that will be our downfall and remove us from the Web of life to the interweb of strife........ So probably the sooner we have a big punch up kill, maim, waste n destroy everything and everyone who is dumb and stupid reduce the numbers a few Billion the Earth can get on with it's own selfish agendas of day n night Sun n rain the cycling of seasons and the business of Geological time? If you stay small and travel lite. You just might survive..... |
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mark korteRe: Swedish Warning PamphletI'm with you Warwick. What I mostly see from our leaders today is unmitigated lust for more power and insatiable greed for more money. It will doubtless be the downfall of us humans, which would be OK if it stopped there. But the sad part is that we are unfortunately taking the whole show with us. But I guess inevitable corrections almost always have collateral damage. Sometimes I think the best thing for the planet would be a human specific pathogen before we wreak the entire web of life. Individually maybe we don't deserve it, but as a species we operate with the ideology of the cancer cell. |
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Lane SalvatoRe: Swedish Warning PamphletI couldn't disagree more with the need for population control. Human life is the most precious thing on the planet. |
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mark korteRe: Swedish Warning PamphletQuote: I couldn't disagree more with the need for population control. Human life is the most precious thing on the planet.
With all due respect Lane - does this mean all the "evil people" in Russia and China are precious too? Or just some of them? We better be building some pretty smart bombs...
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Hamish GibbsRe: Swedish Warning PamphletMmm had been holding my tongue on that one Mark it's the kind of blind belief that has killed billions over history, Read, learn, and do not let repeat."Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see" Contradictory yes but you're on the road to discovery when you understand they both make sense. |
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Andrew MurrayRe: Swedish Warning PamphletThis post was never meant to point fingers or to lay blame anywhere. Just observation of trends.Of course it hard to swallow that the USA would call for other countries to give up their nukes while they announce that they are building more of them. That said there is a certain fear that makes this choice somewhat smart. I tend to agree with both Lane and Warwick. Lesser extent with Warwick, but I see his point. We have rubbished this planet and do so still at an alarming rate. I do not believe that the planet itself is preparing to remove us or reduce our numbers. Our planet is simply our rock. We have chosen to deface it for our own selfish interests. But I agree we are the most valuable thing on it, even if we often act oherwise. Mark, let me ask, if you can see Russia and China as being evil then it should not be very hard to see how these countries view the West as being evil right? It's simply the system we know and therefore prefer. Now places like China have some horrid track records of human rights abuses, but places like Australia does too with our offshore detention, the USA with Guantanamo and their neglect of their poor and needy. We simply choose to turn a blind eye with our own shortcomings so often. But please, the whole point was to get you thinking that stocking up on Ammo might be a good idea. |
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Hamish GibbsRe: Swedish Warning PamphletAndrew Mark was referring to Lanes use of the word evil. Sorry Lane may have taken you wrong but I am a little sensitive to leaders addressing their sheeples in the context of we are the god blessed good we must protect from evil. Wtf does good, evil and god have anything do with invading countries, does that make it any different to extremists? You listen to foreign leaders with an air of distrust but not your own? Why? Is it self serving interest or what's best for every precious human life?Human life is precious to humans, we are the only beings on this planet capable of dramatic change yet we are the ones destroying it. Fact is this planet would be better without us. |
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mark korteRe: Swedish Warning PamphletAndrew - totally agree with you on how we view each other. But true or no, its wrong headed thinking and it perpetuates the problem. Our (and their) leaders remain in power by spreading fear. Our (and their) military industrial complex makes billions off us by climbing on that fear train. Do I for a minute think that we can somehow change the dual evil human "needs" of fear and greed? Of course not. As Pogo the Possum said "We have met the enemy and he is us". Do I think human life is precious? Yes, as is the life of every other creature we share the earth with. Life itself is what is precious. It seems hard to watch how we treat each other and own habitat and make the blanket statement that all human life is precious. As human individuals we are clearly capable of the very best behavior towards ourselves and the utmost respect towards the earth we depend on. But as a species we are trashing our rock at an dizzying pace and we're taking everything with us. If we were better than any other creature it would follow that we would extend that "love" that defines us towards the very thing that sustains us, even if it meant making less money. Humans I would argue, are clever - we have figured out how to open Pandora's Box and sadly that cleverness will be our undoing.As for stocking up on ammo - just my personal opinion, but I doubt stocking up on ammo is going to keep the Cobra gunships from coming to get me if they want to (at least not me with my stupid single shot rifle:). Besides, in the US stocking up on ammo out of fear has lead to ridiculous price jumps by ammo companies - greed feeding on fear again. I have a magazine cartoon stuck to my fridge. It is a drawing of a "god" figure and an "angel" figure standing on a cloud looking down on the earth below. "God" is telling the "angel" "This human experiment has gone on long enough. Give the hippos control" Thanks to all for the thoughtful discussion! |
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Andrew MurrayRe: Swedish Warning PamphletCheers Hamish,Apologies for the confusion. |
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Lane SalvatoRe: Swedish Warning PamphletI've sort of gotten lost. I'm not sure which of my comments has stirred the most ire. I'll just stick with the two and if you want to circle back to another no problem. First off, thank you for the respectful discussion. Some don't agree with me but you're all kind and I appreciate that.I do believe absolutely that every human life on this planet is precious, even the ones who are most destructive. I don't believe that the best thing for the planet would be a human specific pathogen. That was the only notion or line of thinking with which I took great exception. We can be great stewards. Just look at the public lands, national parks, and farms in the United States. We can also be terrible stewards. Just look at some of the oil spills we've had in the United States. We can and should always improve our stewardship in our communities and on the planet at large and that can include everything from overuse of plastic cups to managing our energy consumption, air and water cleanliness to be as efficient as possible. I just cannot think of us as a virus worthy of random extermination. We make some terrible choices but human life above all other is precious. |
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Andrew MurrayRe: Swedish Warning PamphletI am with you Mark, there is a tension that exists that I do not know how to reconcile. For me my faith (Christian) allows me to hope for better and to weep at the state things are while always striving to live the best way possible. It means caring for the planet when everyone else appears not to be. It means looking for the best when their is much that is far from it. Self protection so often leads to self destruction. We are a communal species but in the west we are driven by individualism. I don't have he answers but being prepared for the worst while doing our best is a tricky line to walk. |
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mark korteRe: Swedish Warning PamphletAndrew and Lane - In my view you've both nailed exactly what I mean by the absolute good side in our humanity. Humans have the innate capacity to behave in the best possible way towards our fellow man and the life we share this planet with. Its what I call "love" - it can be for your fellow man or it can be for the animal you just killed knowing it will feed you. But the paradox that it seems we also agree on is that we have a truly dark side and our ability to control this dark side is the key. In my view the farther we as a species drift away from the natural world that in the end sustains everyone, the easier it is to forget that everything in it is precious. That's where the problem of western "individualism" starts cropping up - enough is never enough. We always want more - its a rat wheel. This works OK for awhile, but as more and more see the "good life" as the end all be all and as the human population continues to grind upward things start to fall apart in larger and more profound ways.I don't personally have an answer - I'm for sure not advocating for the intentional development of a human pathogen! I don't think I have to - the rapidity in the way viruses are now mutating in places like Africa coupled with global travel will likely be how it begins. Its pretty scary and fascinating at the same time - we are struggling to keep ahead of it. Read the excellent natural history author David Quammen's book "Spillover" Its an eye opener. In the end I think we mostly agree - the important thing is to try to live an exemplary life in the way we treat each other and the planet. As the author Barry Lopez wrote "One must live in the middle of contradiction, because if all contradiction were eliminated at once life would collapse. There are simply no answers to some of the great pressing questions. You continue to live them out, making your life a worthy expression of leaning into the light." |
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Warwick MarflittRe: Swedish Warning PamphletFirstly gents. Let me congratulate you all for sharing your thoughts feelings believes and truths here in a respectable and respectful manner. Well done. Education and leading by example are the areas where change will come from. Fearless education based upon the effects of cause and effect. Truth proven and fully understood, factually thought out decision making process. (Learning how to think well) Needs to be learnt by all humans. Every community of people everywhere need the chance to learn written arithmetic and language. About money and lending money's traps! Basic health n hygiene care. Growing Preparing and cooking food? Hard to do in a concrete jungle whilst struggling with day to day existing. Here in 2018 we're so far down the habits hole that turning around and the size of the change in direction required. Requires that the haves need to have less more and more for the less? Tax fat? Seriously obesity is the measure of a countries excess? In a well balanced society it should be impossible to get over fed and under exercised. I won't apologize for saying this. I've seen poverty first hand working in rural Mali west Africa. And I tell you that. The only reason we have what we have. Is because they don't have what they don't have. Yeah and every time I pull out my Leica RF binos I have to humble myself.! Here in my hands is 5 years income for one rural worker in Mali. I'm just as guilty of fatness and excess as any other......Would you be happy to swap places with anyone from anywhere else in the world? I think that until the answers Yes! Then we have work to do. We are the virus. Unlike an ant colony or Bee hive we don't realize that the world Team is an acronym! Together Everyone Achieves More.....we unlike them can't seem to agree on just what more is? More love? More compassion? More thoughtful empathy? More thinking about how we,you,I think? OR more money, more food, more gun, more wall?Not how these organizations sees the world.? http://reports.weforum.org/global-competitiveness-report-2014-2015/methodology/ I am convinced that our governments see us as another convenient flock to manipulate and farm like sheep, pig's, chickens n cows? I see towns as paddocks for people, supermarkets the human feed lots. Mortgages, car loans,hire purchases and financial loans. The fences and Collars to trap and pin people down. Holding them in one place, one job, existing and not living? If you didn't care what happened to me, And I didn't care for you, We would zig zag our way through the boredom and pain Occasionally glancing up through the rain. Wondering which of the buggers to blame And watching for pigs on the wing. Pink Floyds Animals It's heartening to see you all here. Individuals from different lands sharing your thoughts. Take care and keep your powder dry. |
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Jon ShortRe: Swedish Warning PamphletGreat discussion. Interesting reading. |
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Warwick MarflittRe: Swedish Warning PamphletIt's kind of like reading about "The lollipop and the concrete truck". A story about a dropped lollipop and the ensuing race to find the sticky sweet in aggregate of a fast and permanent setting nature! The decision of Where to look , the arguments before the search. The scientific answers to see how much of the lollie will be left to pop! The regret from taking too long. Accepting your chosen fate where. Not making a decision is a decision not to make one!The end is the beginning of the next tail............. "The Bull and the Ship"! |
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Warwick MarflittRe: Swedish Warning Pamphlethttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wDSnazUSBv4 |