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Warwick MarflittPercentage wise I'm a minority. I don't think like most people. I see and think things that others don't. For example. What do we do when our bridges and multiple lane highways need to be replaced because the concrete and steel is stuffed? Where's all the vehicles going to go when in 100 years time they need to be demolished and rebuilt? Add high rise buildings sewer and water systems and the list goes onNothing lasts forever! The more you look the more you see. Unsustainable choices in practice. Making problems for Future generations to have to solve and mess to clean up. I came up with a new word yesterday Envirophile ! It seemed rather befitting for the times we're living in. The easiest mess you'll ever clean up Is the one you don't make....... I say it to every apprentice and then watch them drop shit on the floor!!! Do we need, more so now. Than ever before in the history of our species To make long time decisions looking A few hundred years ahead and planning for what we're giving (not leaving) for our Forecestors to live with. They don't have any control over our selfish actions and doings. We build museums and store the past with such care and conviction, charging people to see it.(Big yellow Taxi) And yet the responsibility for preserving the future for people who well never meet! It would appear isn't as important of a task. |
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Warwick MarflittRe: Bridge collapse Its not like it was going to last forever? I mentioned in a post last year?https://books.google.co.nz/books?id=I_jaYF-iyp0C&pg=PA108&lpg=PA108&dq=forecestors&source=bl&ots=IMntErcq04&sig=ypjralMtP--9StB8hQgu8uRRFFk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjv-qTX__DcAhUVd94KHVa8CfIQ6AEwBXoECAMQAQ#v=onepage&q=forecestors&f=trueInteresting book about the future of our species Interesting how they're saying that the authorities knew that the bridge needed repairs . |
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mark korteRe: Bridge collapse Its not like it was going to last forever? I mentioned in a post last year?I'm with you Warwick. That bridge is a metaphor for earth in general. Put too many people on it and its gonna collapse - maybe slowly over time and then again, maybe all at once. Most creatures have ways of ejecting unwanted parasites, pests and infections. We may well be in the middle of the earth's attempt to rid itself of us. |
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Warwick MarflittRe: Bridge collapse Its not like it was going to last forever? I mentioned in a post last year?I think that you may be right Mark. We will have to sit back, wait and see? I remember seeing a movie called "The Quiet Earth " A science experiment goes wrong and. ..........https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QdHoYtBzdX0 It's just a shame that for such a great and talented Species. That the Human is? (Some of us are doing it, some are watching it as it's done and doing nothing to stop it, Some don't care, some are oblivious to it [to wound up keeping up with the fashion] are too poor, rich, hungry, miss placed, trapped, controlled or _ _ _ _ _ _ {insert excuses here} We're destroying parts of the web of life that supports the Life web. What you do to the web you are doing to yourself.!(Wise old American Indian advice from 1853) So we're kinda telling ourselves to " Eat shit and die"! smile, accept the inevitable. Enjoy your extinction. Isn't it funny how people are unable to see past capitalism or communism? Liberal or Democrat. Left or right. Can you be brave enough. Smart enough. Strong enough to come up with a new idea. A fair, honest, lasting system to live with. That works to strengthen and supports all strands of the web? I double dog dare you to try and make it.......... |