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Jon ShortTo all Kiwi licensed firearms users,I am going to be direct. If you have not made a time with your MP to express your concern then you bloody well should. Winging on forums & facebook will do nothing. Ya need to get off your arse & make a time as a matter of urgency to see your local MP. I have done so as I do not want to feel that I should have done more. Anyway below is the latest news from COLFO. This is extremely alarming & it's important that you read & understand what this will mean if the labour coalition succeed. Allowing the govt to bypass proper thorough consultation process by shortening submission time frames in an effort to minimise submissions against their bill is not ok, & one must consider that if the Labour coalition can get away with doing this with this attempted legislative change, then what else they will they try next that will affect you? Where will it stop? So please, stand up & be counted NOW, make your concerns clearly known in person to your local MP, or suffer the consequences of apathy. COLFO update below, PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ & UNDERSTAND THIS; Dear Jon, I am writing to you on the Governments second tranche of firearms law changes and I'm afraid I have bad news. What the Bill does The Arms Legislation Bill punishes law-abiding firearms owners, without targeting the criminals who will ignore the new laws anyway. For example, it introduces a costly, impractical, and ineffective register and will turn running a gun club into such a bureaucratic nightmare, it is likely some will be forced to close their doors. The Bill introduces new rules about doctors reporting to the Police when a licence firearms owner presents with a mental health condition. This undermines the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship adding a new barrier for rural communities to access mental health services. Worst of all, it's all planned to go through before the Royal Commission into Christchurch even reports back. MPs trying to avoid proper public scrutiny Yesterday afternoon, the Select Committee which has been allocated the Bill, issued draconian rules designed to prevent large volumes of submissions against the Bill. First up, the process has been shortened. The Committee has only given us 26 days until submissions close on 23 October! Unusually, Parliament has banned emailed submissions on this particular Bill. They are preventing grassroots groups like ours from creating online submission tools like the one we built for the Royal Commission process. It appears Government MPs don't want the public sending the MP messages they dont want to hear! But it gets worse. Officials have been instructed to count form submissions from different people as just one submission. If our supporters submissions are too similar, they will group them together and count them as just one submission. And even the submissions made in person are being curtailed. The timeline means that everyone who wants to submit orally is unlikely to get the chance so the Committee will just pick and choose who they want to hear from. Usually, when a proposed law disproportionately affects rural communities, select committees travel and hold hearings around the country but from everything we've seen, this particular Committee plans to stay in Wellington. The Government is trying to screw the scrum Jacinda Ardern and Stuart Nash have realised that the proposed law changes are not as popular as expected. It seems they now want to sneak the Bill through without groups like ours causing too much of a fuss. But with your help, we're not going to let them. Last night I met with our lawyers who are currently working on a comprehensive submission on the Bill. They will have to us a submission guide at the end of next week Even if these new restrictions mean flying people to Wellington, rather than the grassroots effort we initially planned, then so be it. We can't let the Government prevent the voices of firearms owners like you being heard. We need your help not to let them We have set up a page on our website with some materials we've pulled together on the Bill and we'll update the page as our lawyers complete the submission. We'll be in touch next week with our submission and a comprehensive guide on how we can defeat this Bill. Thank you for your support. Michael Dowling Chairman Council of Licenced Firearms Owners (on behalf of the Fair and Reasonable Campaign) ps. Nicole and I will both be in Taupo at the Sika Show this weekend. Come and say hi to us at the COLFO booth (number 338). Fair and Reasonable · PO Box 24020, Manners Street, Wellington 6142, New Zealand This email was sent to [email protected]. To stop receiving emails, click here. You can also keep up with Fair and Reasonable on Facebook. |
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Jon ShortRe: 2nd Bill COLFO update - if you don't act now, you have no right to complain about the outcome.And please make sure you keep donating to COLFO to help them help us.Lawyers are expensive! Thanks, Jon |
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Warwick MarflittRe: 2nd Bill COLFO update - if you don't act now, you have no right to complain about the outcome.Cheers Jon I was just coming here to post the same info and Jah bless yah you'd bet me to it!ITS A THROW BACK TO COLONIAL RULE........ WE HAVE THE POWER AND MEANS TO DENY YOU WHAT WE DEAN TO BE UNNECESSARY FOR YOUR NEEDS! Be a good Capitalists slave and pay some more taxes, Buy a 5G phone and get lost in your face book Goggle Apps play store brainwashed zone The sooner the young over throw the old establishment the better! But wait the cops have ''guns, gas n tasers" to use to subdue any unrest and mayhem........ They're making it hard to reply and have our say! Not allowing emails in this day n age? " Parliament has banned emailed submissions on this particular Bill. They are preventing grassroots groups like ours from creating online submission tools like the one we built for the Royal Commission process. It appears Government MPs don't want the public sending the MP messages they dont want to hear!" This Buy back is a breach of Article 33 of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Conventions, Article 33: Individual responsibility, collective penalties, pillage and reprisals No protected person may be punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited. Pillage is prohibited. Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited." Under the 1949 Geneva Conventions, collective punishment is a war crime. By collective punishment, the drafters of the Geneva Conventions had in mind the reprisal killings of World War I and World War II. In the First World War, the Germans executed Belgian villagers in mass retribution for resistance activity during the Rape of Belgium. In World War II, both the Germans and the Japanese carried out a form of collective punishment to suppress resistance. Entire villages or towns or districts were held responsible for any resistance activity that occurred at those places.[5] The conventions, to counter this, reiterated the principle of individual responsibility. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Commentary to the conventions states that parties to a conflict often would resort to "intimidatory measures to terrorize the population" in hopes of preventing hostile acts, but such practices "strike at guilty and innocent alike. They are opposed to all principles based on humanity and justice." Additional Protocol II of 1977 explicitly forbids collective punishment. But as fewer states have ratified this protocol than GCIV, GCIV Article 33 is the one more commonly quoted. I think that this is a |
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Jon ShortRe: 2nd Bill COLFO update - if you don't act now, you have no right to complain about the outcome.I think you mean socialists rather than capitalists Warwick ;-)Seems far more more like a dictatorship to me! Freedom of speech etc is important but these naive socialists are trying all they can to prevent it. Cheers, Jon |
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Nathan FosterRe: 2nd Bill COLFO update - if you don't act now, you have no right to complain about the outcome.Just bumping this back to the top.Below is a link to COLFO's facebook page with up to date info. I am no great fan of social media but the COLFO page serves as a very useful notice board so please check it over. The current submission is very important. https://www.facebook.com/colfonz |
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Nathan FosterRe: 2nd Bill COLFO update - if you don't act now, you have no right to complain about the outcome.The latest from COLFO:There was a huge response over the weekend asking supporters to endorse the COLFO submission on the Governments second tranche of firearm law reforms. More than 3,000 have added their name in just 48 hours but we want to hit 10,000 by 23 October, when submissions close, to ensure the voice of responsible firearms owners are heard. To help us get there, please send the following link to friends or family who share your concern for fair and reasonable reform, rather than legislation designed to punish responsible firearms owners like you and I. Ask them to add their name here: www.fairandreasonable.co.nz/arms_legislation_bill Finally, weve had a few emails asking whether you can both add your name to the COLFO submission, and also make your own individual submission. Yes you can in fact, we need as many individuals as possible to make their own submissions so that we can convince MPs that the punitive measures in the current Bill go too far and a registration system would be an expensive mistake. Thank you for your support. Nicole McKee Spokesperson Fair and Reasonable Campaign Click below to read the guidance our lawyers have put together about how to make your own submission. https://www.fairandreasonable.co.nz/submission_guidence |