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Paul LevermanGun owners in Canada would do well to read and vote on this petition:https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-2341 |
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Warwick MarflittRe: Parliamentary Petition for Canadians to ReadWestern governments must have some shitty plans and ideas for the future designs of their Human citizen farm lots (Cities)............ Or they're being taken over by the UNs 2030 agenda ........? Did any of you vote for the UN to impose rules n laws in your country?????https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/fileadmin/docs/Q-Handbooks/HB-02-Diplo-Guide/SAS-HB02-Guide-UN-Small-Arms-Process.pdf&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwiLnf_TtbrnAhUw6nMBHfXjBwAQFjANegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw2wkrjXPPp2m-l0aksIwnDo All I can say/Feel is that......" You'd better Run like hell!" Because nothing you'll say or do or vote for is enough to make a sensible change....... We're a Minority group that's been ostracized, bullied and made to feel and have to be responsible for one "worms" Heinous actions...... Just as they don't want Iran to have "THE A BOMB"........ They Don't want Ewe to have guns. To get an unarmed civilian population. #1 You put up prices for legislation, registration, Licensing, ammunition, hunting permits, clubs and so on too price out the affordability of owning any. #2 You make sure to structure the buy back so that more people won't comply, than ones who do. set Fines to a price where you'll make more money in fines after the buy backs amnesty is finished! Than what it costs to run the amnesty, buy and destroy every gun.... #3 In effect you make the gun owners pay for the Collective punishment for owning firearms, that makes them legislated criminals.... and become a crime of which they have no real means to oppose because doing so is an act of defiance against the state........ #4 Divide, Fool and Rule..... In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity Sun Tzu (THE ART OF WAR) These Law makers have got us on a Hamster wheel, the only way is round and round until you get tired and fall off....... They might as well give you a big Yellow "G" For EWE to sew on your clothes! Easy to recognize the Horrible Gun owners among the flock of sheeple....... That way they can spit on and kick you, shave our heads n make a proper job of getting rid of all the dangerous guns.... But they keep all "their" high capacity, laser sighted, Hollow point ammo feed, short, automatic, naughty citizen elimination weapons to shoot and kill us if we don't follow their rules !!!! IT'S NOT WHAT THEY'RE DOING.......ITS HOW THERE GOING ABOUT DOING IT.... PEOPLE NEED TO STAND UP AGAINST AND UNITE AND TELL THEM TO FOLLOW DUE PROCESS AND USE ESTABLISHED LAWS N PROCEDURE IN PLACE FOR THIS KIND OF ISSUE....... THAT'S WHAT I FIND SO REPUGNANT ABOUT THIS WHOLE SITUATION...... United we stand! divided we fall.......And if our backs should ever be against the wall, We'll be together....... Imagine if all the WWI, WWII and other War Vets where alive to see and hear this eh!!!! Make of it what you will....... |
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Paul LevermanRe: Parliamentary Petition for Canadians to ReadThanks, Warwick. I thought it was just me. Nice to know someone's got your back. |
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Frank VallichRe: Parliamentary Petition for Canadians to ReadHello Paul:I've signed and encouraged firearm owners to sign but it requires more than just a petition. The media is required to place a NEW SPIN on the Art of Ethical Hunting. I contacted Matt Besko, Director of Wildlife Policy, Fish and Wildlife Policy Branch, Alberta Environment and Parks Engaged him over 13 emails with cc to: Robert A. Gruszecki, President Alberta Hunter Education Instructors Association The simple idea of holding an accuracy competition for a special draw for moose, elk, mile deer rather than the current setup of multiple applications over time until your number comes up. Matt resisted and found reasons NOT to engage where as Robert thought the idea encouraging. When you can't instill forward thinking nothing will change. Unfortunate government, OLD hacks, reign and rule the roost. Not willing to play in the sandbox is a result of the old boys network of "My way or the Highway". |